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9 Yr. Old Gomer Is Not Eating

Guest gomiesmom

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Guest gomiesmom

We've had our 9 yr. Old boy for 7 years & he's never been what I would consider a "good" eater, like my female, but this past week has taken the cake, log below:

( both dogs have been on Taste of the Wild - Wetlands or Duck for about a year & 2 mos)



Last Fri 5/2 - not eating good started keeping log

Sat 5/3 –ate am 2 cups w/ chick broth- no pm

Sun 5/4- no am, mixed kibble w/ little canned pm - ate a little canned , around the kibble- but would take butternut squash & milos treats.

Mon 5/4 am- ate full 2 c dry kibble ( no mixer/ no water, just dry) & took a blue berry treat at the designated time, as normal ( which he’s also been refusing) , no Pm- but wld eat squash & milos treat;

Tues 5/6 am- ate 1 & 1/2 c - little moist, Pm - ate mixed w/ sardines , but not much ;

Wed 5/7 am - ate sardines off of kibble, pM – ate kibble= 1/2 c of kibble mixed w/ gravy - then another whole cup of kibble, mixed w/ chicken ; later he would take squash & other things.

Thurs 5/8 - no am , no pm - but we were being tough & did not offer any 'mixers', only kibble.... Threw up 8:30 Pm, 6AM;

Fri- 5/9- Pepcid at 11:45 , due to vomit, would eat butternut squash baby food; vomit 2:45 PM , no PM meal

Sat 5/10 - refused Taste / Wild – had some sample ( 5oz) Nutrisource chick / rice- ate that about 4oz at 8 AM, but threw up at 11am( all of it - this was NOT grain free & the pile of vomited food was huge - it has swelled significantly); pepcid at 11:15- went & bought Nutrisource grain free chicken – wouldn’t eat it – bought Whole Earth Farms Chicken/Turkey – he ate 1 handful at 5:20 PM and kept down – gave another handful at 7:20 – lounging normally – 11:30 threw up a litte. No more throw up after that.

Sun 5/11 – AM – would NOT eat Whole Earth Kibble - drank 7:20 – but would eat milos treat & canned chicken - little canned chicken -8 AM – gave pepcid at 11:20 ; pooped at 11:30 – solid ,but a little loose, and dark green ish ( have in a baggie) .Ate a quarter of a can of Taste/ Wild duck at 1:05 ; no vomit so far today. Drank at good bit at 3:50 PM and has kept all down.

took temp this am a& was 100.3 -

He's losing a little weght. He acts like he's hungry, but when presented w/ certain things, it's just turn his head.

We have a vet appt w/ regular vet Tues at 4:30, but should I call in the AM to see if Anyone in the practice can fit him in? should I head to the E-vet.?

Any thoughts? should I just keep going, with the canned chicken & /or ANYTHING he'll eat?

Forgot to add - Full blood & urine workup - end of Dec. ; Dental Jan 31st - all ahs been fine since both of these visits. It's not a toot issue with the kibble, as far as I can tell. i brush w/ petzlife every other night - and the dental was fine - a few issues in the front little ones, one extraction, but otherwise fine, all the big chewing teeth. Since Jan - fine w/ everything.

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Guest gomiesmom

Emailed the Vet about 20 mins ago ( cause I am a pest, & a super worried mommy) , and I am dropping him of in the AM for bloodwork, xrays and ultrasound.

Any thoughts here would still be GREYT - for all you super savvy hound folks -


Gomers Mom

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Sounds like something is going on with his stomach to cause him to refuse food. I'm glad your able to get him in early tomorrow. Hope your vet can figure out what is going on.

If he's feeling sick after eating he's going to associate the food he's just eaten with the way he feels and thus not want to eat any more of it. I have found that Manuka honey works really well to soothe the digestive tract.

Sending white light that it is nothing serious.


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Guest gomiesmom

No vomit today - and no diarreah at all throughout this whole episode.


Most recent poop was solid, but not exactly firm, like normal, but not diarreah either. It was sort of greenish, not like the normal warm brown color it usually is.

Drank a good bit of water at 3:50 and then again , a little, like 5 mins ago.

Keeping all down today - so far.

Will try to fee , whatever he will eat, I guessin just under an hour.

Hope I'm not just dealing w/ a sudden finicky hound, and I am doing ALL the wrong things, but he has to eat, and at this point, as long as it stays down, I really don't care what it is, as long as not too heavy and it stays down.

Sounds like something is going on with his stomach to cause him to refuse food. I'm glad your able to get him in early tomorrow. Hope your vet can figure out what is going on.
If he's feeling sick after eating he's going to associate the food he's just eaten with the way he feels and thus not want to eat any more of it. I have found that Manuka honey works really well to soothe the digestive tract.
Sending white light that it is nothing serious.

Thank you so much for the white light &hopefully it will work - all food today is staying down - so far..

I sort of thought if he vomited it, might not want it again, ( association) but really , unfortunately , I am thinking it's more than that. ideally it would be a "stomach bug" type thing, but I am not sure there is such a thing.

