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My Dad's Gh Was Diagnosed With Osteo Today

Guest LokisMom

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Guest LokisMom

The vet recommended an oncologist and I have sent my dad Dr Couto's info. I can't seem to move or do anything. I was going to go ride my horse, do the dishes, take a bath. I can't seem to even get off the couch. I can't even cry. I'm so shocked...horrified...yet thankful it isn't one of my boys which makes me feel guilty...

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Oh no! :( Please do not waste your time feeling guilty, spend your time enjoying everyone and everything around you

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Missing KC Kitty 2000-2016, Myka and part of my heart 2006-2020, and Saint YellBoy 2014-2020

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So sorry to hear!!!!


Robin, EZ (Tribal Track), JJ (What a Story), Dustin (E's Full House) and our beautiful Jack (Mana Black Jack) and Lily (Chip's Little Miss Lily) both at the Bridge
The WFUBCC honors our beautiful friends at the bridge. Godspeed sweet angels.

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Please look (and print out for your Dad) at the first post in the "Osteo Thread." It has lots of info and places to go for help.

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Guest LokisMom

On dear- not another!! Damn Osteo. Where does you Dad live?? Any chance he can make the drive to Ohio?


Yep, He's on Indiana. I've already explained to him that OSU isn't that far ;)


ETA: I sent him the first page of the osteo thread (updating the links so he can click them from his email). I've lost one to osteo myself so I had sent him some info already. I can't seem to get through to him how deadly this is. He thinks he has a year or so to make up his mind whether to amputate! His vet isn't particularly grey savvy so I sent him a recommendation to my old vet also. I hope someone can get through to him that he is going to have to make whatever decisions quick-ish...

Edited by LokisMom
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Oh my goodness-- Indiana?? I would have him in the car tomorrow! I drove to OSU from NJ with my girl many times.

I took me 8 hours and it was worth every mile. OSU offers the best care anywhere. Best of luck to your Dad's hound (name?). Please keep us posted??

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Guest LokisMom

her name is Sally. She is the sweetest little girl. I also would take her to osu but as his child all I can do is make suggestions. He still sees a kid when he looks at me if ya know what I mean. He said he'd call osu tomorrow so hopefully that'll help convince him. To be honest, he seems to be in denial right now. He is so crazy about his little princess, I don't think he can wrap his mind around the diagnosis yet :(


I will keep you all updated and may well come begging for more advice. Thank you all

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her name is Sally. She is the sweetest little girl. I also would take her to osu but as his child all I can do is make suggestions. He still sees a kid when he looks at me if ya know what I mean. He said he'd call osu tomorrow so hopefully that'll help convince him. To be honest, he seems to be in denial right now. He is so crazy about his little princess, I don't think he can wrap his mind around the diagnosis yet :(


I will keep you all updated and may well come begging for more advice. Thank you all



I live in Columbus. My grey Joe has been through amputation and chemo at OSU. Speed is of the essence as osteo is so very aggressive. Speed is especially important if amputation is an option. My Joe was officially diagnosed on Monday and his amputation was Wednesday. He is now 1 year post amputation. I would be happy to talk with your Dad and help him if he comes to OSU. Please give him my phone number: 614-523-0754. Please ask him to leave a message if I don't answer, I screen calls.



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Guest LokisMom

The oncologist appointment is tomorrow. Dad seems to be coming around and is now considering the options, ready to make the decision based on the oncologists opinion(and possibly a 2nd opinion at osu). My constant nagging about speed and sending him copies of the osteo posts here seem to have helped. He was completely anti-amp yesterday but he watched a bunch of youtube vids today and is more open to the idea. Thank you all

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I don't know how old his little girl is, but my 12 yr old girl had the amp. She did great. The only thing I did special for her was make a ramp for the 6 steps to get out of the house. But she always had trouble doing steps even with all four legs.


She was a very happy girl for 6 months.


I did go to OSU from NJ.


I wish him the best of luck. There are a lot of prayers coming her way from here.

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Guest LokisMom

Yes the oncologist is in Indy although I'm not sure exactly where. It is hard to be far away and unable to help or even just love on the little girl :( thank you

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Guest LokisMom

Sally had her appointment today. The oncologist recommended amputation followed by chemo. I am at work right now but will do a search tonight so I can help prepare dad for what lies ahead for both him and his little princess. The surgery is scheduled for Wednesday.

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With the surgery scheduled so soon, does you Dad realize the severity now?


You can get a LOT of info from the OS thread. My Dima had an infection following the surgery, it put her a month behind in chemo which is why I suspect she only made it to 6 months. She wore a boy's T shirt and it fit perfectly without having to tie knots.

I also used a sling with her until I felt she could handle being a tripod without forgetting she was a tripod. She tried to do too much too soon. The sling slowed her down a bit and made her think.

And because she always had trouble with stairs, I made a ramp. It was just little old me (middle aged woman) and lots of thick wood. It took two weekends.


Other than that she didn't seem to need special care. She actually jumped into my SUV within days. No ramp for her to get in. But I had always used a ramp to get out. I never liked having my girls jump down from that height all the time. We never we able to take walks as long as she used to. she got tired more easily. But heck, she was after all 12.


I'll be thinking of your Dad and his little girl. Tell him there are lots of people here thinking and praying for him and Sally.


One thing I have found thru reading other posts and having gone thru it myself. OSU kept Dima in the hospital 4 days (counting surgery day) I have heard of others having their dogs discharged the next day. I highly recommend keeping Sally in the hospital for several days. They need the extra TLC and meds.

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The surgery is scheduled for Wednesday.

Make sure they are aware of the protocol to use Amicar (aminocaproic acid) during and after surgery to help prevent excessive bleeding and bruising. This is specific to greyhounds, so probably not part of their standard amputation procedure, and the drug might not even be one they regularly keep in stock. Sending lots of good thoughts for your dad's girl.

Jennifer &

Willow (Wilma Waggle), Wiki (Wiki Hard Ten), Carter (Let's Get It On),

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