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Heat Exhaustion And Heat Stroke Can Kill Your Dog And You!

Guest Energy11

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Guest Energy11

BUMPING... due to Judy's post about a man dying mowing lawns!!


This weather is really getting to a lot of people, but when you read that people are dying ... that makes you sit up and take notice.


This is ... "The Summer from HEck, for sure."


Please be careful and use caution! Stay inside!

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Guest Energy11

I heat the heat! I stay in and having problems at 76 in my home.



DH just got back from a trip to Central Fla, and S. Fla...HE SAID, it was actually COOLER there!!!


OMG!!! We moved from Fla, to the N. Georgia Mountains, to get away from the heat, and turns out, Florida is cooler than the mountains? What the Hey?


It is a sad state of affairs, when this is reality!


No matter, THE HEAT IS ON, and not going anywhere soon, so all of you, ... be CAREFUL out there!


Is anyone as stir crazy as I am?

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We just had our 10th heat related death here. It's really bad. We're supposed to have another bad one today and then they say we will cool off into the 90's.:lol It was 107 on Wednesday, 105 yesterday and we're forecast for 103 today (which was the forecast yesterday). We'll see. We're staying inside, opening the door as little as possible and waiting it out.


I really am having to watch my pups. They want to run and I'm having to stop them, especially my dark colored hounds. They come in from going potty and they are hot.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest Energy11

We aren't as hottt as Memphis, and some other places, but still, under heat advisories.


Kids go back to school today in the Metro Atlanta Area, (about 1.5 hours south of here), and they will be allowed to take water bottles for the bus rides home. Football teams are practicing inside.


There was a Metro-Atlanta police dog who died yesterday :-(. He was giving chase after a suspect, and he couldn't be called off. He dropped dead!


This is THE WORST heat I have EVER seen, ever! Florida is actually 12+ degrees cooler than where we live in the mountains. You know something is wrong with that!


All we can do is RESPECT this heat, and be aware, or, we and our dogs, could become yet another statistic!

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Guest EmergencyOps

Thanks for the tips. This is our first summer after having adopted our brindle girl. I have definately had to think about the little things, including pavement and simply being in direct sunlight; you'd be surprised at how hot their coat can feel to the touch after just 3 to 5 minutes. Even non-black paving can be very hot.


With the longest day of the year long behind us, it can only get better from here...right? :whiteflag

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Guest Energy11

Thanks for the tips. This is our first summer after having adopted our brindle girl. I have definately had to think about the little things, including pavement and simply being in direct sunlight; you'd be surprised at how hot their coat can feel to the touch after just 3 to 5 minutes. Even non-black paving can be very hot.


With the longest day of the year long behind us, it can only get better from here...right? whiteflag.gif



We can only HOPE the worst is behind us, right?


Being in Texas, you REALLY have to be careful of the heat for you and your grey!


Take care and be safe! ... and yes, even "non black," pavement can be hot! We have a light gray paint on our deck, and that deck is WAYYY TOO HOTT for the greyts in the afternoon. We have carpets leading from our door to the dog pen.

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Guest TeddysMom

The thermometer says it is 85 degrees on my back deck but it is just plain hot, no air movement and the humidity is higher than normal. I feel sorry for any dog that has to live outside which is really common around here, I just don't understand people. When I was in town yesterday it was 99 degrees on the bank sign and some nut was jogging with his dog. :yikes Please use extra caution with yourselves and your animals until this heat is over for the year.

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Guest Energy11



After reading TBSFlame's thread about the cleaning lady who came to clean and left the greyhound outside in EXTREME temps, I thought it was time to bump this thread again.


Please educate your cleaning people, and let them know, in this heat, or anytime, really, it isn't acceptable to put dogs outside for long periods of time, unattended. These are not their animals, and they have no right to put them outside for longer than a potty break.


PLEASE respect this heat, PLEASE! You hear daily of people dying outside, pets dying, like the police canine in Greater Atlanta the other day.


Be Safe, and EDUCATE others about this heat!

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Guest Energy11

You all asked that this thread be bumped during the heat. Well, for a lot of us, it is HORRID out there, so hence, the bump.


The mid-section of this country is HOTTER than Florida, so all of you who work out in this heat, or are out and about, please be careful!

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Guest eaglflyt

It's 7 PM here and our actual temp has just *dropped* to 102 F! I have no idea what our current heat index is, or what our high today was ... but it was quite a bit hotter than it is now. Ugh. I'm ready for Fall.

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Guest Energy11

It's 7 PM here and our actual temp has just *dropped* to 102 F! I have no idea what our current heat index is, or what our high today was ... but it was quite a bit hotter than it is now. Ugh. I'm ready for Fall.



I think we are ALL ready for fall! I was just saying to DH tonight, I pray that FALL is FALL, and not hottt like Spring was! We had no Spring this year :-(


I think, even the folks that like the heat, are ready for a change, after this ridiculous summer!


