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Allergies To Greyhounds?

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I am wondering how many people with dog allergies are allergic to greyhounds? Most people tolerate greyhounds pretty well even if they are allergic. Anyone know of people that couldn't be around greyhounds because of their allergies? We have two greys being returned because a 12 year-old has developed severe allergies. They have had the greys 15 months. They already rehomed the cats which they had for a few years.

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I have heard of people with allergies to greyhounds.


Around my house, though, it's more a reaction I have to the various pollens my dogs are bringing in on their coats. At certain times of the year, if I wake up with a greyhound under my nose, I wake up with allergy difficulties.

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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Guest Angelique

I recently got to foster a Weimaraner because allegedly the daughter had developed allergies. It turned out to be a excuse to get rid of a dog and not feel bad about it. You might want to suggest the air filters, there are some that are really great and can reduce allergies in children to almost nil, as well as allergy shots...

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I am allergic to dogs, cats and a variety of sundry items including my three greys. I take my allergy medicines religiously and generally do OK. I am willing to put up with the symptoms I do have which are worse on the weekends because I work and am gone all day during the week. I agree many people use allergies as an excuse to get rid of their animals, but my thought on that is; if they really don't want the dog isn't it better the dog go to a home where is will be loved and appreciated? Just my 2 cents worth.


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The daughter now has asthma. I think their doctor is really pushing it. This year is particularly bad for allergies and I am betting it is more seasonal. They did allergy testing. They just bought four collars two weeks ago and all their updates on the dogs were really good. The dogs are coming back anyway and I may already have a home for one of them. I have mild allergies to dogs, but my main problem is mold. My doc said I shouldn't sleep with the dogs which is pretty funny. The family seems pretty upset over giving them back but who knows.

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my religious believes/rituals basically include a nightly zyrtec. along w/ that ritual it's sometime allerpet-d, almost daily vacuuming and air purifiers and good grooming. yeah, i'm a member of the "allergic" sect and these rituals do help greatly. oh, and NO DOGS in the bedroom...it's one of the commandments!

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Guest Gillybear

I definitely have some allergic reaction to Gill, easily managed with meds. He does not set off my asthma, though some dogs will. I can imagine watching your daughter struggle with asthma would be scary. I would probably do whatever I could to try to eliminate symptoms even if it meant having to return a dog that was otherwise doing well in our family. Here's hoping for a happy ending for all involved.

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I don't know anyone allergic to Greyhounds. They are one of the low-shedding breeds. I get hayfever sometimes anyway and what the dog brings in on her coat doesn't make any difference. The remedy is Loritadine and a hot shower (the shower does the most good IMO).

I think it's really sad when doctors push kids into being asthmatics as the family will blame everything except the real cause: keeping the kid too 'clean' in the very early years.

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Guest EvanstonGrey

my husband has suffered from allergies all his life - fika doesn't bother him, and yes, she sleeps in the bedroom (and even in the bed sometimes)... psychological/emotional benefits of these great dogs can do a lot too! :)

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I'm allergic! Developed a couple years ago. I have all of these strict rules to follow.... Which I don't do! I take zyrtec and this year the allergies are bad! I also have environmental allergies. Starting to contemplate allergy shots, but I know insurance won't cover it.




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I think it's really sad when doctors push kids into being asthmatics as the family will blame everything except the real cause: keeping the kid too 'clean' in the very early years.


Plenty of people have asthma despite being raised without antibiotic stuff, playing in the dirt, etc, we certainly were and yet my youngest brother had such severe asthma he spent several weeks a year in the hospital as a young child. Asmatha can be a lethal problem and needs to be taken very seriously, particularly in young children.


And yes, some people are allergic to greyhounds--SIL and my nephew. Fortunately, they can be around mine as long as I clean well before they come over and they take additional preventative medicine.

Beth, Petey (8 September 2018- ), and Faith (22 March 2019). Godspeed Patrick (28 April 1999 - 5 August 2012), Murphy (23 June 2004 - 27 July 2013), Leo (1 May 2009 - 27 January 2020), and Henry (10 August 2010 - 7 August 2020), you were loved more than you can know.

