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Sensitive - Euthanasia

Guest Whistle

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Guest Whistle
Again, not the most pleasant post but I know you want to hear the good and the bad. It's the hardest thing I've ever done and my thoughts are with you.


Yes, I am glad you shared what happened and I am sorry you had to go through that. I would rather have the information and it not go that way with us than it go that way with us and be totally unprepared for it.

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you are very lucky to have the support of so many people here. i didn't, so i hope you can use the good thoughts and wishes to make things a bit less traumatic :grouphug.

Edited by robinw

Xavi the galgo and Peter the cat. Missing Iker the galgo ?-Feb.9/19, Treasure (USS Treasure) April 12/01-May 6/13, Phoenix (Hallo Top Son) Dec.14/99-June 4/11 and Loca (Reko Swahili) Oct.9/95 - June 1/09, Allen the boss cat, died late November, 2021, age 19.

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I know it is very difficult to go through this but my DH and I have made the committment to be with each of our pets when we let them go. We have been with them through the good and we have to be with them for the "ugly". We want our pets to see us and feel us next to them when we let them go however painful it is for us. As Crystal Ward Kent said in The Journey.............this is part of the journey. I like the idea of the blanket and maybe one of their favorite toys. You are in our thoughts!



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Guest Whistle
you are very lucky to have the support of so many people here. i didn't, so i hope you can use the good thoughts and wishes to make things a bit less traumatic :grouphug.


It is a comfort to know you have the support and thoughts of people who really understand. The friends I have made through my adoption group have been incredible as well.


I'm off to spend time with my boy tonight. Many thanks again to you all. I'll check back in tomorrow.



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Sending you strength for the most difficult, but loving thing we do for our pets. I had sat up all night with Cody on April 13/-14 and knew it was time for him to make that journey. I sat with him on his bed most of the day and fed him his favorite, vanilla ice cream. Charlie and I called our family and two of our adult sons and one adult grandson went with us and we all sat on the floor with him in the vet's office. I got down and held his big, beautiful white head in both by hands and whispered into his ear with tears streaming down my face until Dr. Cordy touched my shoulder and whispered, "He's gone."


The fact that our vet had him back with us in two days meant so much to me.



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We are having the most beautiful cool but sunny day here. I opened the windows and Bribz got all frisky and "roo-ey." They don't roo often, and it just lifted my heart. He seems to be feeling pretty good this afternoon. This weather has always done that to him. And yes, that is my 3-year-old skin kid you hear rooing in the background :)


I just thought I'd share (45 second Photobucket video).


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Oh I loved the video and thank you for sharing. Had to turn the volume down as my grey came running into the office.




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Guest greyaspet

My first greyhound died at home, the vet came here. I put the other three in another room with a babygate so they could watch but it was more for me than for them. I was so out of control that I couldn't handle it. They did come in and see her after she was gone. My other girl had to be taken because it was an emergency type thing and no time to prepare. The boys looked for her for days.

I would ask you vet what he/she thinks about having your other dog present.

It is so heartbreaking and I am very sorry you have to go through this. A good friend told me recently that if we didn't love them so much it wouldn't hurt so much when they left. She was so right.


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No one should go through this alone.



i did go through it alone and it was awful

Xavi the galgo and Peter the cat. Missing Iker the galgo ?-Feb.9/19, Treasure (USS Treasure) April 12/01-May 6/13, Phoenix (Hallo Top Son) Dec.14/99-June 4/11 and Loca (Reko Swahili) Oct.9/95 - June 1/09, Allen the boss cat, died late November, 2021, age 19.

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I'm so sorry you are going through this. Here is my insight based on our experiences....


We found out the hard way that not all vets automatically give the sedative shot first. Our Beagle's euthanasia was quite distressing because he wasn't relaxed at all and fought it so much. Definitely make certain your vet will administer this shot first.


