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Are Greyhounds Protective?

Guest RWM

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I honestly don't think any of my greys including the two current loaners, would ever attack anyone even to protect me. Buck would bark and snarl at a few people at the door but only if Poodle started it off by deeming them threatening and launching himself at the glass -- he was just Poodles big muscled threatening backup bodyguard.


If anyone I've ever owned would protect me (and this includes my first "grown up dog" a dobie named Abby) it would be Poodle. Too bad he's only 27 pounds of whoop arse.



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Argus and Raven - no way. They proved that when I was letting them back in the house after going potty and we realized that someone was in the living room. It was DH coming home unexpectedly late from work, but we didn't know that. Raven turned around and fled back out into the yard. Argus went bouncing merrily down the hall to go greet the intruder. If it had been an axe murderer, we'd all have been dead (except for perhaps Raven, whom I doubt he could've caught).


Tiny is a different story. I think he would protect, though I can't say for certain. He does bark at strangers who come to the door. He's barked and growled up a storm when he thought someone was in our yard (it was actually a plastic bag hung up on a shrub, but the crunching noise did sound just like boots in the snow).


The only greyhound I've met who was seriously protective was one I considered adopting from the prison dog program. He was in love with the female prison warden and would stand between her and the inmates. If any of the inmates got too close to her, he would snarl and give a warning snap. I ended up not choosing him because I was afraid he'd eat DH.

Kristen with

Penguin (L the Penguin) Flying Penske x L Alysana

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Guest LazyBones

gumby wasn't very protective, with the exception of people sitting on top of fences. :lol there was a time or two when my next-door neighbor was sitting on top of the fence while working on something, or would pop his head up to talk to my mom and i. gumby didn't really like that, and would jump up at and bark at him. one time she did get riled up about something else, though. she ran to the back door growling, barking, and even had her hackles slightly raised (something i'd never seen her do). i let her out, and she charged toward the back fence. turns out our neighbor behind us was on his rooftop. of course once gumby reached the back fence, she could no longer see him, and she calmed down.


during walks, she was a little protective when it came to loose dogs. i remember on xmas day a few years back when i took her for a walk, and i had a jingle bell harness on her. while we were out, we saw a young loose dane. maybe it was the bells, who knows, but little gumby managed to make that other dog (twice her size, i'm sure) tuck tail and run off.


gumby could be shy with people at times. however, sometimes when she spotted somebody walking on the other side of the street, she could look intimidating. she would suddenly close her mouth, stick her ears up, stare at the person, and try to pull a little toward him/her. i never really tried to discourage that behavior, just in case. sometimes, though, the person on the other side of the street would say hi and sometimes we'd cross the street to talk to him/her. in that kind of situation, gumby would change back to either being shy or friendly.


some people were scared of her, but i'm not sure if she would have been protective.


unfortunately i don't currently have a GH. right now i have pickles, the boston terorist. a while ago, my mom had a new dryer delivered to her house. i had to laugh because the delivery guy was on the large side - over 6' and probably 275-300 lbs - and he was scared of a little BT puppy. :lol

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On walks I have to carry a spray water bottle for my grey. He is very protective of me especially with men, including ones he sees in the neighborhood all of the time. He is 82 lbs and only been off the track for 5 months so is in great shape and could do some really bad damage.

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Mine all feel that all people were put on the earth with the specific purpose to pet them whenever they meet (Cash, of course, would run away!). They have never met a stranger they didn't immediately like, and appear very hurt if the stranger turns out to be uninterested in them. If a burglar broke into the house while we were away, he would most likely get licked to death before he could steal anything.


That being said, I think if I were actually under attack they would definitely become protective. I don't ever really worry about it though. Most people think of them as big dogs, and therefore, threatening, so we don't get a lot of casual people coming up to us - and they usually ask first if it's OK to pet the dog. A panting greyhound with an open mouth full of teeth looks really dangerous!


On the other hand, my Danes could completely intimidate anyone with a stare and very rarely growled. I never had to wonder what they would do - they are VERY protective, in general.

