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Unfortunate Update

Guest BlackandTan

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Guest BlackandTan

So after working with Senko for the last few weeks we have decided that we are not going to FAIL at fostering. We are both heads over heels for her but our house isnt big enough for 3 dogs and I think she would be better off with another dog who was more self sufficient... SHe wants ALL of the attention and will get pretty nasty with the boys. Plus when they are outside the boys get way too rough with her.. I really regret having to do this but it is best for her and us.

Im sure somne people on here will have negative comments and thoughts and thats fine, but do me a favor and keep them to yourselves.


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No flames here. You're fostering her. That's what you signed up for. And I'm sure her forever family will appreciate all you've taught her while in your home. smile.gif

http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g240/mtbucket/siggies/Everyday-2.jpgJane - forever servant to the whims and wishes of Maggie (L's Magnolia of JCKC) and Sam the mutt pup.[/b]

She's classy, sassy and a bit smart assy.

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While we all love the idea of failing fostering, I don't see any reason to criticize this decision. You're doing what's best for the dog. It's what we all want. Cheers!

Sharon, Loki, Freyja, Capri (bridge angel and most beloved heart dog), Ajax (bridge angel) and Sweetie Pie (cat)

Visit Hound-Safe.com by Something Special Pet Supplies for muzzles and other dog safety products


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I've fostered only once (my current life style does not lend itself to fostering), and it made me feel bad and sorta guilty when I sent him on his way, fostering is supposed to be temporary, so I can't imagine anybody thinking you did something wrong. The pups should be in a place that is best for them *and* the family.

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I once fostered a grey for two days. Although it sounded like she was going to work out, I realized almost immediately that it wasn't a good fit (namely because she wasn't safe with my cats). It happens like that sometimes. Don't beat yourself up. She'll find her forever home soon enough.

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Guest thecoyotesgrin

Not every foster can fail. If that were the case there'd be far fewer foster homes that could take dogs. It sounds like this foster-ship would be improved with an adoption on both accounts! No more snagging attention and no more too-rough play!

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You have to do what is best for all the hounds!


Nancy...Mom to Sid (Peteles Tiger), Kibo (112 Carlota Galgos) and Joshi.  Missing Casey, Gomer, Mona, Penelope, BillieJean, Bandit, Nixon (Starz Sammie),  Ruby (Watch Me Dash) Nigel (Nigel), and especially little Mario, waiting at the Bridge.




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Guest BlackandTan

Why would someone flame you for fostering a dog? :dunno I admire people that foster dogs.

I had all intentions on failing.... Ive seen a few people on here just about get crucified for returning dogs...

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What BrianRke said! Foster homes are invaluable to adoption groups. You are not returning a dog, you are helping her find a home, which opens up another spot in the kennel for the next one. Thank you for fostering Senko. :colgate

<p>Mom to Kyle (Diehard Kyle) & Angel Gracie (KB's Sankey) Foster Mom for AFG

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Guest dobiegrey

No Worries Matt, you accomplished just what fostering in meant to do, find out the best place for the girlie!!! Now YOU know her personality, what she needs in a home, and what her new family needs to know before making a choice!! You have learned a great deal about her and taught her some things too!!! No Flames here...and I would be surprised if you get any! That is what fostering is, to learn and teach!!



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Why would someone flame you for fostering a dog? :dunno I admire people that foster dogs.

I had all intentions on failing.... Ive seen a few people on here just about get crucified for returning dogs...

The ones that get crucified on here for returning dogs aren't foster homes. For those that crucify, that is the key difference.



For me, she didn't fit with your pack. They were there first, they are your first priority.

Edited by Gryffenne
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You're doing what you signed up for! You're getting her ready for her forever home......it's all part of the journey that greyhounds take till the settle into the home that's right for them. Don't know why you would think anyone would even think to criticize you.

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Guest jettcricket

As others have said, you need to do what's best for you, your family and your foster. I don't think anyone would criticize you for that...and if people have been slammed in the past for returning dogs it was probably because of lame reasons.


Best of luck to your foster!! :)

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Kathy runs a good kennel she will find the right home. I fostered a big black boy, Brett, for two weeks before i brought Harry home. I wanted to fail with Brett but. He was just not the right dog for us. He was adopted an hour and a half after I brought him back. And I took home a rambuncious medium size black ROMAN nosed boy. He is perfect for us.


Nancy and

Grace - Andicot 2/1/07

Solo - Flying Han Solo 3/20/11

Missing: Murphy, Shine, Kim, Sprite, Red Dog, Lottie & Harry

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I can't imagine why anyone would flame you. This is exactly the purpose of fostering with intent.


Returning an adopted dog you've had for several years because you're unwilling to deal with a minor issue is a total different matter - those are the people who are "crucified," here. Totally different than what you're doing. "Successfully" fostering is great and hugely needed.

Valerie w/ Cash (CashforClunkers) & Lucy (Racing School Dropout)
Missing our gorgeous Miss
Diamond (Shorty's Diamond), sweet boy Gabe (Zared) and Holly (ByGollyItsHolly), who never made it home.

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Guest DragonflyDM

I can see why someone would flame the OP.


How dare you take in a dog and show him love! Who do you think you are supporting the rescue of these majestic hounds? You make me sick, everytime I think of you trying to feed, walk, and love this animal. And I hope someone makes you pay for that kindness when you also make the very heart-wrenching decision to bring him back because you are already caring for other dogs who were in the same situation who you HAVE adopted and loved so completely... what is wrong with you????


I say good day to you sir! Good Day!


Just makes me so mad, I want to eat some cheese and sit on a rat! :) lol

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I have fostered with intent twice now. I decided not to adopt either dog. One ended up being cat keen so wasn't a safe fit for my house. The other was sweet and gentle and shy. I thought Bu would do better with a more outgoing dog. I kept telling the adoption coordinator no, but hes the easiest foster I've had. 4 months later he was adopted by a nice couple that ended up not bring ready for a dog. A week later he was returned minus his tail. I told him that hes never leaving again. That was in July. He knew he was home way before I did. You have to do whats right for you and your family. No flames here.

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Guest NJgrey


I had all intentions on failing.... Ive seen a few people on here just about get crucified for returning dogs...



It happens, people have their reasons for returning dogs and I don't think anyone should be judged because of it. This site and others are full of great, knowledgeable and friendly people but really, they don't know the first thing about your life or anyone else's so they're in no position to judge about returning a dog or not. There are 100 reasons it doesn't workout sometimes, and as long as the dog isn't put in danger I'm not going to jump on anyone for it.


Sorry it didn't work out with your foster, but as others have said, she IS a foster afterall... :)

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I hope no one flames you.


You were fostering and you wanted to fail but, it was not to be ... maybe next time.


For what it's worth, I like (and respect) that you just came on and said that it didn't work, explained why and didn't apologize (except to the dog). You took responsibility and are not looking for others here to justify your actions.

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I would not call that unfortunate. Rather, it's a GREAT thing that you recognized your limitations, and will find her a great forever home. That is a win/win! :)

Sarah, the human, Henley, and Armani the Borzoi boys, and Brubeck the Deerhound.
Always in our hearts, Gunnar, Naples the Greyhounds, Cooper and Manero, the Borzoi, and King-kitty, at the Rainbow Bridge.

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Guest BlackandTan

I would not call that unfortunate. Rather, it's a GREAT thing that you recognized your limitations, and will find her a great forever home. That is a win/win! :)

Good Point!

I just wish that I hadnt fallen for her... But I guess thats all part of it

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