Bottom line is ... everyone has to respect this heat, and watch out for themselves, their pets and children!

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  • 9 months later...

It's getting to be that time again. We just had 92 degree weather in Maine this past weekend (in May!). I went searching for this thread as a refresher for myself. These random hot days can be just as dangerous as a sustained heat wave.


I'm bumping the thread in case there is anyone else interested in reading it for the first time or a quick reminder on the dangers of heat.

Christine- Mum to Betty (Nitro Ugly Betty), Hannah (Rj Have I Told U) and missing Heidi (Sendahl Eve) 04/21/2005-06/19/2013

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Thanks for bumping this. Magic seems to like hot weather but I don't let him do anything he shouldn't. In fact, today I came home to check on Magic (10 years old) and my landlord's 2, 11-year olds during my lunch break. Fortunately, there are lots of trees around the house which is stone and one of the fans was on as well as some of the windows' being open.

Carol, missing Magic (1/5/01 - 4/15/15) but welcoming Fuzzy's Joy Behar (Joy) into my life on 5/31/15.

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Guest BrianRke

thanks for posting, I read a post where if a dog is in this over heated situation to apply alochol to it's pads, now my vet, says NO NO, this can be absorbed through the pads, just like a human can absorb it through the skin,,,, I have a llewellyn setter, that gets heat exhustion very easily, and had to cool him down twice in his life, I have also been told never apply cold wet compresses over his body, as this can hold heat in, but rather cold water to feet, belly, face, cold water to drink and get to a fan or A.C. fast,,, any thoughts here?

I disagree about the alcohol. The alcohol evaporates quickly and is great for cooling down an overheated dog.


Great thread, thanks for starting it. It was 98 degrees here in VA yesterday. My dogs didnt even WANT to go outside. I keep it around 67 in my house, I like it cool.

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Guest CampWhippet

When I was single the AC didn't come on until the house was in the upper 80s/90s. Wife says "no way" to that now. But this meant the dogs slowly got acclimated to the warmer temps as summer set in. My dogs, like the dogs at tracks like JCKC or on the farm in OK/TX where there is no AC, can live in the high temps because they are acclimated to it. For my dogs to be in the 90 degree heat menat they were hot but it wasn't fatal. Now I have to take more precautions and learned the difference this past weekend while camping.


I have read a lot about all this as I get ready to take dogs spoiled by 78 degree AC house to the outside world. I like what I read here: North American Police Work Dog Association


Read this, but two things jumped out at me:


-"alcohol has fallen out of favor with ER specialists, use it only as a last ditch effort if nothing else works" (I'd add - just use it on the pads of their feet I guess)


-Once the temp STARTS to drop, STOP ALL COOLING EFFORTS. The cooling process will continue even though you have stopped. If the temp starts at 106.5, and then next time it drops to 105.5, stop cooling the dog, dry it off, and continue monitoring. You will be amazed how it continues to go down. If you do not stop until the temp is 102, the temp will drop way too low. I cannot emphasize this point enough"

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Thanks for bumping this. The heat and humidity in NYC this weekend was quite high. My super, in his infinite wisdom, decided that June 1 was the date that he would install our A/C units. I went out and bought two fans, one facing right at my girl's couch and one tiny one in the kitchen where I was doing some painting.


When my girl kept panting and not being comfortable, I made my own version of the terry cloth "wet coat" that someone posted on here last week. My girlie sported a wet t-shirt for a couple of days. It did eventually dry but it seemed to help a lot.


The A/C is in now, along with the fan so she is feeling much happier.


My walker knows that the summer rule is a quick pee run and then the rest of her 30 minutes is an indoor visit. That way I know that both dog and walker are not getting overheated!

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Guest Shermanator

My girls are born and bred AZ doggies. They are acclimated to HOT weather. The only thing I really do is stop walkies. They have a dog door where they can come and go as they please, and self regulate themselves in the heat. I also keep LOTS of fresh water out. Oh, and of course the AC is now on permanently. Here comes 110!

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Guest BrianRke

Would you believe I let Bullitt out to go potty and I went back to let him in and he's sun bathing! I called him, he wouldn't come so I squirted him with the hose. That made him come in. It's 97 right now with a heat index of 114:eek


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Guest kydie

this always a good reminder,,, It was 84 degrees here the past 2 day,,,, much , much cooler today,,, but yesterday I caught the grey lying on the deck in the sun,,, buddy I moved his a@@ back in the house fast,, as I leave the slider open all day for the pups to go in and out on their own,,, never did I think I'd find one sunning themselves,, he seemed sightly miffed at me and seemed none the worse for wear... we sure are not used to this heat here 80 degress is our top of the summer heat index in August,, so glad it is over here,,,, we are expecting frost tonight (not kidding either) :blink:

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