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Ticks - Help

Guest carriej

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Guest carriej

Well. I found something I have never in my life - ever seen before.


A tick.


A big one. By pictures I think it was a dog tick.


Not on my dog... On my wall.


And then I found three more. One on my cat. One on my bed. One on the CEILING. If I don't completely lose my mind... It will be a miracle. I initially thought it was a bedbug, then counted the legs. Too many legs.. Ugh


Here is the beasty. I squashed it with my hands before I knew I should. Here I am, immune compromised and on chemo... Let us hope these ticks don't have something.


What do I do to de-tick my house? Chances are there are more.



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Yep, that's a tick. I'm sorry, because I know the creepy crawly feeling I get when I find one. I'm on "high alert" for weeks afterward.





Lucy with Greyhound Nate and OSH Tinker. With loving memories of MoMo (FTH Chyna Moon), Spirit, Miles the slinky kitty (OSH), Piper "The Perfect" (Oneco Chaplin), Winston, Yoda, Hector, and Claire.

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I think you are right about it being a Brown Dog Tick but I'm sure someone with more honed id skills will post.

Lucy with Greyhound Nate and OSH Tinker. With loving memories of MoMo (FTH Chyna Moon), Spirit, Miles the slinky kitty (OSH), Piper "The Perfect" (Oneco Chaplin), Winston, Yoda, Hector, and Claire.

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I've never seen ticks crawling up my wall or on my ceiling & I live tick central. Gack! I'm no expert but those sure look like brown a dog tick. Dog ticks are larger than deer ticks. An engorged deer tick can be as big as an un-engorged dog tick but an engorged deer tick, in my experience looks fat where as an un-engorged dog tick is flat. If you've never seen either though that distinction may be hard to discern. (The very fact that I know the difference from personal experience is rather disturbing.) Most deer ticks are tiny, tiny unless engorged from a meal. Dog ticks can be small but still large compared to a hungry deer tick. If the ticks look quite flat then they haven't had a good meal & so it highly unlikely to have had a chance to transmit disease. It's hard to be certain from the picture but that tick looks skinny. (Disclaimer: I'm in accounting not entomology.)


So the question is where the heck did those come from?

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Ugghhh...I hate ticks. I was just going to comment on how I am glad it is winter here, but then realized you are in N.B. I have no idea how you have them in your house at this time of year. They must have been carried in on one of the animals or humans when the weather was warmer.


That looks like a dog tick to me. The deer ticks are really small. It doesn't look like it has been sucking on anyone for awhile either. I would just check over all of your animals carefully, wash/vacuum like you do with fleas and you can get flea/tick spray for your house as well. As far as I know ticks don't/can't lay eggs in your house so if you can get all of the adults you should be good. Ick!

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Guest carriej

Yep. We just had a whole darn winters worth of snow fall yesterday.


The only thing I can think of; is that it came from a foster grey we had... In August... Which is concerning. It's flat as a piece of paper, so were the others I found which were really tiny. However, I am guessing they were a smaller life stage of it or some kind of witchery. So since there is multiple life stages... guess what... I am infested! Well not really... But my husband and I tore the house APART... We can't find anymore, but I am so disturbed... Like I won't be able to sleep for a week.. Or more... However I don't know how I would be able to find those on Chance, he is brown! He has been treated but I am always leery of how effective everything is. I had just given them their last treatment at the end of Nov and was going to be done until summer... But looks like I'll be dishing out another few hundred to treat the whole house - YUCK!


My vet told me that dog ticks are the only ones who will "reproduce" in a home, and since I am seeing different sized ones it's probably happened already... Luckily; the dog ticks aren't disease spreading demons like the deers... But I still don't want!

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I Don't have cats and have always just treated the animals for ticks, washed all the bedding and sprayed everything I could reach with Adams water based flea and tick spray. Shouldn't take hundreds of dollars.

When I pulled greyhounds from the Western Oklahoma farms I saw ticks like you never dreamed of. Some of them had green ticks between their toes and ears so bad it looked like bunches of miniature grapes. I believe the personal record for ticks that I pulled off one dog was my Bella. I pulled them off and tossed them in rubbing alcohol. We did batches of 50 and I quit counting after 200. I DID get creeped out one night while watching TV and one was on me (but hadn't attached).

