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Trying Out The Dark Side (Green Side?) Iams Green Bag

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I adopted Rocky in February and he's always had pudding poops. Sometimes they would firm up slightly, other times they would be more liquid but never well-formed. When I adopted I was told that he had tested positive for hooks and was treated for those. At a introduction/wellness visit at my vet in February his fecal was negative. I transitioned him from Pro-Plan (which is what he was fed at his one-week foster stay) to Flint River Ranch "Fish and Chips" (trout and sweet potato) which is what I feed my non-grey. I thought maybe he was having difficulty with the food transition, so I transitioned slowly. I added greek yogurt, I added Psyllium. Nothing really made a big difference.


A month ago, I took him back to the vet and ran another fecal--positive for both hooks and giardia. He was treated with two courses of metronidazole, two courses of Panacur, and forti-flora probiotics. No improvement. A fecal result Monday said negative for all parasites. So, on my way home I picked up a small "green bag" and fed him half and half last night for dinner.


Now I swear his morning poop this morning was firmer than it has ever been! He had another half and half portion for breakfast and I plan on going 100% iams for dinner tonight, but if the trend continues I don't care how subpar I may have thought Iams food was, I will be sticking with it. Paying 1/4 of the cost of the FRR would just be an added bonus.


I will monitor to ensure the positive firming trend continues, then test to make sure my other mutt can tolerate the Iams (I would prefer to avoid feeding two separate foods if it is not necessary). If everything goes well, I'll be adding another testimonial to the pile (tee hee, pun not intended) of happy customers. I just wanted to post in case the information I add can be helpful to anyone else.


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Guest twoskinnydogs

I used Iams green bag for a while....never had any problems, when I adopted Rita she was on Purina One Lamb and Rice, I decided to switch John to that because it was just a little more a bag but had better ingredients :)

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I converted to Iams a little over a month ago and it's been great. Before trying Iams, we tried Blue Buffalo and then Nature's Recipe before giving the green bag a shot. He still chows it down and seem to be happy on it. I did add fish oil and glucosamine to his diet to help add some additional nutritional value to his meals. I might experiment with something with better ingredients down the road but if he's happy and stools are firm, I'm happy too. :pepper

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I always go to the Green Bag when mine have issues.... it works wonders!

lorinda, mom to the ever revolving door of Foster greyhounds

Always in my heart: Teala (LC Sweet Dream) , Pepton, Darbee-Do (Hey Barb) , Rascal (Abitta Rascal), Power (Beyond the Power), and the miracle boy LAZER (2/21/14), Spirit (Bitter Almonds) 8/14

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The Green bag certainly firmed Peggy up and I'll go back to it again if she has issues with her present Country Choice food which is even 'darker' with regard to the pennies spent on it. :bow


That 'dark side' stuff also comes with a recipe that actually helps early stage kidney dogs too (I tried it with my last dog).

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I watched two greyhounds that belong to my friends. They both eat Iams Green and are doing great. They eaten since they were adopted. One if 11 years old and the other is 9.

Xavi the galgo and Peter the cat. Missing Iker the galgo ?-Feb.9/19, Treasure (USS Treasure) April 12/01-May 6/13, Phoenix (Hallo Top Son) Dec.14/99-June 4/11 and Loca (Reko Swahili) Oct.9/95 - June 1/09, Allen the boss cat, died late November, 2021, age 19.

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I like the Iams, or rather, the dogs do. Just be warned that while the poo is nice, it also tends to be rather copious. An extra "out" might be needed.


This is good to know...even with his pudding poops he only goes 2-3 times a day. I'll be extra mindful the next few days of a need to 'go' more frequently...


...that also reminds me, even with the poo problems, he's never had gas. I really hope that doesn't change! :(


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The beet pulp is a "fiber" that helps to move things along. Science Diet lite also has a good amount of fiber in the form of cellulose -- about 12% or so and that will help firm up the poop too.


I usually just give my dogs oatmeal mixed into their food and it keeps them all regular.