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Any dog is capable of protection. Greys would seem less likely than some other breeds but that doesn't mean they would not when push came to shove. People sometimes fail to consider that sometimes what they interpret as protection is actually fear based. This is why the scaredy-cat dogs will sometimes be the first to put on a big display, particularly at home. That isn't guarding in the sense most of us imagine it. That is a dog acting from a feeling of personal fear, not protecting the family. The question then isn't whether or not they would defend you from real, defensible danger but whether that dog will either run & hide, my preference if it was my dog, or misperceive &/or overreact to a danger. I would rather my dog run & hide, remaining safe, than misperceive & overreact with possible unnecessary injury or death of my dog being the unfortunate consequence.


Just food for thought if your dog is usually timid or outright scared of people but prone to sounding protective. Am not referring to a simple alerting bark that visitors are here or just a startled wuff while running away. I mean a growling or barking dog moving towards people. That's not a good thing, especially away from home but also something with potential problems even if it only happens at home. And yes, I have one who does this at home.

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Not mine, he hid behind DH when he saw a rabbit.


On the other hand, I answer the door with him firmly in hand by the collar, straining (really to greet whoever it is) and if I feel uncomfortable, I've been known to say sternly no bitting. A guy I did that to once took off and I heard later broke into another apartment.

Beth, Petey (8 September 2018- ), and Faith (22 March 2019). Godspeed Patrick (28 April 1999 - 5 August 2012), Murphy (23 June 2004 - 27 July 2013), Leo (1 May 2009 - 27 January 2020), and Henry (10 August 2010 - 7 August 2020), you were loved more than you can know.

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Guest jaws4evr

I highly highly highly doubt it... ours defers to all humans as the superior being. I'd be completely shocked if she ever stood up to any human, even if it was protecting one of the pack.


Although I guess I should clarify, she MIGHT stick up to a bad dog threatening one of the human pack, but another human? No way!

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Guest kydie

I agree all dogs are different, I live with a 1/2 chow and know what protection means, she will prtect her pack, and have seen her in action, but the grey,, nope, don't beleive it

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On the other hand, I answer the door with him firmly in hand by the collar, straining (really to greet whoever it is) and if I feel uncomfortable, I've been known to say sternly no bitting. A guy I did that to once took off and I heard later broke into another apartment.

I was gone for a month or two a couple of years ago and the house was on the market. I had just picked up Buck and come home when two mornings later I heard the realtor box clanging on the door. I waited and there were more thumps...and more. Finally I made Buck get out of his bed and with collar in hand opened the door to a very surprised guy who started backing away from Buck while pointing to the for sale sign saying he was supposed to do work for "Mr. Alex" the realtor and please don't let loose the dog.


There was no work being done -- the guy was trying to break in and 90# of big black dog didn't have to do one thing to serve as protection except just stand there.

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Guest TeddysMom

Someone would have to be a true idiot to try to break into my house. I'm not sure about the greys, Spencer is pretty intense and is a Mommy's boy so he may not like anyone threatening me but I know several of the other dogs would protect their house, DH and I. I've had a few missionaries and religious people stop by but they quickly get back in their cars and leave when they hear all the dogs barking.

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Guest Flysmom

I honestly don't know what Cisco and Poncho would do. I have never been in a situation like that before with them. I could not even guess who would be protetive and who would not.


My Fly was a different story. I walked him one day, my son was in the stroller and an off leash dog decided to come running, Fly groweld and stood in front of the stroller and then grabbed the dog and actually started to shake it. He let go when I told him to let go. The owners came running and leashed their dog, appologized to me and kept going (leash law in San Antonio). I think I would call this behaviour 'protective'.

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Guest zoolaine

About once a month my older dogs will run to the front door (usually in the middle of the night or early morning) like someone is breaking in. The greyhounds???? stay in bed and just look at me, like "mom make them shut-up". If we are in the backyard and the neighbors make a loud noise - Zali and Jupiter both run inside the house. Sometimes though Danica will go to the fence with Briley and Luna. I am not sure how Zuki will be as she is only about 7 months now. I wish the greys would at least bark though. I don't know if my older dogs would actually attack anyone inside the house but just the barking is a deterrent to anyone trying to break in. The greyhounds don't make a peep though. I am actually taking a women's gun class in July and plan on getting a gun for protection.