Our girl Cosmo died at home, in the front yard, actually, a few weeks ago. Our other Greys weren't there when it happened but I did take them out one at a time to see her afterwards. I can't say for sure if it helped, but I know it didn't hurt, so I feel it was worth doing. I personally don't think I would have the dogs there when it's happening, though; at least in the case of mine I know they would have been sniffing and bothering her and I don't think it would have been very peaceful.

...............Chase (FTH Smooth Talker), Morgan (Cata), Reggie (Gable Caney), Rufus
(Reward RJ). Fosters check in, but they don't check out.
Forever loved -- Cosmo (System Br Mynoel), March 11, 2002 - October 8, 2009.
Miss Cosmo was a lady. And a lady always knows when to leave.

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Guest Energy11
No one should go through this alone.



i did go through it alone and it was awful

Not only was I not "able" to be there when Energy was sent ... I had NO ONE to talk to afterward, except DH. It WAS the WORST day of my life, even worse then when I lost my husband! I didn't know about Greytalk ... all of you! I think God for all of you, because it DOES make a difference, when others understand what this feels like! When my friend, Glenn, lost his Monica, only 6, to heart disease, I talked to him everyday for a month!


It is wonderful knowing we have a true family here on Greytalk, ... people who have been there, done that, and people to lean on!

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No one should go through this alone.



i did go through it alone and it was awful

Not only was I not "able" to be there when Energy was sent ... I had NO ONE to talk to afterward, except DH. It WAS the WORST day of my life, even worse then when I lost my husband! I didn't know about Greytalk ... all of you! I think God for all of you, because it DOES make a difference, when others understand what this feels like! When my friend, Glenn, lost his Monica, only 6, to heart disease, I talked to him everyday for a month!


It is wonderful knowing we have a true family here on Greytalk, ... people who have been there, done that, and people to lean on!


I agree. I don't know how I survived all these years without GT. A wonderful family!




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Guest Energy11
We are having the most beautiful cool but sunny day here. I opened the windows and Bribz got all frisky and "roo-ey." They don't roo often, and it just lifted my heart. He seems to be feeling pretty good this afternoon. This weather has always done that to him. And yes, that is my 3-year-old skin kid you hear rooing in the background :)


I just thought I'd share (45 second Photobucket video).


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Oh I loved the video and thank you for sharing. Had to turn the volume down as my grey came running into the office.

I loved this video too! Thank you for letting us meet Bribz!

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Sending all my sympathy and adding a few ideas to the many wonderful ones earlier:


One of my dogs, too, had his heart continue beating intermittently. The vet gave him another shot of the euthanasia agent, and then Bazzy simply finished slipping away. I have always chosen to think of it as something almost endearing, yet more evidence of his big, strong heart.


Practical things: Lay in supplies of tissues. Get the financial stuff figured out ahead of time, so you don't even have to think about it on Friday. If you haven't already, you might want to call or e-mail your adoption group to let them know you may be emotional when you pick up your foster on Saturday. One of the hardest things for me is telling people. If you want, let some of your friends know by e-mail and ask them to spread the word for you.


Grief is as unique as the loved one we mourn. Act as you think best, not as what you think other people expect. Give both your hounds hugs from us.


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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Guest sirsmom

We had our beloved Bonnie euthanzed at home. I did close our 2 dogs up in the bedroom til it was over and then I let them view and sniff the body before our mobile vet removed it. It was so much better at home than at the vets office. She was so comfortable and peaceful; at the vet our previous dogs got panicky. If its at all possible go the home route

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My heart aches for you. It's the hardest thing to do as a pet owner but I truly believe it's the greatest act of love when it's to free them from pain, suffering. I have been down this road to many times and for me the hardest part is the time leading up to it. I won't lie it's dreadful and I know you are feeling it now. I've literally thought I was having a heart attack I ached so bad. But I wouldn't want them to go through it alone so I've always chosen to stay. Fortunately with all but one I've had that time. Mine have all left in a very peaceful way. I've held them all and had their heads in my lap. As torn up as I always am I'm always so relieved and feel a sense of peace over me knowing that they are no longer in pain. They are fine. When I know they are fine then I am ready to deal with the hole that's just been left.


