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Guinness Is Coming Home

Guest dragontearz

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Guest dragontearz

The vet just called, Guinness' ashes are ready to come home. I know he's gone, he's not coming back, but I'm apprehensive about picking them up, it's a finality and I almost want to entertain the thought that he's just in the other room waiting to see me once again. I suppose I need to though, I was there when he went, and I should be there to bring him home.

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I know just how you feel. It's very hard, but peaceful too. I felt that I could relax once I had him home with me and the same for Peanut. One thing that helped me was to bring Smiley's favorite blanket with me and I wrapped the box with his ashes in it for the drive home. Somehow it was comforting. Many hugs to you when you go through this final part of Guinness' journey.


I just thought to add that something else that was very comforting was creating a small shrine to each of our babies when they passed. I put their ashes, photos, collars and cards we received on our console table so that I could see them everyday. Lighting a candle at night in their memory too was very comforting. I really feel for you. It's so, so hard.

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Guest dragontearz

That's a good idea-his foster mom made little blankets for each foster dog (about a 1.5 foot square) so they had something to take with them to their forever home, and I still have it in the closet..I'm going to leave in a minute to pick him up then go to school. We planned on making a shadow box for him soon also. I keep seeing little things like he's telling me he's ok too - slim jims on sale at the store (he got them for a special treat every great once in a while and LOVED them), a poop bag forgotten in the back pocket of a pair of jeans, a biscuit that slid under the dresser I found while cleaning a few days ago that had been there who knows how long...


What made me start bawling this morning was an email from the rescue group I got him from-it said "does your home feel empty?"...I know it was a mass email and it was meant to find a home for a grey in need of a home to get him out of the kennel, but it still got to me..And yes, it does feel empty here right now, but the dog has high prey drive and we do have a cat so that is a no go.

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Take it easy on yourself today. I found the day I picked up the ashes to be the hardest. It was so final.


I threw a wake for my boy, about a week after I got the ashes. It was very therapeautic. Everyone was instructed that this was to be a happy time, a celebration of his life. Everyone came equipped with their favorite story of my Charlie. It was great.

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Guest d0ggiem0mma

Sending comforting thoughts your way. It's always hard getting the ashes... but it always brings me peace to get them settled here at home. I have a beautiful curio cabinet in the dog room that has the ashes and photos of all my bridge babies.

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I have 3 urns on my bedside table. I actually felt much better once they were "home" where they belonged.

They get goodnight kisses right along with everyone else.


Hugs to you on this very difficult day.

Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.

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Guest EmbersDad

I have 3 urns on my bedside table. I actually felt much better once they were "home" where they belonged.

They get goodnight kisses right along with everyone else.


Hugs to you on this very difficult day.



sigh....ember is on my right nightstand, jed on the left....the wheel turns....

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I brought Red's ashes home last May and that was a first for me. Getting the phone call was the hardest, though I knew it was coming. When I went to pick him up, all the vet folks smiled and talked about him because they loved him, too. I hope your trip goes smoothly and you feel relieved when he is home.


Tonya, mom to May, and my angels Vinnie, Rex, Red, Chase, and Jake.

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I was dreading the phone call to come pick up Brandy's ashes (our first grey to leave),and the radio in the car was playing In the Arms of the Angels while I held the box in my hands.


It was very sad, but now I am comforted by their presence. I can touch them, talk to them and know that they are with us forever.


Make yourself familiar with the angels, and behold them frequently in spirit; for without being seen, they are present with you. St. Francis de Sales

Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
Angels Brandy, John E, American Idol, Paul, Fuzzy and Shine
Handcrafted Greyhound and Custom Clocks http://www.houndtime.com
Zoom Doggies-Racing Coats for Racing Greyhounds

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Guest dragontearz

I took your suggestions and brought him home, the box wrapped in his blanket..It was comforting and seemed right, and when I got him home I discovered they put him in a stamped metal tin urn (I'll find something more to my liking soon) and when I went to put it on the mantle I saw it had part of the Rainbow Bridge poem stamped on the bottom and I smiled..Thanks everyone for the condolences and suggestions, they have made this just that much more bearable.

Edited by dragontearz
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Thoughts are with you.....I have made that trip too many times - and am a mess each time - but do feel some sense of peace when they come home. All but one are on my nightstand in my bedroom as that is where all of our babies have spent the most quality time with us...snuggles and loving. The one that is not there is my husband's kitty who adored my dad and used to go down to my parents house every day and have dinner with them and hang with him at his computer. He actually asked if her ashes could stay on his desk as she always sat there with him. So....that's where she is. (I was pleased that DH was OK with that.)


My thought is that the location where they are should be one that brought them joy.....but you need to do whatever brings you the most peace. No matter what, though, take comfort in the fact that all of us reading know how you are feeling and understand the level of grief that goes with this.


Robin, EZ (Tribal Track), JJ (What a Story), Dustin (E's Full House) and our beautiful Jack (Mana Black Jack) and Lily (Chip's Little Miss Lily) both at the Bridge
The WFUBCC honors our beautiful friends at the bridge. Godspeed sweet angels.

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Guest dragontearz

I have a keychain pill holder, and seeing as Guinness was almost always with me going places, now should be no different-I'm going to put some of the ashes in the little metal pill holder and glue the threads shut so he can always be with me on my travels :)

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Guest bonnebike

We finally got Pony's ashes home last week. He's on the shelf next to Delgado and the two pugs. I need to get his picture on his container. It's not macabre, but a nice reminder of the time we shared together.

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