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Frozen Green Beans?

Guest EvanstonGrey

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Guest EvanstonGrey

Fika goes nuts for plain frozen green beans - I buy 'em in big bags from Trader Joe's - think they're actually called 'haricot vert'...

She LOVES them (healthy and refreshing veggie pup popsicle?) and we even stick a few in a Kong with PB as a snack. Mentioned this to a neighbor with a grey and she looked at me like I had three heads! Anyone else's hound like to eat them?

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Guest snakes

Mine used to like them, however open a bag of frozen (or cut up fresh) broccoli and they are both there in a flash drooling! :) You should see them with melon....:)

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Guest Mom2Shiloh

Bravo LOVES cauliflower. I should probably try some other veggies frozen, right now cauliflower is his most favorite treat in the entire world -- raw, not cooked, if you please.

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All of mine except Buddy have loved green beans. Buck was all about collard greens and spinach.


The "green bean diet" has been around for probably 20 years. If you have an overweight dog replace about 1/4 of their kibble with green beans.


Someone on here had dogs that loved frozen brussels sprouts....

Edited by Hubcitypam
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Yup, green beans, fruit, veggies, just about anything along that line is begged for here.


Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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I am so glad I have witnesses to this story. I once put green beans in Enza's dish and then sat down to talk with my sister and her friend. Enza carefully picked each green bean out of the bowl, carried them to wear I was sitting, dropped them on the floor, and then walked back to eat her kibble.


I had only had her a few months at the time, but that's when I knew I was in trouble......

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I am so glad I have witnesses to this story. I once put green beans in Enza's dish and then sat down to talk with my sister and her friend. Enza carefully picked each green bean out of the bowl, carried them to wear I was sitting, dropped them on the floor, and then walked back to eat her kibble.


I had only had her a few months at the time, but that's when I knew I was in trouble......

I have tried Taylor with a few things (strawberries...blueberries..carrots) and he gives me this "are you kidding me" look and walks away. :shakefinger

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millie loves brussel sprouts (frozen). my bridge angel, blue, liked them too. haven't tried her on green beans.


blue's absolute favourite tho was goose grass, also know as sticky weed, or cleavers, Galium aparine is the official name. it was used as a spring tonic tea and is supposed to be good for the kidneys.

Edited by kronckew


Wayne Kroncke

Vegetarians: My food poops on your food.

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Guest EvanstonGrey

this is SO interesting! we've tried apple, carrot, some other stuff, but she really only likes the beans - and frozen is best for the princess. gotta love these guys!


I am so glad I have witnesses to this story. I once put green beans in Enza's dish and then sat down to talk with my sister and her friend. Enza carefully picked each green bean out of the bowl, carried them to wear I was sitting, dropped them on the floor, and then walked back to eat her kibble.


I had only had her a few months at the time, but that's when I knew I was in trouble......


my goodness! though i haven't met enza, i'm totally a fan from afar :)

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I once put green beans in Enza's dish and then sat down to talk with my sister and her friend. Enza carefully picked each green bean out of the bowl, carried them to wear I was sitting, dropped them on the floor, and then walked back to eat her kibble.

:lol Buddy did something similar. I used french style ones and they were scattered around his bowl like confetti streamers but all the kibble was gone.

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Yes, my dogs love green beans. Never thought of giving them frozen. I usually buy the unsalted in the can.

"Then God sent the Greyhound to live among man and remember. And when the day comes God will call the Greyhound to give Testament, and God will pass judgment on man."

Persian Proverb

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Guest DragonflyDM

Just like to thank everyone for the idea. Boomer LOVES frozen string beans. WHO KNEW? He ate the full bag and then risked walking on tile to find the actual bag in the trash to look for more.



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Guest starbuck

I am so glad I have witnesses to this story. I once put green beans in Enza's dish and then sat down to talk with my sister and her friend. Enza carefully picked each green bean out of the bowl, carried them to wear I was sitting, dropped them on the floor, and then walked back to eat her kibble.


