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Posts posted by RaineysMom

  1. yes, that's it -- thank you! -- also malignant hyperthermia I think is the other issue that I have seen.


    it's 9 days away and I'm already a mess about him having to have this done . Bruce will be taking him in that morning in the hopes that 1) since I am the one that 99% takes him the other times he won't be as stressed and 2) there is NO way my stress level will not be passed on to Larry and he sure won't need that too :(:cry1


    Zeke is getting HIS dental on 4/9 (he turns 10 on 4/6) but handles the vet a lot better but we suspect he is a bleeder (they know to have Amicar on hand with him) so I'm worried for him too but not as much as Larry.



  2. I've searched everywhere and cannot find the medical condition that sadly many hounds have encountered while having surgery or while in recovery. I believe their temperature spikes (or goes to low???) and some do not survive.


    I ask because our Larry, who just turned 12 last month, has to go in for a much-needed dental on Tuesday the 26th -- he also unfortunately has a very large growth on the roof of his mouth which is very suspect (and is causing swallowing problems in just 2 weeks since we discovered it). I would NOT be doing the dental if it was just his teeth (please don't flame me :() since at his age I am just super worried.


    I'm REALLY worried because Larry is SUPER terrified now (gets worse every time) of going to the vets, even when most of the time it's just to hull his corns or for his chiro adjustment. He shakes horribly and pants and just is scared to death. The vet that will be doing the dental (did his one in 2016 and Zeke's in 2017) is very greyhound savvy and has greyhounds (and 1/2 or more of her clients are GH's) and I trust her implicitly... but I am just terrified for my Lare Bear.


    I am so afraid that his fearfulness of being at the vet will really cause horrible things to happen before/during/after this whole procedure.


    if anyone has advice - or knows the post-surgery issue I cannot think of, it would be appreciated.



  3. Thanks again for the info. I got two packs of *white* ground turkey last night, Honeysuckle brand, labels say no additives, Seems that Logan likes that brand too :-)


    I see the suggestions above to try giving it to him raw. Are there any issues there? I just get nervous about salmonella or other bacteria or such.

    as with any raw, keep it as cold as you can at all times until right when you are serving it, and wash things that touch it (hands, utensils, plates) well with hot water when done (you can clean with a bleach solution (1 teaspoon of bleach in like a quart of water or so) too but I'm too lazy to do that every day. I do clean with it after cutting up a bunch of raw meat on my cutting board (and use a hard plastic one instead of my wooden one for raw stuff).


    Dogs have a much shorter digestive tract so the bacteria doesn't get as much of a chance to grow to dangerous levels in there after eating like humans do. Again, the better (colder!) you can keep food properly (below or above the temperature danger zone - below 40 and above 140) the safer the food will be as less bacteria will grow at lower (or high!) temps. For humans, we have problems because it takes us much longer to process food through our systems and the bacteria has more time to multiply and be a problem -- and if you add in improper handling, like NOT keeping it out of the TDZ, it just makes things worse to begin with.


    sorry, TMI I'm sure. Just keep things clean and the food held properly and you both will be fine :) Our boyz LOVE raw food (and cooked too) and while it's a little more work than kibble, as long as they (HE, meaning ZEKE) eats ok I'm happy.


    You might want to check out MyPetCarnivore.com, they are based in Indy and have some really good stuff. The stuff with bones - even fine ground - worries me so I just stick with the hearts, tongues, gizzards, livers and the green tripe (man that stuff smells like a barnyard in July but they love it!). Just fyi since you're close, in OH.


    You can try some gizzards and hearts too, if you can find them (Zeke can't have chicken so I have to stick to turkey, beef, etc). Liver is GREAT but because it's so high in vitamin A you can only give like 5% of their total raw per day or it will give them bad tummy issues.


    like I had said, I do cook beef, lamb, pork, turkey and add some cooking juice or water to a little ramekin and nuke it for 30 seconds to warm up. Putting that with the "juice" on their food is really enjoyed and very easy to do.


    :) (sorry for the long post).


    ETA: I nuke Zeke's raw plate (about 1 to 1.25 #s of meat) for about 30 seconds just to take the "chill' off before feeding - he gets a variety of hamburger, ground lamb, ground/cubed turkey, beef/lamb/pork heart, beef/lamb/pork tongue, tripe, cottage cheese (for some calcium) and the little bit of liver (lamb or beef) (the pork products I cook, I know trichinosis is not really a problem but I'm just old school). Since there's no bone in any of it nuking it won't hurt it and just warms it up (I think nuking would start cooking bone and make it really bad for them to eat...). He gets some kibble to that hopefully covers the nutrition I might be missing in the raw.

