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Sterling Has Osteosarcoma

Guest RynnAndLyra

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I have to admit---I got a little teary eyed just now. He is absolutely, positively gorgeous! And yes, I do believe you have your boy back. It's great to know that his recovery is progressing so well.

I think at some point, they all wipe out. Winnie did---on the amp side, of course---and it scared the poop out of her, almost literally. Me too, since she raised up and hit me in the chin with the top of her head. I saw stars, and she never wanted to walk on a slick floor again! Her incision did weep a little then too.

Sterling, keep up the GREAT work, sweet boy. You are in our prayers.

Nancy, Mom to Evangelina and Kiva
Missing Lacey, Patsy, Buster, my heart dog Nick, Winnie, Pollyanna, Tess, my precious Lydia, Calvin Lee, my angel butterfly Laila, and kitties Lily, Sam and Simon
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Merann! YEAY!!!!


Fabulous news!! I'm so happy for y'all!! Go, Sterls!


Does he seem at all fazed or sore from his spill? Hope not. Had to happen at some point. Now it has, and you both survived, you can cross that off the list! :)


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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What great news about the clear lungs!! I am so very happy for you to have your sweet boy back, too.. what a handsome hunk!!


I continue to think about Sterling and his great progress every day - and I am so glad you added recent photos! Now I can really visualize :-D



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Guest greydogluvr

I am so glad all is clear. My heart dropped when I saw there was a new post. I have been thinking about your big boy often. What wonderful news. Keep it up, Sterling.

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Xan - I have a ton of pictures on my camera. Now they just need to get on the computer....


We played fetch in the backyard yesterday and he RAN for the toy and brought it back to me four times!!!!



Oh how happy does he look on those pictures!!!!!! It does the heart good to see. Thanks for sharing.

Run free our beloved Sir Snowy, Pip, Queenie, Sadie, Tess & Rosie until we meet again......I would rather feel the thorn than to never see the rose

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That is Great News!!!! I hope you enjoyed the walk. :colgate

Darlene Mom to: Aladdin, Sophie ,Pongo, Jasmine, Relic Forever in our Hearts Champ at the Rainbow Bridge.

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Guest RynnAndLyra

We start chemo on July 6th. That is the earliest we can get in unless there is a cancellation. Dr. Bill really wants Sterls to see this Board Certified Oncologist - said she is wonderful. I asked if I could get in to see the other Dr. any more quickly and the answer was no. That is not good - that many animals needing chemo.


But this does give us time to coordinate the chemo drugs through OSU.


Guess who roached yesterday? I was washing his leg where the sutures were - there was dried blood and fluid. He really seemed to enjoy it and before I knew it - over he went onto his back!!!!


Yesterday he got the full spa treatment - a sponge bath, a good brushing and his nails dremmeled!!! He looks pretty spiffy!

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Guest EmbersDad

sterling looks great! its amazing how quickly they adapt. good luck with chemo!. it wacked ember for a couple days, put her off eating, but mickey d's and ensure worked for us.

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Of course he looks spiffy! And streamlined, with only 3 gangly legs to break that sleek line! :lol


July 6th ... Okay, not too far off. We'll be there with you in spirit!!



My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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Guest RynnAndLyra

Sterling was weighed yesterday. Pre amputation he was 98 lbs. He is now 85.4 lbs :(


I just ordered a great harness for him - to use when we go to the vet and to go to chemo. The floors are always so slick - and when he was getting x rays on Friday - he slipped and fell right on his wound - and opened it. So I hope this harness will help him.


Yesterday he RAN full out in the backyard - I about had a heart attack.

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You might also see if you can talk to the people that will be doing the chemo as to whether you can give them a mat/towel for Sterling to lie on. When my boy went to chemo, you could tell that he ended up lying on the concrete and he ended up having sores on his other leg. When I talked to the nurse about a mat, they said it wasn't policy to use one because they had to dispose of any materials that came into contact with the chemo drugs in a certain way. Looking back on that, I think today I would have tried much harder to get him something softer to lie on.


Good luck


edited to add -- you want to become good friends with the chemo nurse - I tried to bring coffee and danish for the days my dog was in for chemo. You might also want to reinforce that your dog does not do well on shiny floors -- when I did that I was lucky and the nurse started to get him from me and bring him back from the chemo treatments so "he didn't have to be handled by the other helpers".

Edited by MaryJane
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Guest RynnAndLyra

Thank you Mary Jane - I will do what you have suggested. You are right - I don't want him to have to lie on the floor without some type of padding. I'm hoping the harness will help with the trip across shiny slick floors.


That is a good idea to bring coffee and danish to the nurse!!


How long does it take to get the dose of chemo???

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I had to leave my boy all day. Dropped off at about 8am and picked up at about 5pm.


You probably want to stock up on a whole bunch of different treat type foods like yogurt, cheerios, applesauce, cheese ... because his tummy will probably be upset from the drugs for about 2 to 3 days. They typically pump a lot of fluid thru them to flush the drugs out so they have to pee quite a bit during the night. I usually planned on NOT sleeping the nights after his chemo because he had another condition where his couldn't fully empty his bladder and because of that he was going out every 10 to 15 minutes all night. You shouldn't have that happen but, be aware that your pup will have to urinate more.


While your boy is going thru chemo, his white blood cells will be affected (they go down) and he will be less able to fight infection so I was very careful with any strange dogs around him that might be sick. I was also more diligent in making sure that he didn't cut himself or something that could lead to an infection. Check with the vet on how susceptible he might be to infection and any precautions he might recommend. You also want to talk to the vet about when (if ever) he should get a rabies or any other vaccine. You also probably don't want to do a flea treatment or heartworm unless the oncologist gives the go-ahead.


If you haven't checked into artemesin yet, this is probably a good time to start getting data on that.



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If they're concerned about disposal of things, you can buy whole rolls of fake sheepskin that are used for just that purpose. Surprised they wouldn't have any there that they could use, but. Believe you can order at places like omahavaccine, petedge, maybe jbpet.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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If they're concerned about disposal of things, you can buy whole rolls of fake sheepskin that are used for just that purpose. Surprised they wouldn't have any there that they could use, but. Believe you can order at places like omahavaccine, petedge, maybe jbpet.


I agree that it should have been a simple matter but I got the impression that they either have to have a "clean room" or that stringent procedures would have to be followed for disposal of anything from that area. I honestly don't know.


In the ICU they had plenty of those egg crate things available and after his amp he had about 3 or 4 in his run so I don't think it is a matter of being able to get something ... it seemed more of "not being part of the procedure for chemo".

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Poor Sterling, falling on his owey!! :eek: Did it need more stitches?


MaryJane, what a lot of useful info!


Merann, what's this harness like? Can we see a picture?


Hugs and scritches going out from Blackburnia!



My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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