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What's Tracker Trying To Tell Me?

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Tracker is 4.5 years old and we've had him for 1.5 years (only dog). Initially, since we live in a rural area, we've had him attend day care twice a week for 5 hours a day to offer him play time with other dogs (not a dog park). He seemed to love it for many months, since he always hopped off the sofa upon pick up, thrilled to see his chauffeur du jour--never even said goodbye. After ca 8 months he still hopped off the sofa to happily greet the driver, but was suddenly hard to convince to leave the house. So I stopped sending him there, and instead had a dog walker pick him up once a week for play time at the dog park for ca 1.5 hours or, more recently, also walk him with one other dog on leash. That thrilled him initially too, and now it's the same thing, doesn't want to leave the house. This has happened twice now. Last time, I thought that maybe if I walked out to the car WITH him that might help, and it did. And he hopped into her car w/o hesitation. So I'm confused. Is he telling me he's just not interested in the park or does he not want to go w/o me or what is it?


The thing is, the dog park time is hit or miss, as is probably typical for greys. If he's in the mood, great, he'll run around and have a good time; I've seen him there at other times when he'll just stand there on the sidelines, happy to just watch but not interact. It's clear from all the experiences I've had with him with other dogs that he's mostly content to stick to himself. Even other greys he's met don't interest him much. But every now and then, according to the various people who have cared for him/walked him, he really hits it off with a particular dog and has so much fun.


So with this latest development (not wanting to leave the house unless I come with, and even then I'm not convinced he really wants to leave) I'm not even sure whether he would be heart broken if he never (or rarely) went to the dog park. Have others had this happen that their dogs were initially happy to go and then lost enthusiasm? If so, what do you think the reason was and what did you do? And as far as I'm concerned he doesn't HAVE to go anywhere, I'm mostly home, so it's not like I really need him out of the house, though it frees up some time.

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My boy is way too lazy for all that activity. When w would go to the dog park, he would crawl under a picnic table and nap. I'd pick him up at daycare and find him napping. Maybe it's more than your guy needs and he just wants to stay home and nap.

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How hot is it there when you're wanting him to go?


Even in Michigan, our summers can be hot & humid to the point that Sammi only wants to leave the AC to potty and then dive back into the house, content to stretch on the couch in the cool air. So dog park, beach and walks are either early mornings or late evenings. Winter is the flipside... too cold to get her to play outside for long, she'd rather be snuggled in he hoodie or PJ's in the house. Fall & Spring seem the be her most energetic "days". I swear she has about a 10 degree comfort zone.

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None of my guys have ever really embraced the dog park. Buck, and especially Rex, liked the water access into White Rock Lake but not the park itself. Rex would just stand at the gate hoping someone would let him out and Buck would occasionally give chase toward a ball if a border collie or lab was going after it.


In the summer Rex and Buck much preferred lounging in the kiddie pool and sunbathing to the dog park.


When I worked at the daycare the greys never seemed to enjoy it much. Most would find a corner and sleep. As far as him suddenly not liking either the daycare or dog park maybe something happened -- another dog threatening him or witnessing a fight (both happen). :dunno

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i tried a letting emily loose at a really well managed dog park a couple of time. she too just stood there, then.....off like a bat out of hell running a huge 1/2 circle loop w/ my young male neck-in-neck, and then she stopped dead in her tracks..... THE RACE WAS OVER!!! the run was as long as a short race, she stood there looked at me. after 168 races she did was she was trained to do.

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My dog sleeps all day every day.


I think most Greyhounds do! Specially those who belong to us working stiffs! Maybe what he's telling you is he prefers his own couch?


Perhaps just a nice long walk before you go to work is enough?


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Desi is pretty much like that....first time is exciting; 2nd time = "eh, been there, done that, got the t-shirt."

Maybe he's afraid "home" will disappear if he's gone too long. :rolleyes:

As Dorothy always says...."there's NO place like home."

Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.

