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Costco Chicken & Rice

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Been trying to find a food that Ruby will eat since her last food was recalled and I decided not to continue with the same one. I home cooked her meals for a couple weeks and then decided to put her on the Costco chicken and rice food, which she loves. The problem is she is burning my eyes with her obnoxious toots ! Does this normally go away with time or should I keep looking for another food ? Poops look normal and firm and I know she doesn't have worms.

She didn't have this problem on her last food but didn't eat it very well. No toots on the home cooked version either but I am just too lazy to conitnue with that process.


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Guest goofydog

I have fed Costco Chicken and Rice for years without any issues. I had purchased a bag just days before the recall and none of the codes matched the recall notice so I continued to use it with no side effects.


Not related to the recall, I recently bought the Costco Benchmark gluten free and will be switching to that over the next few weeks. I figure at age 10 I need to try and make digesting meals as easy as possible for Get Em.

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Guest sja5032

How long has she been on it? I'd give it a month before you decide anything, let her stomach transition back to kibble from homecooked and see if it works itself out. If not then I would try something else.

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She has been on it for 3 days so far. I didn't realize it was part of the recall too. I am starting to feel like nothing is safe ! I fed her a chicken breast for breakfast this morning because we are having company tonight and it is not warm enough here to open the windows. This is frustrating !


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I feed the Costco Kirkland Chicken & Rice to all 4 of my dogs as well as the occasional foster greyhound, and no problems with gas. It's not unusual to temporarily have some gas and even soft stools during a significant food change until the dog gets used to processing the new food. Sometimes giving some yogurt with each meal or supplementing with a good probiotic can help.

Jennifer &

Willow (Wilma Waggle), Wiki (Wiki Hard Ten), Carter (Let's Get It On),

Ollie (whippet), Gracie (whippet x), & Terra (whippet) + Just Saying + Just Alice


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Any time there was a change in food, or even a change in the formula of the current food ("new and improved") Piper would have a week or so of horrid gas. Then it would stop and he'd be just fine. His em missions were so fragrant and frequent that he'd often wake me in the night during that adjustment period.

Lucy with Greyhound Nate and OSH Tinker. With loving memories of MoMo (FTH Chyna Moon), Spirit, Miles the slinky kitty (OSH), Piper "The Perfect" (Oneco Chaplin), Winston, Yoda, Hector, and Claire.

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OMG! The COSTCO chicken and rice gave my grey, Elliott, terrible gas. Since he was our first, we thought it was just something we had to live with. Someone suggested we change the protein source, so we switched him to Costco Lamb - things improved imediately. COSTCO chicken jerky treats also make him gassy, although cooked chicken at home seems to be ok with his tummy.


Good luck!

Theresa (Tess)

Mom to Elliott (Sol Flasher) and Lea (PTL Lea)

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Whenever I get a new foster in, there is some adjusting to the food..i.e. paint peeler gas.. :lol I always have some plain low-fat yogurt and give them a couple of tablespoons each day and that seems to help reduce the gas while their systems adjusts to the new food

Isis, Always in my Heart Bijou, My Sweetest Angel

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  • 2 weeks later...

Her gas seems to be gone now so all is well. I am considering changing to the lamb version next bag though. I have been giving her one raw meal a day since I started this thread and she loves it, and her teeth are looking better even though I brush them. Thanks for the replies.


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Guest amethyst

My girl does best on Costco Lamb & Rice (green bag) and I have decided to keep her on it.

I just bought a new bag Friday night (the 8th) and there were signs all around stating the food in stock is not on the recall list.

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Guest bernadette

We LOVE the Costco foods... I turned to that when Vinnie was having diarrhea. No corn, no wheat = no more D for Vinnie.

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I switched back to Fromm's dog food when all of the things Iiked to feed my guys were on the recall list. Tractor's coat went from ok, to WOW HE GLOWS IN THE DARK. So, we'll be staying with their food. I can rotate protein sources, so that's good news. The bad news, I have to drive to Franklin, TN to get it, since no one in Murfreesboro carries it.

Missing Hiro, Tank, and Tractor

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Guest amn70

Laddie's been on the Costco Chicken and Rice for two years or so with no problems. None of the bags I had were part of the recall. Gas has never been an issue with him though he gets and has always gotten a tablespoon of yogurt with each meal so that might be why.

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Guest arlosmom

We love Costco lamb and rice too! No problems, and great poos from five dogs age 4- 13. Sometimes Kingfish has gas but he is really the only one and it isn't very often. Probably other treats I give them.

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Try a probiotic.


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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Guest FullMetalFrank

Of all the Costco foods, the chicken is one we don't feed, because of gas. That being said, we crossed it off the list a long time ago, before our current hounds, so we'll try it again. Not every food will agree with every dog. Frank ate the Kirkland L&R for years with no issues. We also did the kibble/raw (kibble for lunch, and a raw meal for dinner) for a long time with great results. I still feed raw but not daily (maybe twice a week; more if I can.) Try the lamb, next bag, and remember that Costco will happily refund your money if a new food doesn't work for you!


(Did someone say Costco has Benchmark? I tried a small bag of this (on sale at my grocer's) and it smelled great, I liked the ingredients and my dogs LOVED it!)

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