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He Turned Into A Thief Overnight!

Guest bobber

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Guest bobber

For the last few days Bobber has been opening the trash can and trying to steal goodies. We have caught him and moved the trash can so we thought he couldn't reach it anymore. Well tonight I set my son's grilled cheese on the table and turn around to grab something else and all of sudden I see him eating the whole grill cheese!!!! I was so surprised! :eek He has never even acted like he wanted or could grab something! And then a few minutes later he grabs another slice from the trash can!


Any suggestions for deterring my new thief?? :colgate

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I've heard of those kinds of hounds. Summer tried it once, back in the beginning, and ate the chicken slices I was having for lunch. I scolded her and she never did it again. I also don't leave things unattended on the table any more, just in case. It's too much of a temptation! As to the garbage, mine is one of those slide in/slide out things in a kitchen cabinet and she doesn't open cabinets. Can you switch your garbage to one of those? Or, if it has to be out, one of those steel step-on ones might work, the lids are possibly too heavy for him to lift up with his nose.

Edited by OwnedBySummer


Lisa B.

My beautiful Summer - to her forever home May 1, 2010 Summer

Certified therapy dog team with St. John Ambulance

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Sounds like a normal hound to me. We keep the garbage can up high. Put the food in the microwave and close the door if you are leaving it unguarded. We put chairs in front of the kitchen counter if we have a lot of food out and have to leave for a minute. The tall boys wear a muzzle in the kitchen as we are not a match for them.


Sometimes we babygate them out of the kitchen but that is no fun for them.

Edited by Tallgreydogmom


Then God sent the Greyhound to live among man and remember. And when the Day comes,

God will call the Greyhound to give Testament, and God will pass judgment on man.

(Persian Proverb)

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Guest sheila

I can't even remember having a garbage can at floor level. I'm sure I must have done that at one time, but I can't recall it. The garbage can sits on top of the kitchen table 99% of the time. Same goes for leaving any food unattended for more than a nano second.

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Guest bobber

I can't even remember having a garbage can at floor level. I'm sure I must have done that at one time, but I can't recall it. The garbage can sits on top of the kitchen table 99% of the time. Same goes for leaving any food unattended for more than a nano second.


that is what got me.... I literally just sat it down and turned to get my drink! he was smart and fast! :colgate and now it is time to figure out the trashcan issue. I hate that we can't use the under the counter kind! We use the kitchen counter for school so I think I need to buy a new trash can!


I am hoping this means he is getting relaxed and comfortable in his new house! :)

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Suggestions? Sure! Don't leave food unattended with a tall dog in the room!


If you don't want to spend fairly big $$ on a fancy trash can that is dog proof, just put something heavy on the lid. That's a bit of a pain though.


Make sure your kids understand that if it's where the dog can reach it, he WILL take it.


Gotta be vigilant, and yes, it does probably mean he's feeling comfortable!


This means you cannot leave ANYTHING out. Bags of bread, even fruit. If it's edible, a devoted counter surfer will smell it and will take it!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest Wasserbuffel

We were able to simply turn our trash can so the opening faces the wall. It's not terribly hard to use, but Jayne isn't determined to get in there . . .yet.


As for counter surfing, we used the penny can trick. Put a small handful of pennies in an empty soda can. Use some thread to tie it to a food item and let the dog steal it. The can will come crashing down and scare the dog. After a couple tries all but the most determined counter surfer will learn that stealing food is scary. The beauty of this trick is that you don't have to do the scolding, which might teach the dog to steal behind your back.


Make sure the food item is something the dog cannot eat before you have time to remove it (don't want the dog to be rewarded despite the noise). I used stale bagels with tuna and cream cheese in the center to act as an attractant. I never set out the baited bagels unless I was going to be in the next room. She only pulled them down twice.


Still, we don't leave food laying about as a rule, but we don't have to keep a sharp eye when we are cooking and need to turn our backs for a moment. She'll sniff a plate of food on the edge of the counter, but hasn't tried to steal anything for a very long time.