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Well, heat definitely isn't the issue. I live on the Bay Area CA coast and it normally is at around 64 in the summer here, but we haven't had any summer for about 4 weeks--it's been at around 57 EVERY DAY all day and FOGGY. Disgusting. Just the temp that Tracker loves, especially since he's black. He's got the same 10 degree window as a poster mentioned. So, it's unclear what moves him, but yes, maybe his preference is the sofa. He gets a 2 mile walk every morning at 8, and the dog walker comes to pick him up at 10:30, which is usually when he stirs to get ready for a second walk; but maybe it's just too much for him physically to go to the park. I've noticed that he often tunes out really fast, too (greyhound thing, I assume), so maybe that adds to his not enjoying the park.

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Wendy detests the dog park as she is not fond of other breeds. She does enjoy walks in quiet places. We go out to the Everglades during the cool months and she's happy as a clam. However, as for walkies in the neighborhood, 15 minutes to 1/2 hour seems to be all she needs. We do have a large back yard for her to potty and get her zoomies out, but mostly the girl likes her couch and a/c!

Irene ~ Owned and Operated by Jenny (Jenny Rocks ~ 11/24/17) ~ JRo, Jenny from the Track

Lola (AMF Won't Forget ~ 04/29/15 -07/22/19) - My girl. I'll always love you.

Wendy (Lost Footing ~ 12/11/05 - 08/18/17) ~ Forever in our hearts. "I am yours, you are mine".

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He gets a 2 mile walk every morning at 8, and the dog walker comes to pick him up at 10:30, which is usually when he stirs to get ready for a second walk; but maybe it's just too much for him physically to go to the park. I've noticed that he often tunes out really fast, too (greyhound thing, I assume), so maybe that adds to his not enjoying the park.


Maybe he's just TIRED if she's only coming 2.5 hours after he already had a 2 mile walk? I'd love a dog walker if I could afford one, but I surely wouldn't want her to come so soon after I'd left. That's barely even a good nap in Greyhound terms!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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He gets a 2 mile walk every morning at 8, and the dog walker comes to pick him up at 10:30, which is usually when he stirs to get ready for a second walk; but maybe it's just too much for him physically to go to the park. I've noticed that he often tunes out really fast, too (greyhound thing, I assume), so maybe that adds to his not enjoying the park.


Maybe he's just TIRED if she's only coming 2.5 hours after he already had a 2 mile walk? I'd love a dog walker if I could afford one, but I surely wouldn't want her to come so soon after I'd left. That's barely even a good nap in Greyhound terms!

Totally agree. By the time you walk two miles it has to be less than 2 hours until the next outing. If you had a border collie that might be a good thing but a grey really doesn't need that.

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He gets a 2 mile walk every morning at 8, and the dog walker comes to pick him up at 10:30, which is usually when he stirs to get ready for a second walk; but maybe it's just too much for him physically to go to the park. I've noticed that he often tunes out really fast, too (greyhound thing, I assume), so maybe that adds to his not enjoying the park.


Maybe he's just TIRED if she's only coming 2.5 hours after he already had a 2 mile walk? I'd love a dog walker if I could afford one, but I surely wouldn't want her to come so soon after I'd left. That's barely even a good nap in Greyhound terms!

Totally agree. By the time you walk two miles it has to be less than 2 hours until the next outing. If you had a border collie that might be a good thing but a grey really doesn't need that.


That doesn't explain, though, why he'd be happy, well, THRILLED, to go for many weeks, on that exact same schedule. That's what still is a mystery to me--what caused the change?

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Guest Scouts_mom

My Henry initially enjoyed going to doggie day care once a week. Then I changed days and he was no longer happy and after a couple weeks was kicked out for snarling at another dog. I found out later that the daycare had a lot of small yippy dogs there on that second day. I think he just did not like them.

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I think what I'm ultimately trying to figure out is whether he'll happy in the long run with rarely ever seeing another dog off leash and getting the opportunity to play unencumbered, if we stop sending him to the dog park. Right now I'm thinking I'll take him there myself once a week and see how much he enjoys it or not. If not, we'll just leave, and try another time. Other than the dog park, there's really no opportunity for him to meet other dogs. And on leash encounters don't seem to be his thing at all, either. Either he'll be reactive or completely ignore the other dog. Maybe he's just a loner and content that way...

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i tried a letting emily loose at a really well managed dog park a couple of time. she too just stood there, then.....off like a bat out of hell running a huge 1/2 circle loop w/ my young male neck-in-neck, and then she stopped dead in her tracks..... THE RACE WAS OVER!!! the run was as long as a short race, she stood there looked at me. after 168 races she did was she was trained to do.