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I'm allergic to all dogs, greyhounds included. I'm better than I used to be but have a different dog come in the house with different dander and I have a few problems. A person can develop allergies at any point in their lives.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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I'm allergic to both cats and dogs, but FAR worse to cats (was like 9.75 out of a scale of 10 when tested about 35 years ago). I'm ok with dogs and mine don't seem to bother me much (neither did our bridge non-gh's) but I try to keep the allergen level as low as I can, like keeping the house clean, quitting smoking (that was a big one!) few drapes (they collect the dander) and hardwood where possible. I have asthma so it's really important to not let it get bad.


I wonder if it was only the cats that the 12 yo was allergic to?

Kim and Bruce - with Rick (Rick Roufus 6/30/16) and missing my sweet greyhound Angels Rainey (LG's Rainey 10/4/2000 - 3/8/2011), Anubis (RJ's Saint Nick 12/25/2001 - 9/12/12) and Zeke (Hey Who Whiz It 4/6/2009 - 7/20/2020) and Larry (PTL Laroach 2/24/2007 - 8/2/2020) -- and Chester (Lab) (8/31/1990 - 5/3/2005), Captain (Schipperke) (10/12/1992 - 6/13/2005) and Remy (GSP) (?/?/1998 - 1/6/2005) at the bridge
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." -- Ernest Hemmingway

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I've had asthma since I was 6 or younger. Mine is both allergy and exercise related. If asthama is created by keeping your kid too clean my mudpie making barefoot playing self must be a rare being - doubt that many kids were kept "too clean" in the early 1960s.


When Poodle and I moved to East Texas I seldom if ever used my inhaler. Same when we were back here and briefly between greys. As soon as Bella came back my asthma got worse, but not in a huge way. I think I am allergic to greyhounds. My niece, who is 48, had to quit visiting me when I fostered a great deal because the multiple greys set off her asthma, which is much worse than mine.


Anyone that thinks greys are low shedding is welcome to wear black and sit on Buddys bed in the spring. :lol To the best of my knowledge the fur is not the culprit in allergies, but the dander. That is why I am fine with some cats, but my eyes swell shut with others...they have different dander. Dogs who have fur that need to be cut like poodles, bichons, yorkies usually have far less dander than dogs that shed, even a little. I could not hold my nieces doxie at all unless I was antihistime doped up - I'd actually break out beside being short of breath.

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Guest greytkidsmom

DH has been suffering with allergies for years. He finally went to an allergist and he is allergic to dogs amongst other things. He was started on medication which is already helping and he will start allergy shots as soon as they are mixed. There is a nationwide shortage of dog dander protein right now. We are fortunate that we have health insurance and that the treatments are covered. Not everyone is as fortunate and not everyone is willing to undergo a series of shots.


I just read an article where they studied "hypoallergenic" dogs (labradoodles and portugese water hounds in particular). The homes of the "hypoallergenic" dogs had higher concentrations of dander than those with other breeds.



Asthma can be a serious problem - I can imagine a parent being desperate enough to try anything (including rehoming a pet) in an attempt to make their child better. Are the dogs really the trigger for this girl's allergies? Who knows but I can understand trying to eliminate all possible causes.

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Some people will undoubtedly be allergic to greyhounds. You can be allergic to anything!


However, IMHO, there are times when people who are told they are allergic to the dog or the cat are not actually allergic to the pet but to house dust and house dust mite. ANY animal will shed fur and dander and that's what dust mites live on. If you don't keep your house spotless, you will have an explosion of dust mites after bringing an animal to live in your house, simply because they are a food source.


If the problem is that when you hold or touch an animal you have allergy problems, then you are probably allergic to it. If the problem is that you can't be in a house or the environment where they live, then the problem may in fact be something else - either the dust mite, or any bedding that you use (wood shavings, hay, straw etc).


I have an allergy to cats. I can't be in a house where they are kept for very long without developing trouble with breathing, but also, if I stroke one and then touch my face I get instant swelling and itching. On the other hand, since we've had Jeffie I've had trouble coughing (linked with asthma) because he sheds so much and I'm hopeless at housework! I do have a big problem with house dust and house dust mite. :(


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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I'm allergic! Developed a couple years ago. I have all of these strict rules to follow.... Which I don't do! I take zyrtec and this year the allergies are bad! I also have environmental allergies. Starting to contemplate allergy shots, but I know insurance won't cover it.


i did shots for a couple of years, did abosutley...NADA! don't waste your time. the allergist was busy pushing every new drug on the market. the shots made me soooo supersensitive that i reacted to EVERYTHING! try a neti pot and see if one of the nasal sprays works for you. so, far i am doing well w/ nasalchrome, i buy the generic from cvs. also finding the right eye drops heips.

