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What's This In His Mouth?


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I'd considered lipoma as well, but there's SO MUCH of it- it's on both sides of the tongue, and it seems to "bridge" the tongue towards the rear. I actually managed to get it between my fingers yesterday when I thought it was a wad of paper. The populations appear to be disjunct, and unconnected.


Phew. I have no idea what to make of it. Hopefully it'll get smaller FAST and convince me I made the right choice.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Did you email the picture to Ohio State and see what they think?


I was going to email it to one of the pathologists at the Arizona veterinary school (at U of A), but figured I'd give the treatment regime a day or two to work first. I hate bugging people like that. :blush

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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I don't think they'd mind being sent some photos! :lol


It still reminds me of oral candidiasis. Which, btw, can build up and be nasty, cottage cheesy growth, not just patches. I found this photo online (pardon, it's really gross). If it is candida albicans, fluconazole should work. And old home remedy (that can work) for oral candidiasis is gentian violet. I've been on enough steroids for long enough that thrush is something I've had to deal with. Yuck!



In vino veritas
Rachael with Rook, missing Sully, Sebau, and Diesel

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Interesting....thanks for the update. I am on board with those saying you should fire off some pics to the unis. Can't hurt to ask right? There are many of us on here with a great deal of vet experience and we all seem to be quite stumped. I am still thinking fungal....hopefully the anti-fungal does the trick. Will be checking again for updates. :)

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Looks like classic thrush to me. Has he been on antibiotics lately?


Nope. The only thing that would predispose towards knocking the usual flora or immune system out of whack is the 5 mg of pred given three times a week.


I managed to get his mouth open again tonight, and didn't see much; it's very difficult to see even under good circumstances. It only showed up because he was panting, after all, so it's easiest to see after exertion. I think this is a relatively new development (versus a slower growing thing like a tumor) because he didn't start coughing until today. No difficulty with breathing just yet- but there is the occasional deep cough- presumably a tickle from the growths.


ETA: Nothing to make us suspect diabetes, although we've never given him a test specific to blood sugar or urine sugar. The last blood panel we have for him is over a year old, but there was nothing to indicate his sugar was out of whack.

Edited by ahicks51

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Maybe a visit to Dr. Yocham is in order if the meds don't work? The drive sucks but he knows his stuff... Sending good vibes your way...


He's crackerjack at the stuff that breaks dogs, but I'm in need of an infectious diseases kind of person right now. Don't know how he is in that category. (BTW- if you were at the Gilbert vet clinic today with the greyhound, we bumped into you and yours!)


This just in: (MEN! AVERT YOUR EYES! Read further at your own peril!) I have been informed that his halitosis has taken on that same odor that is characteristic of certain... problems of a yeasty nature. I speak not of the Pillsbury Dough Boy! We all have 'em- just a question of why they go on a rampage.


If this is the case, I'm a-thinkin' the fluconazole is going to help a LOT. Now we need to figure out the underlying cause.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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No changes, really; the coughing is about the same- at least it's no worse- and *maybe* slightly less white material visible from the sides. I'm more concerned about that which grows further back on the tongue, and it's difficult to impossible to visualize by getting his mouth open as the tongue retracts as well.


I'm much more confident that it is fungal (based on the rate of growth as well as the odor), and that if the fluconazole doesn't work, there'll be a second-line anti-fungal to use.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Guest alannamac


No changes, really; the coughing is about the same- at least it's no worse- and *maybe* slightly less white material visible from the sides. I'm more concerned about that which grows further back on the tongue, and it's difficult to impossible to visualize by getting his mouth open as the tongue retracts as well.


I'm much more confident that it is fungal (based on the rate of growth as well as the odor), and that if the fluconazole doesn't work, there'll be a second-line anti-fungal to use.


Don't know if this will help with your grey, but it works for humans with the, ahem, non-oral version of this.......bathe the affected area (i.e. feed him) plain yogurt (not sugared)....often. Reestablishes the natural bacterial flora balance and should cut back the yeast considerably. Of course this isn't going to take hold while he's on anitbiotics, but it should help.

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A quick update!


There's been no hacking cough for over 12 hours now. A quick inspection of the mouth last night showed the left lateral aspect of the tongue has less of the white material than before- parts of it have detached from the tongue itself. It's on the run, and FAST.


Doc wanted a check-up in 7 days, and I'm going to ask if we can take him off the antibiotics; we haven't seen any bad side-effects, and I doubt she'll say yes, but in my opinion it's the anti-fungal that is doing the trick.


Haven't had a chance to inspect any pavement products, but he's on raw food so I'm not too worried about the runs.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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