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Ava Has Lost All Control Of Her Potty Habits

Guest avadogner

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Guest vahoundlover

I am sorry you are going through this. I too have a senior that is steadily declining. It's SOOO sad to watch. My only suggestion might be trying some acupuncture. It has made a world of difference for us. Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers your way.

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So sorry to hear you and Ava are going through this. Cherish the time you have left with her. It is obvious how much you love her and she is a very lucky girl to have such a wonderful family. You will know when the time comes to let her go.

Sending prayers for all of you.


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Your latest post brought tears to my eyes - in a wonderful way! Sounds like you both had a great day and I hope you have many more.


I have a senior with LS myself and it's been so hard to watch her fade. She's still got lots of happiness left, though, so I'll continue to concentrate on that and not worry about what "tomorrow" brings.


Hugs to you and Ava :)

Jenn, missing Shadow (Wickford Big Tom), Pretty Girl (C's Pretty) and Tori (Santoria)

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Guest IrskasMom

That darn Facet is clouding my Eyes . It is Heartbreaking to read on . Please Alicia make all the Memories you can possibly make with your sweet,special Ava.

Hugs and Prayers for you and Ava :grouphug:hope:grouphug:hope:grouphug

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What a precious gift you were given! No matter what happens today or tomorrow, you will have that memory to treasure...I hope you have many more. We can at least attempt to fix so many things that may go wrong with our babies, but we are defenseless against the relentless marching of time and age. Peace to both of you...

My boys, together again...




A hui hou kakou, my loves

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Hi there -

Went through this recently with my old lab cross, bless her soul. Buy yourself a big box of medical gloves, non latex if you can, and, not a pretty thing to discuss, insert your finger into her bum. Should stimulate a BM right away. Not a nice thing to have to do, but the options are limited. Good luck! I think if she still enjoys most of her life, she's not ready, dignity notwithstanding. However, everyone has their own limits, you gotta do what is good for you too. My thoughts are with you.

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Guest Mom2Shiloh

Sending much light for healing and strength -- it is so hard when you can't fix them. You're both very special souls and the fact that you found and recognize the bond with each other really touches me deeply. Inspite of how difficult this time is, there is real beauty in your appreciation for and love of Ava, a most extraordinary lady, and her love for you and her courage ---


My Silver is a fairly big boy (81 pounds skinny) and I already know I won't be able to help him very much when needed because my r.a. affects my wrists but so far we've been able to keep his L.S. issues at bay with regular acupuncture and a Chinese herbal. He does still have occasional periods of total loss of control of his bowels, fortunately it's always solid and easy to pick up and he usually doesn't even know it's happened. . . but that's only occasional and usually if we've gone a bit too long between acupuncture. He's also just starting occasional knuckling under on the right rear, but the acupuncture seems to help that too. He's an M.C. cancer survivor at age 9 and his greatest joy in life is his walks, even when they are short -- I'm thankful that what we're doing is helping prolong his quality of life.


Ava and you will stay in my thoughts and prayers; your courage and awareness of the angel in your life inspires me. May you have more Very Good Days!!

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Guest SueG201

I am going thru a situation with my senior girl, she constantly poops, and usually on my bed ( gross) or she stands there and the poop comes out, she was just to the vet and is very healthy for 12.5 but I am getting sick of cleaning up poop TG it is easy to pick up. Does anyone know of some panties I could put on her to stop this. I have stopped allowing her to sleep on my bed so last night she slept on my couch and pooped. She is doing it in her sleep I am certain, and her back legs are still pretty st rong, she is on Osteobiflex daily. I need advice

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I wish every dog had an Alicia.


My Katie had LS, she also had other neurological issues. Towards the end there were days when it was really bad for her and I knew I had to let her go before she had another horrid painful episode. I didn't want her last trip to the vet to be in excruciating pain.


It's very scary for them when they can't control their bodies. They fight to move the way they want to and can hurt themselves in the process. Katie's front legs were strong but unbalanced and she would tilt and spin off and fall if I didn't control her. They don't understand what's happening. We do.


I carried her a lot, but most of the time she could stand and toddle a bit once I had her outdoors. There were nights when she would wake me with the little rooing cooing noises that I loved (she was a conversationalist), and I'd carry her downstairs with poop dropping out and bouncing on the kitchen floor before we could get to the door. Sounds crazy, but I cherish those memories of being able to hold Katie in my arms and then spending time in the backyard with her for no reason, since the event had passed indoors :)


When she could no longer raise herself from the floor even with help, and when she could no longer stand for more than a few seconds, it was time. I would have carried her and cleaned up after her FOREVER. I know you would do the same for Ava. I took Katie to the vet while she was still happy but could no longer support her body. She loved going to the vet, so she thought it was a party for her and rallied with the affection and attention from everyone there. It was a good passing for her. It was the lowest point of my life, and I skipped my Dad's funeral to be with Katie for her last few days. He would have understood. He was very old. Katie didn't make it to 7. That was 3 years ago last week. It feels like yesterday. I wish you and Ava peace.

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Guest avadogner

Now y'all have me tearing up from all the sweet comments and thoughts. Thank you so very much.


She is "My Best Girl" and I love her so much. It will never Be the same without her but we always be better people for the time she has had with us. I know other greys will join our family and we will love and spoil them but there is only one Ava.


I adore our Little Big Boy Augie but for different reasons. He couldn't be more different than her. She is a sassy Alpha and he is a goofy Beta. I don't know how he will handle life without her reassurance and bossiness. He is terrified of that giant dog in the mirror on the closet door. Ava just looks at him with exasperation. Her silvered eyebrows give away every eye roll at his silly antics.