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Guest PhillyPups

I feel if someone wants to return a dog, whatever they say their reason is, I found it is best to just take the dog back. If it is not one reason, later on down the road it will be another. Apparently they are not committed enough to research any solutions.

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Guest Bean_Scotch

I'm horribly allergic to dogs. I'm more allergic to Bull Dogs, Pitts, Rotts, Labs, etc. I'm completely fine with Bichons, Poodles, Setters, Greyhounds, and breed with similar hair coat. It's quite odd. I have 10 Greyhounds in my house now and i'm doing fine. The minute I touch a bull dog or similar coated breed I'm breaking out in red bumps all over my arms...

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Guest Timo

I'm allergic to cats and dogs. It depends on the specific animal as to the extent of my allergies. I am on allergy meds, and they definitely help. As for greyhounds, I find that I am much less allergic to them than I am to some other breeds. I can hug and kiss Timo without problems.


I use to babysit a Boston terrier, and my skin would break out from holding him. Whenever i was around another friend's pug, my allergies would flare up, and i would have to leave. I use to have a Siamese cat where my allergies got worse and worse over time. It got to the point that everytime I was around him, I would have a debilitating allergy attack (light headed, barely functional for the next hour). I did end up having to rehome him because it wasn't fair to him that I couldn't pay any attention to him, and he was more like a dog than my greyhound is. He followed me around everywhere and wanted to constantly hang on my shoulder.


Anyway, that was long winded. My point was that for me personally, greyhounds cause me less allergy attacks than many other breeds.

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Please don't think bad of these people. It sounds like they really don't want to give up their pets. I understand their concerns. Our DS became very sensitive and ill when he was 3 years old. He had severe allergies to milk, eggs, and wheat. It was a very hard time for us. Now that he is 13, all of those things are much better. But, those times were awful. They told us we should not have pets either.


When I was a child, I had allergies and the doctor told my parents that we needed to get rid of our dog. I bawled in the doctor's office. My parents made a deal with me. The next time I went, we would tell him that the dog was gone even though he wasn't. I was on allergy shots. Every time they tested me I would react to the opposite thing I was getting shots for. One time it would be dogs, the next time cats. I have been that way my whole life. Our cats bothered me the most. So, when the last one passed on, we haven't gotten another. Our GH Dawn bothered me a lot. It was mostly in the spring and fall. At other times, she didn't bother me too bad.


I will keep these poor people in my prayers. Their daughter probably feels very guilty.

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I have a feeling their daughter will continue to have a lot of problems after the dogs are gone. Right now she is staying with the grandmother. I am picking them up on Friday and have a home for Alfie already. Big Moose will stay at my house (love the name). Probaby the asthma is the biggest problem and the allergies just make it worse. My brother was allergic to everything when he was young and was in the hospital many times and almost died. This was in 60s and things were different then. He outgrew many of his allergies by the name he was around 18. Alfie is going to a home with another greyhound about his age and also an IG.

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Guest FullMetalFrank

I found out that my fiance is dog-allergic when we visited his mom a couple of weeks ago; she has a McNabb terrier mix; he can't be in the house for fifteen minutes before his eyes start getting bloodshot and swelling. This is a pretty new development, she's had her dog for years and this is the worst it's ever been. Greyhounds? They don't bother him a bit! He had to retreat from her house into our little 18' travel trailer with our two greyhounds to get relief! He does take Zyrtec on occasion at home, but it's mostly pollen that bothers him.

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Guest IHeartDogs

I have been fostering greyhounds for over 3 years. I have some environmental allergies in the spring/summer, allergic to cats and can be sensitive to some dog dander.

The strange thing is, some greyhounds cause allergic reactions and some do not. I notice that males do it more than females, strange I know. It is not terrible and claritin or zyrtec usually works.

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Guest WhiteWave

I'm highly allergic to cats and birds and just recently I believe I've become allergic to dogs as well. I wasn't when I was tested like 15 yrs ago, but my doctor said allergies can change so it is very probable since I'm constantly exposed to them. Especially since I've been having more issues. He is pushing keeping the dogs out of my room, but that lasted about 3 days and I couldn't take the crying, whining and pacing at my door.


I take Zyrtec-D daily, Flonase, and I have my inhaler. My allergies tend to to trigger my asthma.

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