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To my knowledge the beet pulp works a bit differently than oatmeal or celluose (which I refuse to feed because of my craziness). I don't want my dogs eating wood or cotton and at least beet pulp is leftover veggies in a form. I also think that it has more ability to control water in the intestine than the other two mentioned. Have only had less and firmer poo with Iams.

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Guest BrianRke

Frank eats Iams green bag also. Its the ONLY food that gives him nice poops. I am not particularly fond of the ingredients, but he's been on it for a year now and is doing greyt!

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Guest Patton

Positive hookworm, treated, negative, later tested positive again and treated. Dietary change seems to be working well now and it does sound as if last worming was treated aggressively. I would retest for parasites though until you get 2-3 negative results in a row, just to be safe.


It's amazing how much a dogs poo can tell us about their health. It always puts a smile on my face when I see a nicely formed one deposited. Makes the scooping job a pleasure too!!

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Guest kkaiser104

I'm so glad you posted this! I've only had Teddi home for a week and a half, but in that time his poops have gone from bad to worse and I was starting to get pretty worried about him. He was on pedigree at the kennel, and I've tried introducing Kirkland chicken and rice (what my parents dogs have eaten for years) but he's still having very loose stools. Right now he's on 75% pedigree, 25% kirkland. I still have a whole lot of kirkland, so I might try doing Iams and Kirkland both, or just send it home with my parents when they visit in a few weeks for their dogs.


Is it too soon to give up on the Kirkland, or should I just go pick up a bag of Iams tonight and try that for breakfast tomorrow? He's tested negative for worms and does look like hes putting on a few pounds (he was supposed to gain 2 or 3 pounds), but his stools are so loose and the poor guy can't feel very good!

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I'm so glad you posted this! I've only had Teddi home for a week and a half, but in that time his poops have gone from bad to worse and I was starting to get pretty worried about him. He was on pedigree at the kennel, and I've tried introducing Kirkland chicken and rice (what my parents dogs have eaten for years) but he's still having very loose stools. Right now he's on 75% pedigree, 25% kirkland. I still have a whole lot of kirkland, so I might try doing Iams and Kirkland both, or just send it home with my parents when they visit in a few weeks for their dogs.


Is it too soon to give up on the Kirkland, or should I just go pick up a bag of Iams tonight and try that for breakfast tomorrow? He's tested negative for worms and does look like hes putting on a few pounds (he was supposed to gain 2 or 3 pounds), but his stools are so loose and the poor guy can't feel very good!


10 days or so isn't all that long--his poo issues could possibly be related to general "settling-in" stress, or even the outrageous heat. In general, though, I've found that you'll know within 2 days if a food is working for the dog or not. I would try going with all kirkland, since that is what you have and see if it makes any difference. If not, try the Iams and if that doesn't work, I would do both another vet exam and try a non-chicken food.


Also, 3 days into the Green Bag and Rocky has continued to have the best poos ever. Not "bounceable" (I love all the poo adjectives I've learned on this forum), but definitely formed into logs. No more cow patties! I haven't noticed any issues with gas or increased "frequency" in his outs, either. It's early yet, but things are looking good enough that I bought a big bag of the Iams and stopped my FRR autoships.


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Guest kkaiser104

Guess who's poop was solid today for the first time since I brought him home? Looks like the Iams was a good decision! I'll have to get a big bag and send the Kirkland home with my folks I guess. Does anybody mix Kirkland and Iams with positive results?

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This just goes to show that our dogs' digestive systems don't read all the hype about what is better or worse for them.


It is so individual that it can get crazy-frustrating. Glad things seem to be looking ("log"-ing? :thumbs-up ) up! Hope your luck continues!

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Guest Lady_Catherine

I hope it works out! I used Iams for Sarah the Wonder Dog for years, until she got sick (not related to Iams!) and a change of diet was suggested as a possible helpful thing. We now feed her Wellness Simple, but we have to add pumpkin for some extra fiber or else we get loose stool. Iams did good stuff with her poop, and I missed that for sure when we switched! I'm glad it is working out for you!

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