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Thyme Is Seizing! At Emergency Now...

Guest DeniseL

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There were two seizures. One stopped and a few minutes later another one started. Having two so close together would have me worried. I strongly suggest that you make an appointment with the neurologist and have them show you how to do the rectal valium - you don't want to get it from a regular vet because they don't get the dosage right. You may never need to use it but, with seizures you learn to always be prepared and not let your guard down. You don't need an MRI unless you would be willing to go through brain surgery if it turns out there is a tumor. Otherwise, the treatment would be same in that you try and control the seizures. Also, if it is a tumor, usually other symptoms show up and it gets clearer within 18 months to 2 years.


Get a FULL thyroid panel as sometimes seizure dogs are at the lower end. If you ever go on meds, you also want to get yearly checks to make sure the meds have not changed the thyroid levels.

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There were two seizures. One stopped and a few minutes later another one started. Having two so close together would have me worried. I strongly suggest that you make an appointment with the neurologist and have them show you how to do the rectal valium - you don't want to get it from a regular vet because they don't get the dosage right. You may never need to use it but, with seizures you learn to always be prepared and not let your guard down. You don't need an MRI unless you would be willing to go through brain surgery if it turns out there is a tumor. Otherwise, the treatment would be same in that you try and control the seizures. Also, if it is a tumor, usually other symptoms show up and it gets clearer within 18 months to 2 years.


Get a FULL thyroid panel as sometimes seizure dogs are at the lower end. If you ever go on meds, you also want to get yearly checks to make sure the meds have not changed the thyroid levels.


Just want to clarify one point you made--if an MRI is done and a brain tumor is discovered you don't necessarily need to have surgery performed. My Shannon was diagnosed with a meningioma (benign brain tumor) and because of its location surgery was not an option but, radiation was. She just completed the course of radiation. I'm blessed to have a rt clinic one town away equipped with a sterotactic radio surgery unit (aka gamma knife-cyber knife). Only 3 treatments needed and we are expecting a greyt remission time. :-)
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:goodluck I'm glad she's home and resting. Hoping this is a one time thing.

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Just want to clarify one point you made--if an MRI is done and a brain tumor is discovered you don't necessarily need to have surgery performed. My Shannon was diagnosed with a meningioma (benign brain tumor) and because of its location surgery was not an option but, radiation was. She just completed the course of radiation. I'm blessed to have a rt clinic one town away equipped with a sterotactic radio surgery unit (aka gamma knife-cyber knife). Only 3 treatments needed and we are expecting a greyt remission time. :-)



That's great news - thanks for updating on an alternative to surgery. May I ask what the cost of the radiation was?

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Guest DeniseL

She is doing good tonight. I saw a little twitch, but it might have just been that, a twitch. Of course, I am over analyzing every move she makes. I might just go ahead and make the appointment with the neurologist anyway. Her insurance will pay for everything. If only to have a plan of action in case anything changes. I am trying to be positive, but she just seems to be the perfect age for an onset of epilepsy. And, jeez, it seems like half of my hound friends have had or have a seizure dog :( I guess it is pretty common.

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That's great news - thanks for updating on an alternative to surgery. May I ask what the cost of the radiation was?

It's costly but effective and better than the traditional radiation treatments that would require 28 consecutive days. The SRT cost $7,200 and there's a another clinic in Yonkers, NY that charges $10,000. Another reason to have pet insurance (which Shannon does not have-ugh). Here's a link to the rt we go to-


Oh-wanted to add that they rec the patient does not have surgery prior to the treatments.

Edited by tbhounds
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Unfortunately, epi-dogs are pretty common. And epilepsy is very frustrating for owners because it has such a wide spectrum but very few definitive answers. I've heard of dogs that have one seizure, then never have one again. Then there are dogs that are so seizure sensitive, that the slightest change in meds or dosing (like turning the clocks back) can trigger them to seize. It really is a mystery.


My Henry had his first seizure on his third birthday (I remember thinking, wow, what a horrible birthday this must be for him). But luckily for us, his seizures were pretty intermittent for the first year or so. We decided not to medicate right away, since he was only averaging one sporadic GM every 2-6 months. The reason I made the decision not to medicate is because seizure meds aren't the most benign drugs in the world. They often have side effects, and some, like Phenobarbital, cause liver damage with longterm use. But then his seizures started gradually increasing, and he started having both partial and GM seizures every month. At that point, we had no choice. I did the consult with a veterinary neurologist, and I am very happy we went that route.


