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Bill Has Me A Little Concerned

Guest greybookends

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Guest greybookends

OK So I am most likely a lot concerned and probably over reacting, but this is MY BILL and well... you know how it is.


He's just not right. I wish I could tell you for sure he's off his food but he is after all BILL. He has been whining and Bill has never been a whiner, that is Sheana's department. He is acting like he is uncomfortable or in a bit of pain. He is very reluctant to sit, he is a bit hesitant to jump on any of the furniture and when he does he sometimes gives a bit of a yip. I went to pat him on his little bum the other day and he yipped, I thought maybe I startled him but I am not so sure right now. He is sleeping in places he usually does not sleep and they are all close to the ground.


He is not limping in any way. Trust me I have been watching. His poo seams to be fine. I am hoping that all this is just age related. He is 11 and he raced until he was 4.


I think I am going to take him to the vet on Monday for a thorough going over.


It is hard knowing they are getting older and are subject to the same aches and pain we are. Like I said hopefully it is just age and they will give me something to ease what may be ailing him. Hopefully it is nothing but for my own piece of mind I am going to take him in for a check up.

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Guest goofydog

I'd venture age related arthritis and with the pain from that he could be off his food and all the other things you describe. Does he take any supplements? Chondroitin/glucosemine(sp) is especially good for achy joints. Fingers and paws crossed for Bill and gentle hugs for you Lori.

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Guest jettcricket

Maybe he twisted or hurt his back area? Jett displayed the same symptoms as your Bill and it turned out that he did something to his lower back. My vet prescribed prednisone and within 1 to 2 days he was back to normal. It did happen 2 other times and with the prednisone he was fine.

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Guest TeddysMom

I will be praying that it is nothing more than the weather change causing his joints to ache more than normal. I'm glad you are taking him in for a check up Monday. Maybe you could give him a baby asprin with an acid controller to see if it eases his discomfort a little.

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I hope Bill is feeling better soon and it turns out to be nothing more than a sore muscle or too.

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Awww, poor Bill and poor mom! Keeping good thoughts for the both of you. Hopefully it's an easy fix and he can go back to driving you crazy over his appetite.

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Guest greybookends

Bill does take a glucosamine/chondroiton 2x a day. Also I have some Previcox that the vet gave to Daytona for pain after her surgery and she only took one. I gave Bill one the other day. I have one left and if I think he needs it I will give it to him. If it is his joints he may need some kind of an anti inflammatory as well.

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I wonder if his back or neck is hurting him. I would take him to the vet on Monday so he can be evaluated. I personally would not give aspirin because it will prohibit the vet from giving other medications such as a steroid if he/she chooses to do so. In the meantime Bill should be limited to strick rest

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Does sound like something is going on, hoping it's nothing major. :goodluck My immediate thought was back too, but I am really no expert. Again, hopefully nothing major. Feel better soon Bill!


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Bill does take a glucosamine/chondroiton 2x a day. Also I have some Previcox that the vet gave to Daytona for pain after her surgery and she only took one. I gave Bill one the other day. I have one left and if I think he needs it I will give it to him. If it is his joints he may need some kind of an anti inflammatory as well.


Lori, I wouldn't give him anything prior to him seeing the vet as it might hide some of the symptoms that your vet should observe.

Sending lots of good thoughts for Bill and you.

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I'm going to have to agree with the others sounds like his back. We recently went through a back thing with Milky Way who is 10.5 years old. He was just off(pacing, would not lay down unless I was right there, whining, yelped when scratching his head) I knew something was wrong. Turns out Milky Way hurt his back and he has some arthritis issues going on with his lower back.


Prayers it's nothing major and just age related. Please keep us posted.

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Bill honey sweetie, you know you're not supposed to make your Mama (and your fans) worry like this.


It's good you're getting him to the vet. It really does sound like arthritis or a neck/back issue. We'll be keeping you in our thoughts and hoping for a good update soon.


(pssst Bill.... don't worry your Mama so.)

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Guest greybookends

Bill does take a glucosamine/chondroiton 2x a day. Also I have some Previcox that the vet gave to Daytona for pain after her surgery and she only took one. I gave Bill one the other day. I have one left and if I think he needs it I will give it to him. If it is his joints he may need some kind of an anti inflammatory as well.


Lori, I wouldn't give him anything prior to him seeing the vet as it might hide some of the symptoms that your vet should observe.

Sending lots of good thoughts for Bill and you.

I agree.


He appears to be a little better today and he DID eat his dinner today, but like I said before it is so hard to tell with Bill if he is off his food or if he is just being Bill.


I will call the vet Monday morning and see when they can get him in. I really feel it is some arthritis or some kind of back issue that just comes with getting old.

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Guest PhillyPups

My thoughts with what you described, his age and the weather change is arthritis, if it is combined with any injury could be painful to him. It also sounds like back. Like you I would have him checked out.


Please keep us posted. Bill will be in my prayers as will you. And for now I am sending you :bighug

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