LOL...this is exactly what my Annie did, only with no other dog in the park. When she realized she was no longer on leash, she took off and ran in a huge circle, then came to a dead stop so quickly I thought for sure her butt would go over her head. She then came to me, laid down and probably wondered who she was racing. LOL

Edited by Feisty49
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George gets virtually zero off leash time, and has ZERO interest in socializing with any dog that's not a Greyhound.


The two or three times I was able to find a full fenced field for George to "run" in, he sniffed the fence and peed on every post. He just wasn't interested. I think if he had other Greyhounds to romp with, he'd love it, but he seriously has no interest in other dogs.


Even when I'd take him to my parents, who had two dogs, and a little fenced yard, the dogs never even looked at each other beyond the "Hi, I'm back" sniff when I'd first arrive. It was almost funny that we'd have three dogs in the house totally ignoring each other for days.


You might be overthinking his need/desire to socialize with other dogs.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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George gets virtually zero off leash time, and has ZERO interest in socializing with any dog that's not a Greyhound.


The two or three times I was able to find a full fenced field for George to "run" in, he sniffed the fence and peed on every post. He just wasn't interested. I think if he had other Greyhounds to romp with, he'd love it, but he seriously has no interest in other dogs.


Even when I'd take him to my parents, who had two dogs, and a little fenced yard, the dogs never even looked at each other beyond the "Hi, I'm back" sniff when I'd first arrive. It was almost funny that we'd have three dogs in the house totally ignoring each other for days.


You might be overthinking his need/desire to socialize with other dogs.


You might be right. That would be me. Tracker is just like your George, in that regard: totally ignoring even another greyhound when one came to visit. Last New Year's day, a local group got permission to let lose a horde of greyhounds in a local private airport (all fenced). So about 25 greys arrived. The weather was so foggy that we couldn't see more than 5 yards or so. So we all let our dogs off their leashes, and within 2 seconds the fog had swallowed them all up. We all spent a good 45 minutes wandering to one end of the airport and back and never saw the dogs unless they came up to us, only to disappear again quickly. I had so wanted to see a bunch of greys all run around (never seen this before) and just generally find out what Tracker would do with the situation, but alas, I never got to see him... it was quite amusing. Maybe this year will be sunny.

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

One thing you may or may not realize is that greyhounds were raised in a pack environment with other greyhounds. Not labs, not mastifs, etc. but greyhounds. Most greyhounds that I have ever known couldnt care less about any other breed. Of course there are exceptions to the rule, but really, they love humans, and other greyhounds, thats about it. If you really want to entertain your hound, get another greyhound if that is possible.

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I used to take my Henry to doggie daycare a few times a week. He loved it initially, but then another lady started bringing her two boxers- both of whom were very badly behaved. There must've been an incident that scared Henry because I can't even take him in the parking lot now. He starts shaking and won't even get out of the car. It sounds to me like your dog has some hesitation toward the dog park (for whatever reason). But he trusts you very much and wants to please you. He may be content to go for walks with you or just play at home. Our adoption group has a lot of greyhound-exclusive events and opportunities for the greys to play together every couple months. Henry definitely comes out of his shell in the presence of other greys. Maybe Tracker would enjoy something like that?

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I used to take my Henry to doggie daycare a few times a week. He loved it initially, but then another lady started bringing her two boxers- both of whom were very badly behaved. There must've been an incident that scared Henry because I can't even take him in the parking lot now. He starts shaking and won't even get out of the car. It sounds to me like your dog has some hesitation toward the dog park (for whatever reason). But he trusts you very much and wants to please you. He may be content to go for walks with you or just play at home. Our adoption group has a lot of greyhound-exclusive events and opportunities for the greys to play together every couple months. Henry definitely comes out of his shell in the presence of other greys. Maybe Tracker would enjoy something like that?


Sigh... I wish we had groups like that here. We live in a rural area that just doesn't have enough greys in the first place, much less some group that organizes anything. I may try to somehow get something going, though I'm not sure where to start. It would be great, though.


I feel bad for your poor Henry--so sad that one bad event can have such lingering consequences!

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