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I don't know brand names at all. However, I tried a coupler a few times and hated it. It takes time, training and patience to get the dogs to work together. Length will also be a personal choice and depend on how your dogs adjust to the coupler.

Wendy and The Whole Wherd. American by birth, Southern by choice.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"
****OxyFresh Vendor ID is 180672239.****

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I use a coupler occasionally and the one I got was from Rural King. The leads are about 6 inches each. I use a 4ft. leash with it because the 6ft is too long. I recently saw one where there was a slide on the leads so that you could adjust how close you had the dogs to each other.

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I have used couplers for about 6 years and I love them. I tend to use the longer ones more frequently in case someone needs to have a "private moment", but I don't generally encourage them to do anything but walk when we go walking. I have had girls for most of the time but have had a mixed pair for the last year and frequently walk males too. When we are in a store I generally use the shortest one.

I do use my adjustable coupler the most but the buckle takes a pair of pliers if I want to move it -old hands dontcha know. Pretty sure the long one is the Sporn Double Dog Coupler and I think that I got it here.

The sizes shown are 6", 12" and 27". I often walk 4 hounds on 2 couplers with no problem - sure easier just holding 2 leashes than 4. The trickiest part is to teach them to WAIT when jumping out of the car after being connected to the coupler so they are synchronized.

I'll bet some of the crafty GT'ers make/sell some nice ones that I am unaware of. I might like to see one with the hounds names embroidered on it :)


Can anyone tell me the name of a good coupler and how long should it be? Thanks

Jody, Leah & Jimmie
You left us much, much too soon Lima & Chip :brokenheart

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i was helping an indvidual try the sporn coupler at a used greyhound goods sale and the clasp did not hold. i personally use the c clasp and have no problems what so ever, but for some reason the sporn clasp malfunctioned. if you have a slightly spooky dog i would advise against it. i have a short coupler,14" lenght, that i use in congested areas with a short 2ft lead. i perfer holding the leashes in between my fingers, horse rein style and using different colored leads. i found mine by accident at a nice pet store in the city, it has nice small brass hardware.

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I don't remember the brand names, but I can recommend using a relatively light weight coupler (e.g., nylon web like the leash) over a heavier one (e.g., a rubbery elastic coupler). The heavier one just flopped around and got in the way.


I don't need a coupler now, as my two are good walkers, but it was great when I fostered. I could couple the new dog to my big boy so every time the new dog wanted to chase a squirrel or got overexcited, s/he pulled on Ogie, who can't be budged, instead of me, who can :) I did have to put the new dog on Ogie's left, though, as he's a right-legged pee-er and happy to pee on anything/anyone :lol

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I personally don't like them, and now don't use them out of caution. Some time ago in Amber Alert a pair of dogs coupled together broke away from the leash and ran into a wooded area. The potential for getting caught on things, pulling each other this way and that leading to injury, etc., so frightened me that I would never use one now. But that's me, lots of people use and like them.

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