A dear friend of mine said to make the day a celebration of life before you send them on to the bridge and I've always tried to do this. Treasure the moments and know you aren't alone. It's a brave and necessary part of life when we own a pet to set them free when it's time. My vet shared with me that pets are fortunate in that they have the ultimate pain control when nothing else can work or make them better and it's euthanasia.


Love never dies. My thoughts are with you and my prayers for you for strength, peace and comfort during this time and especially on Friday.





Pam with greys Avril, Dalton & Zeus & Diddy the dachshund & Miss Buzz the kitty

Devotion, Jingle Bells, Rocky, Hans, Harbor, Lennon, NoLa, Scooter, Naomi and Scout at the bridge

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When it was time to let Isis cross the bridge because of the bone cancer, the last 5 days she was with me I spoiled her rotten..giving her all the foods she loved and a lot of one on one time with her.

Isis, Always in my Heart Bijou, My Sweetest Angel

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I have to admit this thread has brought forward a lot of detailed memories and sadness about the passing of each of our pets. Reading all of your stories ties everything together.


Whisper, I will be thinking of you on Friday. As others have said, it is the hardest but most important gift you could ever give to Bribz. Thanks for sharing the video, he looks so sweet.


In my experience, our other pets know when there is something wrong, and because our latest bridge kitteh Cairo passed not at home, his brother Koppie, who spent the last 2 months of Cairo's life literally by his side - literally, constantly - Koppie looked for Cairo for 4-5 days after he was gone. I could see the look in his eyes that he didn't understand what happened to his friend, the one who he spent the last 2 months caring for. It was quite sad, even for a kitteh!


I'm so sorry Whisper. May you have all the power and spirit of GT surrounding you on Friday for a peaceful and loving journey for Bribz.

Doe's Bruciebaby Doe's Bumper


Follow my Ironman journeys and life with dogs, cats and busy kids: A long road

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I'm so sorry....it's a tough decision, isn't it? I went through the same thing with Lewis this past March. Since I knew his time was close, I arranged to have the vet come to the house. My sister and I have a ritual...we've both been through this several times. She comes to my house if it's one of mine or I go to her house if it's one of hers and we drink Bloody Marys (I know that sounds kind of gruesome but it's just what we do) until the vet arrives. It really helps to have someone with you. I was very lucky with Lewis because we had an incredibly warm day for March and we all got to spend most of the day outside. I grilled him a big steak and just let him enjoy the sun. He was stretched out in a nice patch of sun and my sister, my other three greys and I were there to help him cross over. My vet, who is also a very, very good friend, gave me plenty of time...probably almost an hour with him but took me inside, fixed me another drink and made me wait until she and my sister took him to her truck. As sad as it was, I knew he was in a much, much better place....out of pain and with plenty of friends.


I'll be thinking of you on Friday....however you decide to handle it will be the right way for you. Don't beat yourself up over it. Spoil that baby of yours rotten tomorrow and know that what you're doing is the hardest, yet best gift you could ever give. :grouphug


Blair, Stella (DND Heather), Lizzie (M's Deadra), Hitch (Hallo Dominant) and House (Mac's Dr. House)

Missing my handsome men Lewis (Vs Lowrider) - 11/11/01 - 3/11/09, Kevin (Dakota's Hi Five) - 1/1/06 - 4/18/11 and my cat, Sparkle Baby - ??/??/96 - 4/23/11

"The gift which I am sending you is called a dog, and is, in fact, the most precious and valuable possession of mankind." (Theodorus Gaza)

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Guest Ohiogreymom

We'll also be thinking of you on Friday. I let my boy go the middle of August, and it's the hardest thing in the world. My heart goes out to you! :bighug Darlene

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Guest Whistle
I'm so sorry you are going through this. Here is my insight based on our experiences....


We found out the hard way that not all vets automatically give the sedative shot first. Our Beagle's euthanasia was quite distressing because he wasn't relaxed at all and fought it so much. Definitely make certain your vet will administer this shot first.