  4. I give both cooked and raw ground turkey to our pups on a regular basis (along with cooked ground pork and cooked/raw ground beef). If the meat is a little too fatty I simply put it in a colander and rinse some off with hot water (I try to leave a LITTLE on for flavor!).


    It never occurred to me that raw meat (just meat!) would contain any sodium. That's not much so really not to worry :)


    I don't know if you have a Costco nearby, but they usually have a 4 pack (like 1# or a bit more each pack) of the 93% ground turkey for about $2.59 per pound, which is about the cheapest I can get it. Sometimes our Mariano's has the 3 # pack for $7 which is even better but I think it might be the 85% for that price. I smoosh it into a 16 oz deli containers and freeze them like that (when it's raw) and just pull one out as I need it.


    I also cook up pot roast, beef shanks, rump roast -- all trimmed really well -- for them too, more of an additive (like you, to get Zeke to eat his kibble!) that as part of the raw meat stuff he gets. I'll put some in a ramekin with some water or broth and nuke it for about 30 seconds to warm it and then spoon it on top of the kibble. It's usually well received (some days, NOTHING will entice Zeke to eat... <_<).

  5. Hi there. I saw this on facebook yesterday, an emergency pair of boots---put socks on your dog (kids socks fit better) and put condoms over that!!!


    here is the photo I saw a boxer with condom socks on. I can already imagine the lineup for condoms to use as condom socks :hehe



    OMG that is just a great idea. !!!!

  6. very sad too, :( but more sad that the quality of their Slumberballs had gone so downhill in the past 13 years. All made in China now. The first 2 we bought in 2005 for our first houndies Rainey and Nube are STILL in good shape and Larry and Zeke sleep on them every single night -- at least the outside shell is, inside is toast due to years of nesting hounds. The next 4 we bought after tore repeatedly at the seams, very poor quality. The last 2 we got (and still are using but are pretty flat) are the ribbed corduroy ones and they are holding up a lot better now than the previous 4.


    mostly sad that folks will lose their jobs up in WI. :(

  7. we've had issues with our Zeke for 2 years now. Vet suspects IBD and we did an ultrasound but didn't want to do the biopsy so went the diet change route. Pretty sure chicken is 100% the issue, for the most part (we were feeding Kirkland Lamb but it has chicken -- you'd be surprised how MANY things have friggen chicken in it!). So, we put him on Royal Canin Hydrolyzed Protein food (still is on) and that's all he gets for kibble now. I have to read EVERY label for chicken.


    he still wasn't eating 6 months after all this started in 2017 and one day I was cutting up a beef tongue and gave him some -- he thought it was GOLD. So, now he gets a variety of raw and kibble with each meal. Right now (as in the past 4 days) he's refused all kibble in the morning but will eat it at night, and will eat all raw in the a.m. and most in the p.m. It comes and goes (his appetite).


    for the raw, I feed all sorts of stuff. Ground beef, ground turkey (for him, he does ok with turkey but not chicken!), sometimes cubed turkey (I hand cut breast meat) and hand cut beef (like a rump roast, whatever is cheapest that week) or hand cut lamb (Costco's boneless leg of lamb, fat removed, isn't cheap but it's good once in a while for something different), sometimes turkey gizzards. We also give beef and lamb liver, tongue when I can get it, and green beef tripe (these we get from MyPetCarnivore.com). The liver is an organ meat and can only be given in small amounts -- the heart and tongue are considered muscle meat like regular meat . The tripe smells like a barnyard on a hot summer day but he really likes it. Since I don't really give bones (they freak me out in the food!) he gets the kibble for his calcium and hopefully whatever else I'm not covering with the raw. He really likes any of the beef "juice" (i.e. blood I drain out of the containers I put the cut up stuff in) and we use that on top of the kibble to entice him to eat it.


    every day is a freaking challenge with him to get him to eat so I feel your pain. Zeke will be 10 in the spring but this started out of the blue when he was 8. Just one day, after eating like a horse every meal, just decided he didn't want to eat anymore....

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