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Our Sweet Girl Passed Away Suddenly.

Guest KellyL

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Guest KellyL

Her name was Zelde, she was a dark brindle about 55 lbs. I will try to post a picture of her on the site. Thank you everyone for your kind words and prayers. It means a lot to know that so many people care.


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Guest Aggie94

I'm so sorry for your loss. We lost our 12 year old cat last year the same way. She was fine the day before and when I woke up in the morning she had passed. It is a shock. Sending hugs and prayers.

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Guest mdituro

I would like to extend my deepest condolences to you and your family for your loss. :f_red


We lost our beloved Fortune Hunter (our first Grey) in a similar manner on Oct. 20, 2006 at 1:43PM. One minute we were out in the dog run, doing normal afternoon business, the next we were in the office & Fortune laid on her pillow behind me as I typed a letter to a customer. Suddenly, she let out 4, short cries & died. I tried CPR for the longest time (I had my vet's office on the phone while I was doing it) but it was too late - she was blue and my vets office told me to stop: it was over, she was gone. I was sobbing so hard I could barely talk. I never had Fortune necropsied because there didn't seem to be any point - it would not have changed the outcome & she was such a beautiful girl (my avatar, in fact) that I could not bear the thought of cutting her up. My vet, who is wonderful, did an x-ray & said her heart was greatly enlarged so there was probably nothing anyone could have done in my position, at that moment. Prior to her passing, she didn't really exhibit any symptoms that would be cause for alarm. Nor had any of her exams ever turned up any cardiac issues that would have been red flags. Fortune would have celebrated her 9th birthday two months later.


I cried for months trying to figure out what I so grossly overlooked in her behavior that might have been an indication of what was to come or what I did so wrong that I could have done differently. What I eventually came to realize was that because there wasn't anything I could do to change what happened that I should try to honor her memory by keeping her always in my heart - right where she belonged, forever. So Fortune will always be our "First Girl".


Now, when I look back, I take solace in several facts: Fortune had a good life with us for over 5 years - she loved us & we loved her. She never lacked for attention or affection, she had all the stuffies a dog could ever want, the best food, water, & medical care. And when she did leave us, she left on HER terms, in HER home, on HER pillow, and in my presence - not alone in unfamiliar surroundings with only strangers beside her.


From the sounds of your post, Zelde left you the same way: Surrounded by a loving family and on her own terms - and she knew love!


Goodbye sweet girl - run fast & free.

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Guest MZH

I'm so sorry; this is devastating.


This happened to two of ours. Share was running in the yard racing with Tabba and went down. That was it. As always, he was in the lead. The vet said he "threw a clot" to the heart or brain. He was 8. I saw the whole thing -- all 2 minutes of it.


Sparkle died almost 3 years ago to the day -- it was 5/5/05. She had a been on Proin for 3 years and hated taking it. She died of a cerebral hemorrhage. In retrospect, we think it was giving her headaches. Phenylpropanolamine, which is what Proin basically is, is known to cause this in people and was taken off the human market. Dogs aren't supposed to be affected by it like people are, but I have my doubts. Sparkle was a month shy of 13.


On the "good" side, they didn't have to suffer any long, debilitating illnesses, but it really is an awful shock when it happens. We didn't necropsy either. They were both apparently fine one minute, gone the next. Like your girl, they lived happy lives right up to the end, but it's still hard for us who love and will miss them. :(


Marcia in SC

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Guest PhillyPups

First :bighug to you, I so know your pain, and the second guessing ~ I wish there were words to help you with this, but the pain is so incredible and so very personal. I just wanted to rip my heart out and throw it on the ground and stomp on it to stop the hurting...


I have been there, my beloved Runner, my first, it was two weeks before his 8th birthday, he was the picture of health. Runner and I were at a Meet & Greet at International Speedway (Tony Stewart's tent). Runner was standing at my side, leaning on me, I was scritching his ears, he went straight over, his knees did not even bend. He was gone. I can remember it like it was this morning, I can still hear the sound as he went over. He ripped a part of my heart and soul out on his way to the bridge.


I did not have an autopsy done, he was too proud to put him through that. He has touched my soul to the very core, and I find, over 6 years later, I still cry when I write about it. I was stunned. The only consolation I have found is that he was by my side, doing what he loved to do most, and had we not been there, I would have been doing laundry and he would have been alone.


Ah how I miss that boy.


I lost The Queen, BarbieJade very suddenly December 5, 2007, she was fine when I went to work, and happy to see me when I got home, I was told she had a massive stroke and lost all use of her right side. I had to make the decision we all hate, she would have been 14 May 1. I still miss her so ~ There is no easy way to lose one, as they become a part of our family and our souls ~


:bighug to you, you will be in my prayers and Zelde will run free with the angels, some of the very best are there with her.