Hoping Thyme is doing better today. :)

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Seizures are SO scary! Can't blame you for over analyzing---once you've seen one, you're always afraid of another. We've had 2 seizure cats and one seizure dog.

Thinking about your sweet girl, and hoping she is seizure free for a long, long time.

Nancy, Mom to Evangelina and Kiva
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Guest DeniseL

How's my Thyme doing today, Denise?

She was fine last night and this morning...I baby gated her upstairs away from the others while we are at work today. She has her binky and boney up there with her. Hoping for the best, but if she had a seizure today, we might not even know about it.

Of course last night I started online researching about canine seizures. Scary stuff. And the meds are scary, too, like Alicia said :(

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that's good that you babygated her away from the others. You don't know how they will react.


I hope she had a good day.


{{{{{{{Denise and Vinny}}}}}}}}


PS. Is there any chance she got into any of Miami's meds? Or anything outside?

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Guest DeniseL

that's good that you babygated her away from the others. You don't know how they will react.


I hope she had a good day.


{{{{{{{Denise and Vinny}}}}}}}}


PS. Is there any chance she got into any of Miami's meds? Or anything outside?


It's possible she got something outside, but I just don't know. Her tummy has been upset today, I guess that is connected? So weird. But she seems ok tonight. I have a couple of seizure questions...I think I should start a new thread for them....


I think she needs a play date at Auntie's when she is feeling 100% :)

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Guest DeniseL

Denise, I'm just seeing this. Poor Thyme, and poor you & Vinnie.


Thank you :( She is just not quite right. The last two days she has had two accidents in the house. Peeing in the corner and she never has accidents. Then today, I noticed a yellow stain on the carpet upstairs, I think it must have been a little bile, so I wonder if she threw up during the day. Still watching and waiting, I guess. Hoping for the best...not sure I should make the appointment with the neurologist, yet, as I have not seen her have another seizure. Maybe this is just the after effects? Ugh. I just don't know.

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How long will it take to get the neuro appointment if you need to? If it's a couple weeks lead time, I'd consider making the appointment and canceling it if it doesn't seem necessary later.

Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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It's very common for seizure dogs to void their bladder/bowels or throw up after a seizure. Henry always peed during the post-ictal phase. I'd probably get her to the neurologist soon, since she may be having seizures when you aren't home. Did they run a full thyroid panel on her?

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Guest DeniseL

She had some sort of "episode" tonight. She came in from a walk and started pacing around with her tail tucked between her legs, looking scared. I grabbed her and started stroking/hugging her and her muscles were trembling and contracting. Her neck got tight, but it wasn't like the first seizure she had at all. Not severe like that. It lasted a minute or so and then was done. She stood up the whole time and seemed coherent.


I thought maybe it was a precursor to a seizure, but now she is curled up on the couch sleeping :dunno


So was that a seizure? It was almost like something just really spooked her and she was shaking really bad, but I was holding her and could feel her muscles contracting and getting stiff, especially her neck...

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It happened this morning. She either tripped down the last few steps and started seizing, or started seizing and then tripped down the steps. It lasted a couple minutes, got better, and then started again. We put her in the car and came to the Evet.

My baby cant catch a break...

They are running blood work and blood pressure now....

omg i'm so sorry! <3 keeping her and YOU in my thoughts.

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She had some sort of "episode" tonight. She came in from a walk and started pacing around with her tail tucked between her legs, looking scared. I grabbed her and started stroking/hugging her and her muscles were trembling and contracting. Her neck got tight, but it wasn't like the first seizure she had at all. Not severe like that. It lasted a minute or so and then was done. She stood up the whole time and seemed coherent.


I thought maybe it was a precursor to a seizure, but now she is curled up on the couch sleeping :dunno


So was that a seizure? It was almost like something just really spooked her and she was shaking really bad, but I was holding her and could feel her muscles contracting and getting stiff, especially her neck...

I know this doesn't really help you but when kids have seizures they happen in several different ways, including when a kid appears to be fully coherant. It's almost like they "zone out" for a minute or two but they are really sneaky, almost undetectable seizures. I know in kids they can present in a number of ways but I don't know how that translates to canines. I would still keep a record of it just in case. again, you & Vinnie are in our thoughts. I'm so sorry you are going through this.

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