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Guest MonsterMomma

Both my guys, Manny and bridge-boy Diego, have strong protective instincts. Both have defended me against threats (real or imagined) on several occasions. It may be a coincidence, but both of them knew when I was about to have a seizure...they made sure I was safe and alerted the humans.

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Guest BlackandBrindle

Spud's self appointed 'job' is to protect all the women in his life. :lol:


Seriously, he's very protective of me in new situations and he protects his little sister Sadie. He's gotten between my friend and her husband when they watch him (friend's husband was not threatening my friend but Spud took offense) and when she takes him out for last call, will often not let her go too far into the yard if he hears coyotes.


Amanda is one of his people and he'll follow and block her- which has led to a couple of falls. :blush He just stops. Wherever he thinks he's supposed to and sometimes that means you don't know he's going to. :rolleyes: He's a big strong boy. :lol


Sadie's idea is that we should all protect her!


Amanda's Memphis is protective, of his people and his pack. :nod


Neither of mine bark at the door or strangers, but Spud has made it very clear to lots of shady characters that they were NOT to approach me.

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Guest LindsaySF

Any dog is capable of protection. Greys would seem less likely than some other breeds but that doesn't mean they would not when push came to shove. People sometimes fail to consider that sometimes what they interpret as protection is actually fear based. This is why the scaredy-cat dogs will sometimes be the first to put on a big display, particularly at home. That isn't guarding in the sense most of us imagine it. That is a dog acting from a feeling of personal fear, not protecting the family.

Bingo. I'm glad someone said it. :) IMO the vast majority of Greyhounds (most dogs really) do not have the temperament for protection. Most growling/barking is fear-based, and they would run from a physical confrontation. But the barking is helpful because it can deter burglars. :)



I've been around some very dominant, protective dogs. Owned one and trained others at the shelter. Truly protective dogs actually don't put on much of a show, they are more of a silent threat. They will stare intently and be very alert/aroused, no carrying on barking and such, but if the perceived threat comes too close then you're in trouble.


To the OP, if I remember my history correctly, RR's were bred to be guard dogs in addition to their other duties, so protection is part of that breed. Their temperament is very different from a Greyhound temperament, really from most sighthounds actually. RR's tend to be very dominant while Greyhounds tend to be very sensitive.






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It may be a coincidence, but both of them knew when I was about to have a seizure...they made sure I was safe and alerted the humans.


It's not a coincidence. It's one of the truly remarkable things about animals, particularly pets. They have a level of intuition that is far beyond ours. God bless them all! :)

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To the OP, if I remember my history correctly, RR's were bred to be guard dogs in addition to their other duties, so protection is part of that breed. Their temperament is very different from a Greyhound temperament, really from most sighthounds actually. RR's tend to be very dominant while Greyhounds tend to be very sensitive.




That's my understanding, Lindsay. I've had my two greys with my friend's five Ridgebacks and there is a distinct difference; but they are both hounds, and when he mentioned to me that his are very protective, I began to think about that with respect to greys in general and my two in particular. It has been my understanding that greys are more passive, and the participants to this thread seem to confirm that. Of course, every dog is different, and you will find protective greys but, I think, in general, greys are passive and not generally protective. Just my two cents.

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Elphie would DEFINITELY protect me if she thinks we are threatened. I know this because she has done it. Although the times that she has physically gone after someone we were not actually being threatened but she thought we were.