She has gone 2 days with no accidents but w were taking her outside every couple hours. I pulled out her "Baby Book" (I scrapbook photo albums) and looked back at her first days with us. I can't get over how much she has changed. Her coat was so black that she could hide in the dark. Now she has so much silver, I can see her in the dark.


Ava never made it past her maiden class and refused to cooperate with her race name...R Fetch Puppy. She found she was far better qualified to be a Supermodel. It was fun to see her in all her wonderful costumes. Ava is a supermodel who is known for her perfect posing anytime a camera is turned on. Augie hates the flashy box.


She dressed up every Halloween, Alabama football games, Christmas and several other holidays. Oh we had fun. Our Christmas Card with costume was always a big hit. I have never seen a dog that loved clothes more than toys more than Ava. I made her a fancy coat last winter and she strutted in it. My fav has to be Princess Lea complete with the bun hair pieces. I'll have to scan and post that one. Elivis with Gold Doggles was pretty fun too.


Thanks once again for listening to me go on and on,

Ava & Augie's Mum

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Guest avadogner

Oh, please do scan & post Princess Lea. I would love to see Elvis as well.


Er, you can skip the Alabama outfit. ;)



(War Eagle!)


Have you been consorting with my DH (want to AU)? He always complains about the Bama outfits but I run the sewing machine so I chose the fabric. We have a "SEC mixed marriage". I went to Alabama and DH went to Auburn. I sure hope Ava is with us to dress up for gameday.


I'll try to get the DH to some pics in. I have a few on my FB page but am not computer oriented. Is it possible to link the album to here?


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Guest HHHounds

Laura beat me to it - I was going to add that the Alabama outfit was Ava's problem - she would feel so much better in orange and blue - the rest of greytalk country may not understand how serious football is down here! Will keep on sending prayers for you all!

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sending many hugs for you and Ava, Alicia. Your time with her is precious and I pray you have many more good days. :grouphug

Kim and Bruce - with Rick (Rick Roufus 6/30/16) and missing my sweet greyhound Angels Rainey (LG's Rainey 10/4/2000 - 3/8/2011), Anubis (RJ's Saint Nick 12/25/2001 - 9/12/12) and Zeke (Hey Who Whiz It 4/6/2009 - 7/20/2020) and Larry (PTL Laroach 2/24/2007 - 8/2/2020) -- and Chester (Lab) (8/31/1990 - 5/3/2005), Captain (Schipperke) (10/12/1992 - 6/13/2005) and Remy (GSP) (?/?/1998 - 1/6/2005) at the bridge
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." -- Ernest Hemmingway

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Guest avadogner

Hi everyone,

Thank you all for asking about Ava. She started showing some improvement with her steroids which really has perked her up. She made it 5 days with no potty accidents and even joined Augie for a walk last week. She is now able to walk around unassisted but needs assistance with stairs. Going up is harder and her backlegs give out when she pushes off her hind legs.


Poor baby isn't feeling good since last night though. I herd her and Augie out every couple hours and she refused to go last night night. I went over to her bed and started to help her up and she belted out the GSOD. She threw her head back and nailed me in the forehead with her head. It turned out she was OK just being a little cranky. I now have a giant bruise on my forehead. She had two accidents today (both in Augie's beds) so it hasn't been a good day here. She is eating well but has been snarky with Augie. I am hoping it was just a bad day and hope to see her wagging her tail and smiling tomorrow.


I'll keep y'all posted. Thank you again for thinkinng of us. Overall she is doing better and her meds seem to be helping. I just keep taking it day to day and spoil her more if that is even possible.


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest avadogner

Hi GT friends,

I haven't been feeling so great. Had a another blood clot in my leg and my anemmia dropped way too low. Anyway, Ava had been doing so much better on her meds and with the injection in her spine.


Two days ago, she started soiling her bed beyod the occasional accident. Yesterday she had 3 pooping episodes and 3 wettings. She just laaid there in it. I witnessed two episodes. She doesn't seem to even know she is going until it happens. One time during a #2 she tried to get up and make it to the dog door but ended up leaving a trail of poo to the door which by then she was done.


I am home with her so I send her out every hour or two but she can't control it so she just comes bak in most of the time. Sometimes she outright refuses to get up. She has started giving the GSOD when I try to pick her up. I'm not hurting her and she can no longer feel her feet. The meds keep her comfortable and except for her emotional distress over soiling she is happy.


She is eating fairly well and is happy. I am immune suppressed for prep for transplant so.dealing with her bodily waste is not reaally safe. Our vet said the incontinence meds would't work at this point. I love her and want her with me as long as she isn't suffering. I havee all the beds layered with training pads, towels and multiple layers of washable blankets. We have hard woods and rugs but it still makes a mess. We have gone through 8 beds in 2 months. The urine smell is impossible to get out. Nature's Miracle helps but doesn't get it all out.


I just need to vent to friends who understand how much I love her. I refuse to put her down until she needs me too. Our vet said most owners would at this point and he knows that isn't a option for us. I know we will have to when she completely loses her back legs. Becoming paralysed wil destroy her. We discussed trying her in a doggie wheel chair like you see Dashunds in a lot but she was terrified of the device. I am so incredibly thankful we have had more time than the vet said we would but I fear it is getting closer.


If anyone has any suggestions, please share them. Thank you for listening again.

-Alicia aka Ava & Augie's Mum

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