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Guest bobber

It might be the name. My "Bobber" is a fawn female who also is mischievious!:P


Uh oh! His true personality is probably just emerging! :lol



We were able to simply turn our trash can so the opening faces the wall. It's not terribly hard to use, but Jayne isn't determined to get in there . . .yet.


As for counter surfing, we used the penny can trick. Put a small handful of pennies in an empty soda can. Use some thread to tie it to a food item and let the dog steal it. The can will come crashing down and scare the dog. After a couple tries all but the most determined counter surfer will learn that stealing food is scary. The beauty of this trick is that you don't have to do the scolding, which might teach the dog to steal behind your back.


Make sure the food item is something the dog cannot eat before you have time to remove it (don't want the dog to be rewarded despite the noise). I used stale bagels with tuna and cream cheese in the center to act as an attractant. I never set out the baited bagels unless I was going to be in the next room. She only pulled them down twice.


Still, we don't leave food laying about as a rule, but we don't have to keep a sharp eye when we are cooking and need to turn our backs for a moment. She'll sniff a plate of food on the edge of the counter, but hasn't tried to steal anything for a very long time.


Thank you! I am going to try this!

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Guest weycoolgrey

My Dewey once ate an entire plate of cheese and crackers that I had put out in advance of some company that was coming over - that was the first and last time I made that mistake! :blush Oh, and his stinky farts afterwards was punishment enough too!


We have an inexpensive garbage can (I'm pretty sure I got it at Target) that has a spring-loaded lid on it. As long as you close the lid, there is no need to worry about curious hounds digging through the garbage.

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as long as i have had dogs i have used a 5 gallon compound(spackle) bucket w/ a plastic bag and kept it under the sink. any unattended food is fair game!

and i baby gate the kitchen while i am eating so i don't have to clean the counters before i sit down to eat-simple, works well.

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Simplehuman makes a locking dog-proof, baby-proof trashcan. See amazon.com

This is the simple human trash can I have. It cost a fortune but it was well worth every penny. It is completely dog proof. I had a dog who was an expert at getting into trash. Even she couldn't crack this can.

Edited by robinw

Xavi the galgo and Peter the cat. Missing Iker the galgo ?-Feb.9/19, Treasure (USS Treasure) April 12/01-May 6/13, Phoenix (Hallo Top Son) Dec.14/99-June 4/11 and Loca (Reko Swahili) Oct.9/95 - June 1/09, Allen the boss cat, died late November, 2021, age 19.

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Guest mbfilby

Mickey once ate 3 sandwiches worth of pastrami right off the countertop griddle. Our trashcan is inconveniently located in the foyer behind a baby gate. No trashcan is any match to our chow hound.


Simplehuman makes a locking dog-proof, baby-proof trashcan. See amazon.com

This is the simple human trash can I have. It cost a fortune but it was well worth every penny. It is completely dog proof. I had a dog who was an expert at getting into trash. Even she couldn't crack this can.


I could picture coming home and finding this can firmly attached to Mickey's head. :rotfl

Edited by mbfilby
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Simplehuman makes a locking dog-proof, baby-proof trashcan. See amazon.com

This is the simple human trash can I have. It cost a fortune but it was well worth every penny. It is completely dog proof. I had a dog who was an expert at getting into trash. Even she couldn't crack this can.



This is the can we have too! It was initially purchased because of my cat, who was an expert at getting into any trash can (and can open cabinet doors). Monty is a counter cruiser, but has never been able to get into the trashcan! It helps if it is placed in a nook, too, where it is between things so it cannot be knocked sideways.


I love this trash can. Worth every penny!

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The rule in my house is "no dogs in the kitchen." That way I don't have to worry about counter surfers, and Zoe's food is left in peace (Zoe's not a dog, she's a princess). Pippin eats in the kitchen, but that's the only time he's allowed in there unless we're going THROUGH the kitchen.