I know it's NOT the food - female hound scarfs down original kibble, and is not refusing, and is fine. She food motivated, and has gotten a little snarky lately when he gets "special" stuff, but I cannot let him not eat, just b/c he will not eat the kibble, IF it's all staying down.

I'd do the same for her, of course.

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I would be concerned too. Something, unless the the weather just turned hot, is making him not feel well enough to eat.


Have new bloodwork done to test for Renal function and take in a fresh morning catch of urine for a dip test. If that's clear then focus on the Liver, Pancreas and Digestive system.


I hope he gets his appetite back soon.

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It might be good to give his digestive system a rest and not feed him anything else until after he's seen the vet. I know certain results can be skewed if the dog has not fasted.

Greyt point. If he needs radiographs and/or an abdominal ultrasound they would prefer the tummy to be empty (water is ok).

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Our very first Dobe ..twenty++ years ago ... was named 'Gomer'....


Nancy...Mom to Sid (Peteles Tiger), Kibo (112 Carlota Galgos) and Joshi.  Missing Casey, Gomer, Mona, Penelope, BillieJean, Bandit, Nixon (Starz Sammie),  Ruby (Watch Me Dash) Nigel (Nigel), and especially little Mario, waiting at the Bridge.




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If he's vomiting after eating, and not really wanting to eat anyway, I would probably fast him for at least two meals, and maybe more. His gut needs some time to calm down, empty out and reset. Unless he is super skinny, missing a couple meals isn't going to hurt him and is probably better than barfing. Nothing to eat at all, not even treats. Make sure he continues drinking - add low sodium chicken broth or pediasure to the water to encourage him to drink.


Then, start with an acid reducer (pepcid, or whatever generic you have) at least 30 minutes prior to feeding. Feed a small amount of a bland diet - not more than 3/4 cup - of a carb source plus a protein source. Carb sources can be overcooked rice, pasta, plain oatmeal, sweet potatoes or regular potatoes. Protein sources need to be low fat and not spicy - boiled ground beef or chicken, broiled or poached chicken breast or turkey, poached tilapia or other white fish (not tuna or salmon as it's too fatty). Two parts carbs to one part protein.


If that stays down for two hours, repeat the same feeding. If that stays down for two hours, increase the amount. Repeat feedings at two-four hour intervals. After a day or so, you can begin adding in his regular kibble little by little. Don't overload his system too soon with a ton of food.


If at any time he stops drinking and becomes dehydrated, or is vomiting with nothing coming out at all, vomits blood, or has bloody diarrhea, get him to the evet right away.

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

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Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Guest gomiesmom

*** Update **

Gomie is at the vet, and they called to say he has a urinary tract infection.. they said his lever looked a littel small on the x-rays so they are going to do some more blood work. They said he has a slight fever of 102.9 - I took his temp last, late yesterday and it was 100.3. Fever may be in part due to NOT being happy at the vet.

they will call me back.

Assume this is UTI is cause of initial not eating.


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Guest gomiesmom

Good -to hear the liver statement is not uncommon - I thought, what the heck - what does it matter, if that's the size of his liver, since birth- and he's been fine for 9 year- what does it matter.Of course an enlarged liver would seem to be a an issue, rather than small. I am glad they checked it nonetheless, and are doing further blood work. He had a full blood & urin panel end of Dec, at his annual - all was good, so we have a very recent baseline to go by - so I guess that's good.

I'll find out more when they call me back and I pick him up .

No fever yesterday certainly does explain his eating yesterday. Yesterday was the best day in a week, ate several small meals of canned chicken and canned duck Tast of the Wild, and no throwing up yesterday at all.

Hopefully the UTI is the culprit, and hopefully we caught it somewhat early - he has NOT broken his house training, period. I think he'd rather do almost anything than that though- he's the best boy about that in the world. He's so great about it.

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Guest gomiesmom


In addition to the UTI - they feel like he' has or had ( on the back end of ) pancreatitis.

I am unsure how or why he has this or when it started - did the UTI affect his appetite & make him stope eating & some of the items I gave him trying to get him to eat ( sardines, gravy on kibble) gave him the pancreatitis or he had the pancreatitis - stopped eating - or which way it all occurred. We have been giving both pups a 'snack' for about the last three months , after their dinner, consisting of some veggies from OuR dinner - not often meats, but sometimes - I am just really unclear how he developed this or why. His pancreas does not look enlarged or inflamed but his liver is 'small', they say.

They feel like he's on the back end , since he did so well yesterday with the small amounts of food/ no vomit, etc. Both dogs are on taste of the wild - wetlands formula ( 18% fat), but they have been on that for about 15 mos - so it's not new .

