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If there is new swelling at this stage, I'd get him back in to see the vet, pronto.


I just watched the video, too - that's how I've seen dogs with broken legs walk. There is no use in the whole leg, either because the pain is too severe, or because something is 'broken' - bone, tendon, joint, or nerve supply (hence the brackets). For me, it would definitely be time to get that referral if my own vet didn't know what was going on - but I don't know how far away from a specialist you are out there.


Poor Riley. Give him a scritch for me! Sending good thoughts to you both. :hope


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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Only seeing this now.........Hope Riley heals quickly and is more comfortable.


If you are still concerned follow your instinct and see your vet again for further tests /examination.


Sending our best....

Run free our beloved Sir Snowy, Pip, Queenie, Sadie, Tess & Rosie until we meet again......I would rather feel the thorn than to never see the rose

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I would take him back for a recheck, has your vet mentioned a second opinion? No knows everything and maybe something has been missed.


Not finding fault with your vet, just making a suggestion. that video is so painful to watch.

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Yes, they do have orthopedists for dogs. Cody had this exact same accidnent in Petco, his back legs spread and he went completely down, screaming at the top of his lungs and no one came to our assistance. He was a very big guy, 90 pounds and DH and I had to get him up and in the van by ourselves. Rushed him to his holistic vet who also does chiropractic therapy.


He also got acupuncture treatments which helped him a great deal.


Petco paid for one visit and thank God it wasn't anywhere near the injury poor Riley is dealing with.

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Guest TBSFlame
I told my vet to use Valium on Darius once just ot get an xray, he was old and still so strong that they could not hold him down without moving. I told him to try valium, he panted a great deal on that valium.



Our first grey panted a lot on valium.

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Just catching up with Riley. I hope this is the start of his recovery. It still sounds like there's a lot going on with him! Just as an aside - Suze had a horrible reaction to Tramadol. Talk about a space cadet! I will never give it to her again!

Sending prayers and healing white light to Riley and hugs to you. I hope he can spend a comfortable night followed by a comfortable day so that the healing can begin.

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Guest LindsaySF
If there is new swelling at this stage, I'd get him back in to see the vet, pronto.


I just watched the video, too - that's how I've seen dogs with broken legs walk. There is no use in the whole leg, either because the pain is too severe, or because something is 'broken' - bone, tendon, joint, or nerve supply (hence the brackets). For me, it would definitely be time to get that referral if my own vet didn't know what was going on - but I don't know how far away from a specialist you are out there.

I agree. I would get a recheck. If it was just a soft tissue injury you would have seen improvement by now IMO.



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@#$%. I feel nauseous. I don't know if this is new or I just noticed it, but this whole front leg is dark purple/black under the fur. It is hard to tell because he has black spots on his legs, but I first noticed that the area right above his stopper bad is swollen and purple, and when I checked the rest of the leg and armpit it is the same. I am 75% sure that this was not here yesterday when I put the warm compresses and manipulated the leg, but I don't think the lights were fully on. I looked at it this morning, but maybe not closely enough. Bruising can show up after a trauma, right? Of course it is Saturday night and my vet is not open til Monday. My only option is that same e-vet that I did not like. Sorry if I am freaking out over nothing, but I am scared. :cry1

Edited by RileysMomma
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Lucy, don't panic. I do think you need to get back into a vet. If you don't want to go to that evet, keep icing his leg and shoulder, keep him calm, and get him in Monday am. Hopefully someone else with more experience can weigh in. Is there another evet you can call ahead to talk to before you take him in?


eta :grouphug :grouphug because I have been thinking about you and Riley all day. I HATE the feeling you are feeling right now. :(

Edited by Valencia


Shannon, mom to Shae, Jesse James and Linus the Chinese Cresteds,and bridge angels Sydney Sue and Stewart.

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Guest lovemyhounds

I wish I had some words of wisedom but I don't. I keep checking on Riley hoping for some great news. Have you googled his latest symptoms to see what you come up with? I know my last visit to the evet with our Kylie left me never wanting to return but I guess if I had to, I would.

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Guest Greytluv
Lucy, don't panic. I do think you need to get back into a vet. If you don't want to go to that evet, keep icing his leg and shoulder, keep him calm, and get him in Monday am. Hopefully someone else with more experience can weigh in. Is there another evet you can call ahead to talk to before you take him in?


eta :grouphug :grouphug because I have been thinking about you and Riley all day. I HATE the feeling you are feeling right now. :(

Greyt advice. Don't panic. Keep icing.



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Lucy, don't panic. I do think you need to get back into a vet. If you don't want to go to that evet, keep icing his leg and shoulder, keep him calm, and get him in Monday am. Hopefully someone else with more experience can weigh in. Is there another evet you can call ahead to talk to before you take him in?


eta :grouphug :grouphug because I have been thinking about you and Riley all day. I HATE the feeling you are feeling right now. :(

Thank you so much Shannon, you have been amazing through this all. I can't tell you how much it has helped to know you guys are here.


My vet told me to use warm compresses, but is icing better for bruising? I am pretty sure there is only the one e-vet but I am trying to find out. If not, I am going to call the e-vet and see what he thinks, since he's already seen him I feel like it's better than nothing.


Taking deep breaths. I know he will get better soon, it just feels like each day is going on forever.

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I thought icing was better, too, but my group has also used warm compresses for less than fresh injuries where the blood is pooling. Both work to increase blood flow to the area. Ice does numb the area a bit and reduce swelling and pain, both of which would lead Riley to pant. Usually, ice is recommended for the first 24-48 hours while the initial healing takes place, and then you switch to heat to increase blood flow and healing. If I were you, I would try icing, I think it will make Riley feel better. It certainly will not hurt.


I just read something that makes sense: fresh injuries get ice to reduce swelling, inflammation, and bleeding / bruising. Once the acute stage of injury is over (48-72 hours) heat can be used to relax stiffness, and ice can still be used to remove pain and swelling. So I stick with what I said, use the ice until you hear from your vet, unless you think his joints are getting stiff.


Shannon, mom to Shae, Jesse James and Linus the Chinese Cresteds,and bridge angels Sydney Sue and Stewart.

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