I had only had her a few months at the time, but that's when I knew I was in trouble......


Starbuck does the exact same thing. If I put fresh or frozen green beans in her dish, she'll pick them up and very quietly start to pile them on the carpet near the couch. She doesn't chew them or anything--she apparently just wants them out of her dish and arranged neatly.

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i put some frozen string beans in millie's bowl with her dinner last night as a test. she waited till they melted before having a look taking her evening nap was more important than dinner. she went away w/o eating. i put a pinch of grated cheddar on top of it. she came back and ate everything, left 1 stringey bean & three kibble chunks. i guess they fall in the category of 'i'll eat them if i must' rather than the 'cookie' category. like frozen brussels.


Wayne Kroncke

Vegetarians: My food poops on your food.

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Guest BlueCrab

Trader Joe's has the frozen bag of green beans at a good price, too. Usually $1 IIRC. Big favorite for Trixie, but she'll eat just about any fruit or veggie, fresh or frozen. Not such a big fan in Leyland, which is unfortunate, 'cause he's got a tendency to pork up quickly so he could use a few more veggies and a little less kibble.

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Guest longdoglady


blue's absolute favourite tho was goose grass, also know as sticky weed, or cleavers, Galium aparine is the official name. it was used as a spring tonic tea and is supposed to be good for the kidneys.


Anna loves goose grass too :)

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I am so glad I have witnesses to this story. I once put green beans in Enza's dish and then sat down to talk with my sister and her friend. Enza carefully picked each green bean out of the bowl, carried them to wear I was sitting, dropped them on the floor, and then walked back to eat her kibble.


I had only had her a few months at the time, but that's when I knew I was in trouble......

I have tried Taylor with a few things (strawberries...blueberries..carrots) and he gives me this "are you kidding me" look and walks away. :shakefinger


That boy is after my own heart....I don't like any of those either. Try a piece of tangerine or banana for Taylor.


Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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I am so glad I have witnesses to this story. I once put green beans in Enza's dish and then sat down to talk with my sister and her friend. Enza carefully picked each green bean out of the bowl, carried them to wear I was sitting, dropped them on the floor, and then walked back to eat her kibble.


I had only had her a few months at the time, but that's when I knew I was in trouble......

I have tried Taylor with a few things (strawberries...blueberries..carrots) and he gives me this "are you kidding me" look and walks away. :shakefinger


That boy is after my own heart....I don't like any of those either. Try a piece of tangerine or banana for Taylor.

Taylor did eat banana for a few weeks after I got him, and since then he just sniffs it and turns his head.

I tried to see if he would eat a pretzel nugget today....into the mouth and ptewwwww....on the floor.

That's OK.

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Guest lindywil

Ripper (4yo hound) loves all veges and fruit. He will happily eat all the greens, mandarines, banana, corn, even apples he picks himself off the tree!

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Guest Angelique

I am so glad I have witnesses to this story. I once put green beans in Enza's dish and then sat down to talk with my sister and her friend. Enza carefully picked each green bean out of the bowl, carried them to wear I was sitting, dropped them on the floor, and then walked back to eat her kibble.


I had only had her a few months at the time, but that's when I knew I was in trouble......

I have tried Taylor with a few things (strawberries...blueberries..carrots) and he gives me this "are you kidding me" look and walks away. :shakefinger


That boy is after my own heart....I don't like any of those either. Try a piece of tangerine or banana for Taylor.

Taylor did eat banana for a few weeks after I got him, and since then he just sniffs it and turns his head.

I tried to see if he would eat a pretzel nugget today....into the mouth and ptewwwww....on the floor.

That's OK.

Not to long ago Cassie, the bestest behaved dog in the world who never steals anything of counters (not sarcasm) stole a banana... and then proceed to make a royal mess/pudding on my bed. ... Hasn't touched one since, i don't think he enjoys eating them, just playing with them.

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Lexie will eat all veggies except green beans..lol




Rocket says he will eat your green beans so your parants don't make you sit the table until you eat them.... :chow

Edited by Time4ANap

Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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