Odds or good that your foster brought in a hitchhiker on the haul north.

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Guest carriej

Just judging on the price for flea/tick treatment, to do 3 months of treatment it would be close to $300 if not over that for all 4 animals. Maybe treatment is cheaper across the border? I am not sure. Regardless I want those baddies out!


I have never heard of the Adam's stuff. Might be another american thing. Seems like all the good stuff we can't get on this side of the border, I am going hunting tomorrow before work to see what I can find. I sprayed everything in hospital grade disinfectant tonight... I don't know if it will kill them but it made me feel better. I also vacuumed every crevice and my husband took off all the trim and we vacuumed that too for good measure. We also washed all soft things and there is still things being washed...

I hate creepy crawlies.

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Walmart sells the Adams products or you can get it online. Not sure if their water-based or oil-based spray is better.


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

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Guest carriej



So he had some on him, between his toes... I am so discouraged. He has been on treatment since before we got him and during... Why has it not worked to kill the ticks? He still has another 10 days or so before he is due (every 30 days)...

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diatomaceous earth, the food grade kind works great on ticks. Will not harm pets or people. I have been dealing with these nasty things since Oct, they are the brown dog tick and like everyone else has said are the ONLY ticks that can survive in the home for months! We have dusted around all the walls,floor bases, in the outlets and under the dog crates and under all dog beds. It is a very drying powder and kills any exoskeleton creature, so it's good for killing all those creepy crawling things. All dogs are treated with a topical and we are going to have the yard treated too. We also vacuum daily and wash all dog bedding weekly. It's a pain in the neck but it's the only way to control them....I'm in NC and may not get a good freeze to kill the buggers outside, so it is going to be a long process for us to get rid of them. I think once you get the house treated you should be good as you will be in a deep freeze soon. It may take a couple of treatments in the house though.

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What meds are you using? Maybe you need to find something more effective on ticks (from reading comments on here, it sounds like a lot of the "southern" fleas and ticks have developed superhuman powers and are becoming immune to some of the meds).


Also, depending on how much you pay, you may be able to order meds more cheaply online.



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Guest carriej

I have always used Revolution as it's readily available and I have cats; and a lot of the dog flea/tick treatments are not safe if there are cats in the home and revolution is.


The sucker was hooked right on having a big feed.. P'd me right off.


I am going to discuss more options with my vet tomorrow and hope this can be resolved... I have literally been in there every week this month, and my vet bills alone I am sure will pay her mortgage and utilities this month.

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Ask her about adding Front line Spray. That has worked rather well for us & can be used in conjunction with many other flea/tick products. I spray the dogs outside as we are headed somewhere. By the time we get home it is dry. That's my solution to the cats & dogs problem. Good luck. Hope you find a solution.

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Guest Clawsandpaws

We do an Adams bath at the kennel which usually knocks the nasty Florida fleas and ticks right off. I would do that along with the Adams spray. I hate using the stuff, but it seems to be the only thing that works almost instantly. Dudley has been on almost every cat safe topical treatment and none have worked. This month I caved and tried advantix II which is toxic for cats. I put it on him outside, and took him away from the house for about 5 hours. So far it has all been okay, BUT Dudley and the cat do not interact/share space with each other so that makes it easier....


Good luck :( hope your vet has some good advice

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Guest carriej

We don't really have any exterminators... :/ ... Bugs aren't really an issue here. I called pest control when we had fleas last year and they were like "uhhh.. We would have to order stuff... we can sell you a flea bomb".


I'm so terrified of babesiosis... No one has any idea.

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If I were you I would personally hold off making a vet appointment and order things online. Assuming there are no ticks in your area, once these ones are gone they should be gone. You can order Frontline Plus without a prescription from a U.S. website called Allivet. http://www.allivet.com/p-989-frontline-plus-for-dogs.aspx


Also, you can order the Adam's flea spray in Canada on amazon.ca (if you have a Petsmart you could check there as well but I have never seen it in any store here). That should take care of any eggs/live ticks if there are any more. :)





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