Our girl Cosmo died at home, in the front yard, actually, a few weeks ago. Our other Greys weren't there when it happened but I did take them out one at a time to see her afterwards. I can't say for sure if it helped, but I know it didn't hurt, so I feel it was worth doing. I personally don't think I would have the dogs there when it's happening, though; at least in the case of mine I know they would have been sniffing and bothering her and I don't think it would have been very peaceful.


I did call and ask about the sedative, and they will be giving Bribz a sedative first. I have decided to leave my other hound in another part of the house and then let him see Bribz for a minute when it is over. He has been stressed out because I've been sad and things have been a little different at home and I don't want to frighten him.



No one should go through this alone.



i did go through it alone and it was awful

Not only was I not "able" to be there when Energy was sent ... I had NO ONE to talk to afterward, except DH. It WAS the WORST day of my life, even worse then when I lost my husband! I didn't know about Greytalk ... all of you! I think God for all of you, because it DOES make a difference, when others understand what this feels like! When my friend, Glenn, lost his Monica, only 6, to heart disease, I talked to him everyday for a month!


It is wonderful knowing we have a true family here on Greytalk, ... people who have been there, done that, and people to lean on!


Again, I so sorry about what you had to go through.


When I had to put mine down. ( i had her for 18 years) I asked the vet if he could snip a lil piece of her hair for me. I saved it along with her scrapbook of the wonderful pics and awards she earned.


This is a good idea I hadn't thought of. Thank you.



Sending all my sympathy and adding a few ideas to the many wonderful ones earlier:


One of my dogs, too, had his heart continue beating intermittently. The vet gave him another shot of the euthanasia agent, and then Bazzy simply finished slipping away. I have always chosen to think of it as something almost endearing, yet more evidence of his big, strong heart.


Practical things: Lay in supplies of tissues. Get the financial stuff figured out ahead of time, so you don't even have to think about it on Friday. If you haven't already, you might want to call or e-mail your adoption group to let them know you may be emotional when you pick up your foster on Saturday. One of the hardest things for me is telling people. If you want, let some of your friends know by e-mail and ask them to spread the word for you.


Grief is as unique as the loved one we mourn. Act as you think best, not as what you think other people expect. Give both your hounds hugs from us.


I have already taken care of the financial parts everything, even with the crematory. I will be adopting the new hound through my adoption group, but I am going to pick him up directly from Southland. A friend is going with me who knows the hound and kennel owner. She is actually the one who matched me up with him. I'm glad you mentioned the adoption group, though. I will have to send out a group e-mail. It would be very difficult to be at a M&G and have someone ask how Bribz is doing.


I like what you said about grief. Thank you.


Again, many thanks to everyone. I couldn't sleep last night and just got up at 3:00 a.m. Reading though this thread has been a comforting way to start the day.


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I remember once when I was breaking my heart at the Vets when saying goodbye to my darling 21 year old cat, Dora, the Vet saying to me: ' People always remember the day they got their pet and the day it died, what they forget is how much love and joy was in between. Only 10% of the World's cats are owned, that means that 90% are fighting for survival every day - Dora didn't have that problem did she?'. They were such wise words and sadly I have had to remember them on several occasions since. Your boy has been, and always will be, devotedly loved. I hope you are very proud of that.

Steve & I are holding you all very close in our hearts.





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Guest greygirls2

I am so sorry that you have to go through this....it is never easy on us but the best we can do for these precious pups. You are fortunate that the vet is willing to come to your home....both of my girls had to be taken to the clinic to be let go because we have no one out here that will do home visits. We will be thinking of you tomorrow as your precious hound makes the final journey. My deepest heartfelt sympathies flow out to you......Hugs

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Guest VaGreymom
Your Grey is just moving into your heart , close your eyes any time and think of him and you will see him .


What a beautiful, comforting thought; this made me cry :cry1



Same here. I want to remember this as it was very comforting to me.


I have had to do this too many times. My vet has just used the one shot, and they go so quickly. I am thinking of your today. Gentle hugs as you go through this difficult time.

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