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OMG! How absolutely shocking. I am sooo sorry for your loss. I know how difficult it is. Just take comfort in knowing that your precious sweet girl went to the bridge on her on time table and in the place she loved most, in her home, in her bed with her family nearby. We should all be so lucky to go in that manner.

:nod very well said. :grouphug

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I am so sorry for your loss - we have lost three but not as suddendly as you did. Phawn was diagnosed with osteo and we only had two short weeks before we had to make a very painful decision. Shadow was fine and got up in the morning and went down she had broken her leg for no apparent reason (they called it a pathological fx) we rushed her to the vet and we were told that they could set it but it probably would not heal so again it was a painful decision to let her go. He did tell us that he thought it was cancer - she had a toe amputated a few years earlier due to Fibrosarcoma. the Penny who was rescued here through GreyTalk who passed away from anesthesia.


so I can say I know how it feels to lose a sweet baby.


doG bless you and please know there are a lot of us who care and are shedding tears with you.


It is better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all

Missing my Big Blue eyed Bear

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Guest CindiLuvsGreys

I'm so sorry. I lost my Ragdoll cat suddenly to a heart attack. The vet said when they die suddenly it is usually the heart or the brain. Either way I was glad my boy didn't suffer. He was only 6. I'm so sorry for your loss and I am glad your girl didn't suffer. Rest in peace sweetie.

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Farewell sweet Zelde........... :f_pink


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

tiny hada siggy.png

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I'm so very sorry for your shock and loss of your beloved companion. No death is easy or preferable but I hope the memory of her going while home, in the heart of her family with all the noise and bustle of an ordinary day comforts you. Where else would a greyhound want to be but with her people?


[gallery_4177_3286_2416.jpg Neighbor Mike

Inspired by Beloved Angels Danny & Mick

Custom Quilted Coats, Wallhangings & MORE

"From there to here, From here to there, Funny things are everywhere.

Especially with a greyhound in your life!

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I am so very sorry for the sudden loss of your beautiful girl.


Rita, mom to Dakota (Dakotas Dream) & Wish (Kiowa Wish Wish) and my angels

Toby (Sol Marcus) and Robin (Greys Robin Hood)

Forever missing our beloved Robin and Toby

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." Anatole France

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I am so very sorry you lost your sweet girlie this way. We lost our senior girl who was 10 1/2 suddenly last July and it just broke our hearts into a million pieces. We went into the yard around midnight for final outs, she was walking back to the house and her back legs gave out under her without warning. We scooped her up and brought her into the house and she started to panic because her legs would not work. We bundled her up, got her into the car and started for the e-vet. Not even 3 miles from home she passed in the back seat of my car. From losing her legs to the time she passed...it was all of less than twenty minutes.


She was our first greyhound and we had her for 9 beautiful years. We immediately turned around and headed back home with her....There was nothing the vet could do. We cried buckets that night. She is buried under the tulip tree in the yard, home where she belomgs, facing the valley she so loved to watch over while looking for bunnies.


To this day it still bothers me that we will never know what happened to her, but we take comfort in knowing that she went on her terms, surrounded by those she loved most, doing the one thing she loved best...riding in the car!

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In USA Weekend a magazine we got with our Sunday Paper thered is an Article by Dennie Huges named "GRIEVING FOR A LOST PET IS NECESSARY" and it is helpful. There is also a number in the article at the University of California Davis, toll free Pet Loss Support Hot-line at 800-5651526.


Hope this information helps I have not called it but will keep it on hand.


To anyone that has lost a pet I can understand your loss as I have been there quite a few times and I cry with you and remember my own....

It is better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all

Missing my Big Blue eyed Bear

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Guest Sassifrass

I lost my eight year old male greyhound very suddenly three years ago. We were out for a morning walk, he was absolutely fine, and dropped dead. The shock is horrible, but I take comfort that he never knew what hit him. The vet thought that it was probably an aneurysm - I never followed up with a necropsy - was too shocked to think straight.


Hugs to you - I do know how you feel. Try to take comfort in the fact that your Zelde just slept away peacefully at home.

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Guest ArtoftheGryhnd

I'm so sorry for your loss.


My Sterling went a similar way. One minute he was here, and then dropped dead. Very shocking and sad.

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I lost a deerhound overnight at the early age of (just turned) 8. The vet suspected a heart problem, but I didn't have an autopsy done, I couldn't stand the thought of her going through that. She went quietly and with her daughter by her side. It's always difficult and a shock. Take care of yourself.



Angel Gary (Hallo Smoke'em 2000-2013), Angel Molly (Kiowa Mysticrule 1999-2011) Linda, Hana, Sultan

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Guest VelvetEars

It might have just been her time. When I go, that's what I want - just let me go to sleep and wake up in heaven. :grouphug

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