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Our Beautiful, Sweet Andy


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Oh, Judy and Mike -- I'm so sorry. Please know our hearts are here, supporting yours while you grieve. I know Andy and Emmy are together again, just as should be. I'm just so sorry he left without your being able to say good-bye. Kevin was there, though, and I know he made sure that Andy knew you were with him.


Edited by Kestralyn
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Oh no, I am so shocked and heartbroken to read this. :weep


Andy won't need to run and find Emmy, she was right there waiting for him, just as she and he will be when you are all together again.


I am so so sorry.







Edited by brindlebaby

Kim, (Herman), Pixie (NK Mary Ann), Kitten, Sammie, Darcy and Scout

Callie (Callie Walker), Ava (Lass Dance), July, Peanut, Kodi, Bailey, Kony, PJ, Scampie, Carlo & Casey waiting for us at the bridge

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Guest Sportingfields

May time be gentle and ease your heart ache with sweet memories of times shared.



Dog On Loan


I'll lend you for a little time, a dog of mine God said.

For you to love while she lives and mourn when she is dead.

The years they may be six or ten or even as few as three.

But will you, 'til I call her back, take care of her for me?


She'll bring her charms to gladden you, and shall her stay be brief,

You'll have her lovely memories as solace for your grief.

I cannot promise she will stay, since all from Earth return,

But there are lessons taught down there I want this dog to learn.


I've looked the wide world over, in my search for masters true,

And from the throngs that crowd life's lanes, I have selected you.

Now will you give her your love, nor think the labor vain,

Nor hate me when I come to call to take her back again?


We answered in sincerity, Dear Lord, Thy will be done.

For all the joy this dog shall bring, the risk of grief we'll run.

We'll shelter her with tenderness, and love her while we may,

And for the happiness we will know, we'll ever grateful stay.

But shall the angels call for her much sooner than we planned,

We'll know the bitter grief that comes and try to understand.



-- Author Unknown


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Guest DeweytheGreyt

Judy I am so very sorry. I wish there was something I could say to ease your pain, but I know that that isn't possible. I hope that you can find some peace in knowing that Emmy has her "rock" again. Hugs to you.


Judy I am so very sorry. I wish there was something I could say to ease your pain, but I know that that isn't possible. I hope that you can find some peace in knowing that Emmy has her "rock" again. Hugs to you.

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I'm so sorry to hear this; it's awful to be away from them when they pass. It happened to me last March when I was in the hospital. It's a helpless feeling. :(


Many communicators say we don't cross over alone; there is always someone there to take us over. No doubt about who helped Andy cross over; it had to be Emmy.



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Guest goofydog

I'm just now seeing this and am so sorry that Andy has gone to the bridge. I got to meet Andy in Birmingham a few months ago and I can tell you he was adorable. Run free Andy. You will be sorely missed.

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Guest HoustonGreys

:f_red Sweet Andy, the care-taker, you and Emmy can run free together now. :gh_run:gh_run

I am so very sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

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I'm so sorry for your loss of Andy - what a touching photo you posted of him. So full of love - what a lucky pup to have been a part of your large family.

:f_white :f_white :f_white



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