He had fluids today and I am to give more - he had an antibiotic shot for the UTI - supposed to last two weeks - instead of oral, hopefully to avoid stomach issue w/ antibiotics . Waiting of a bile acid liver test to come back ( should be Wednesday)). If he will drink ( which he will), its fine to have limited water tonight - and I made brown rice & boiled ground turkey , which he has a 1/4 cup of at 7:15. So far so good - I will try to give 1/4 cup more at 9pm.

The pancreatitis is really tripping me up , but I guess I should stop dwelling on it- it is or was present & we have to just fix it.

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Many dogs can harbor a low grade pancreatitis. Did they just evaluate his amylase and lipase or did they run a spec cpl? (Which is more accurate btw).

Regarding diet-keep it simple and keep it low fat. You can feed the prescription food I/D--easy to digest low fat food. Many dogs love it.

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I hope he's feeling better soon. One of my greyhounds had a pancreatitis attack shortly after I adopted him. It was very scary for me and very painful for him. I had given him a pig's ear. :( He could not tolerate fatty foods at all, but did just fine as long as I was vigilant about his diet.

Cynthia, & Cristiano, galgo
Always in my heart: Frostman
Newdawn Frost, Keno Jet Action & Chloe (NGA racing name unknown), Irys (galgo), Hannah (weim), Cruz (galgo), & Carly CW Your Charming

Princess http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?i=1018857

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life, gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are." -- Unknown

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IMO, 18% fat on a kibble is going to be too much fat for a dog coming from pancreatic issues. You also need to be careful about any salmon oil that you give (sardines and such) - you can probably still give but, cut down.


Just a note that I read the initial post a few days ago and at first glance, it looked like just not eating was the problem -- when I read it today, I noticed the vomiting and it looked like it was happening for 3 days in a row which to me is a clear warning sign. From reading the other posts, it also looked like many others also missed the vomiting .. at least from what it seems to me. I'm sorry, I feel that I should have responded early and mentioned that a trip to the vet immediately was warranted.


The rules I typically follow are:

When a dog presents with vomiting over 3 days - trip to vet.

If vomiting and no eating over 2 days - trip to vet.

If vomiting and diarrhea over 1 day - trip to ER.

If any blood in vomiting/diarrhea - trip to ER vet asap.


I have found (in my life) that it is too easy to let an issue slip a day and then another day. If I ever have a question whether I should go or not, we go. I think because of that, I end up at the vet more than most (but, maybe not).


Hope your boy gets better.

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Guest gomiesmom

Hes eating brown rice & boiled ground turkey now- 2-1/4 cups separate feedings last night 2 hours apart& 1/2 c at 7 & another 1/4 at 9am today- drinking normally - no vomit since sat.

Im truly scared - next week to introduce the 18%fat kibble- since we're starting over - do u have a good libble ypu recommend???

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Beth had a near brush with pancreatitis (her reading was just under the acute level) and has been perfect on I/D in the years since (and an extended course of metronidazole at the time to relieve gastric inflammation). She loves it and is seems great for her overall health -- no more poop issues like we dealt with early on and she has the softest coat. Expensive as hell but it has been so good for her I haven't wanted to rock the boat by switching. She gets 1/4 can of the canned I/D as a kibble topper because I am an indulgent mom.


18% fat is an unusually high fat kibble! I never feed Beth anything that high in fat, not even a dog biscuit. For comparison, I/D is 9% fat (and 22% protein) -- low fat, moderate protein is the kind of food you need. I also never give fish oil, as I'm pretty sure that is what triggered her issues. I do her give one sardine canned in water or tomato sauce most days as a snack, away from other food. Everything else she eats I keep low fat.

Edited by PrairieProf

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Guest gomiesmom

We believe UTI is what started the not eating and vomiting & in my desperation to get him to eat, I triggered a mild pancreatitis w/ what I was giving him to 'tempt' him to eat. he is on boiled ground turkey & rice right now. Monday night & tues were great- several small rice mix meals and drinking . This am- not so good ; he wanted no food or water & vomited . We gave fluids & got a nausea pill, no fever. Once the pill kicked in he ate two small meals of the rice mix (spaced apart) & drank & has kept all that down for 6 hours now. He generally just does not look like he feels good . Temp at 99.7 , he laying down, but not 'asleep' & that is not like him.

.i hope he's not in pain. We are going back at 9 am est , I just feel like something is off. The antibiotic shot is barely 48 hrs in his system, & it has not had enough time to clear the infection, I know, but I just feel weird.

We will see in the am

Thank you for all the feedback.

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Guest gomiesmom

Back to the vet today - xray, no change from monday, bloodwork, no significant change from monday; urine - Bilirubin climbed from 3 to 6 - not jaundiced, can keep rice/ boiled ground turkey down, but SOMETHING is making him nauseus. Will eat w/ nausea pill. Ate last night drank last night, ate this AM, would not drink water.

No water this AM, and urine was really concentrated, and showing the elevated Bilirubin.

Going to do Ultrasound and send off sample of urine they take directly from him.

I am freaking out. Is there anything else I should be doing ( not expeting a diagnosis from you guys, just want to know I am doing everything possible.)

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