Elphie, Kulee, Amanda, Harmony, Alex (hound mix), Phantom, Norbet, Willis (dsh), Autumn (Siamese) & Max (OSH) & mama rat, LaLa & baby Poppy! My bridge kids: Crooke & Mouse (always in my heart), Flake, Buzz, Snake, Prince (GSD), Justin & Gentry (Siamese), Belle (Aussie/Dalmatian mix), Rupert (amstaff) and Fred, Sirius, Severus, Albus, George, Hagrid, Hermione, Minerva, Marilyn, Wren, Molly, Luna, Tonks, Fleur, Ginny, Neville, Bill, Percy, Rose & Charlie (rats)

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I've always presumed they would probably opt for flight if in a scary situation, i don't really expect them to protect me. At home they will bark if someone comes to the door and Hector has on occasions let out a very deep "i mean business" type growl at noises outside, once when there was an argument going on with neighbours and the other 2 times i've no idea what it was for, but was enough to make me get up and lock the door just in case.

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Our boys are very protective of me, especially. Hurley goes so far as to growl at the other 2 dogs and stand between them and me if he feels they are being naughty. People-wise, he stands between me and my husband for a few reasons: support for me, respect for me and the hope that we will stop arguing. However, when my husband and I are yelling at each other and not close to each other, if there is a harsh enough tone, Hurley runs for the safety of the upstairs bedroom!! This at least causes dh and I to laugh and is a behavior that I find effective!

Woodie is extremely protective of the house and has created problems when welcomed visitors arrive. He needs to be watched (or crated or leashed) because he does like to growl and occasionally bite a guest. He has issues we are probably going to need a professional trainer to help us with because he is the sweetest hound to my husband and I, just not to anyone that may be scared of him in our home. In public, he is docile and a little scared....go figure.

Petra is a barky monster and I am sure she would bark until she felt safe but that could be immediately, for all I know, if a burglar tried to come in.

I'd like to think they would scare off anyone with their barks but beyond that, I would probably have to BE home, to BE protected. On walks, Hurley is always protective, he is perceptive to my needs as a gentleman would be. Woodie? It would depend. Petra? Too soon to tell.


We came home one night last week and found 5 poop piles (or 4 + 1 puke pile?) and we also found an unused fountain type firecracker on our front step. We think some kids were shooting fireworks off and were planning to light one in front of our house. They either fled (neighbors saw? our dogs were loudly barking? cop driving by?) without getting a chance or it was thrown and landed standing up on our step. Anyway, it makes me uncomfortable. The dogs are noisy when they bark at fireworks and I can imagine it could be annoying but I don't like kids knowing we are not home and doing evil things to our house/dogs/property. we reported it to the police in order to find out if others have been reporting the issue. No one else had. Dh is on the warpath now and wishes to catch the next kid red handed. The dogs? They probably pooped to release their fear.

Bow Wow Wow Yippie Yo Yippie Yay :)


Johanna with hounds: Woodie (Molly's Marvin) (Grenade X Kh Molly) and Petra (Make Her a Pet) (Dodgem By Design X Late Nite Oasis)

and forever missing Hurley (Jel Try Out) (Gable Dodge X Kings Teresa) with Kalapaki Beach in Kauai as the background

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Guest BooBooMama

Years ago when I still had both Jen and Jamie I was out with them for an evening walk. We walked through the downtown area of my little city. As we were heading back home we walked past a restaurant/ bar that had a side alley way. A rather suspicious man walked out from between the two buildings. Both girls stopped abruptly with their back hair standing up, curled back their lips and growled the most frightening growls that I have ever heard- in unison. They had NEVER displayed behavior like that before and never did again. The man in questions took off fast and I was so pleased with my gentle protectors!

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I don't know actually. When I wiped out on our walk the other night (because I am a clutz), Molly was by my side licking me and making sure I was alright before my husband even noticed I was on the ground. :P


She has growled and gotten between me and another dog that was trying to get my attention by jumping up on me, but it could've just as easily been jealousy versus protectiveness.


I don't know how she'd react in a threatening situation, and honestly, I hope I never find out!



Jennifer, Mike and the menagerie ---

Molly (Blue Sky Dreamin), Tinker (BT My Lil Girl) and their feline brothers Miles and Lewis

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when we are out for our last walk at night, like at 11pm, if Lola sees someone approaching in the dark, she will get in a very protective and alert mode, and let out a warning bark. she's usually shy around strangers. i don't know if she'd attack anyone, but she's so unpredictable sometimes, i wouldn't be surprised! :rolleyes:


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