And all my dogs learn "MINE!" as in -- leave my food alone. Doesn't work when Bobber snags it before you can do anything, but it works for me when I have a bowl of popcorn while watching tv, or whatever.

Mary Semper Fi, Dad - I miss you. Remembering Carla Benoist, a Greyhound/Pibble's bestest friend, Princess Zoe Brick-Butt, the little IG with the huge impact on hearts around the world - Miz Foxy - Greyhound Trish - Batman, the Roman-nosed Gentleman - Profile, the Handsome Man - Hunky the Hunkalicious - Jeany the Beautiful Lady- Zema, the most beautiful girl in the world - Jessie, the lovable nuisance - and my 3 Greys: my Angie-girl, my Casey-girl, and The Majestic Pippin, running forever in my heart. (I will always love you and miss you,my friends)

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Guest KennelMom

1. don't leave food out unattended and within reach of the dog

2. don't leave the garbage in reach of the dog and/or get a dog-proof trash can (we keep our trash in our walk-in pantry.)

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Guest nanzi

So glad you found an easy fix for your forager. We had a real garbage hound with one of our sweet girls. She could stretch out the garbage so far you'd wonder how you ever got that much stuff in there in the first place. So we crated when we left her.


And our first greyhound, Vanna Black once ate half of a dining room table covered in a sheet, and, drying egg noodles. Lessons learned.

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Guest FullMetalFrank

My "perfect" girl Chelsa is a counter-surfing, food stealing little monster given the opportunity. It's her one vice. She will get stuff down and share it with the others. My simple solution is just to never leave any food unattended on the counter. BTW she only does this when we leave the house; if we are here, but not in sight, she leaves everything alone :lol .

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Guest kydie

I love the rule "no dogs in the kitchen",, unfortunaly,, I never enforced that :blink: I have many "kitchen helpers",, :colgate I don't have any counter cruisers,, and never did,, not that it couldn't happen,, I think WE are just trained not to let anything to close or within "dog reach",, For me my grey didn't show his true colors for about 8 months after he arrived,, and I can tell you he didn't get the memo on "greyhounds don't bark,, and greyhounds don't shed" :unsure I am sure he would help himself to any food that would be within his reach,, fortunatly he is not a jump up kind of guy,, so sandwiches are safe,,, so far :lol

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Guest bobber

We were able to simply turn our trash can so the opening faces the wall. It's not terribly hard to use, but Jayne isn't determined to get in there . . .yet.


As for counter surfing, we used the penny can trick. Put a small handful of pennies in an empty soda can. Use some thread to tie it to a food item and let the dog steal it. The can will come crashing down and scare the dog. After a couple tries all but the most determined counter surfer will learn that stealing food is scary. The beauty of this trick is that you don't have to do the scolding, which might teach the dog to steal behind your back.


Make sure the food item is something the dog cannot eat before you have time to remove it (don't want the dog to be rewarded despite the noise). I used stale bagels with tuna and cream cheese in the center to act as an attractant. I never set out the baited bagels unless I was going to be in the next room. She only pulled them down twice.


Still, we don't leave food laying about as a rule, but we don't have to keep a sharp eye when we are cooking and need to turn our backs for a moment. She'll sniff a plate of food on the edge of the counter, but hasn't tried to steal anything for a very long time.


Thank you for this suggestion! I had totally forgot about it! We did it with him and the trashcan.... I had it dangling out of the trashcan and when he opened the lid it fell out! He did not like it at all! He now walks all around the kitchen and never attempts to open the trash can or really even pays attention to the counters now!


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Guest june

My girls have learned to stay out of the kitchen when told. My kitchen is small and I got tired of tripping over them while cooking etc. It is funny because I can look over and see 6 front paws all neatly lined up behind the threshold and 6 eyes watching my every move :P


My trash can fits nicely on top of my counter under the overhead cabinets with barely an inch of space to spare. And most important; my dogs are gated out of the kitchen when I am not home. I have learned that I am incapable of learning to keep everything off the counter tops so they get the rest of the house :blush


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