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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. My condolences to Stacia and all the other broken hearts left behind. Godspeed, sweet Duchess...
  2. Sounds like you're doing everything possible. Waiting is hell. Sending prayers.
  3. iluvgreys


    My deepest condolences to you and your DH. He was a beloved boy.
  4. iluvgreys

    Bad Boy Penske

    Poor fella... He deserved better. Godspeed, precious soul...
  5. In my experience with OS where the initial x-ray was inconclusive, the repeat x-rays were scheduled between 2 to 4 weeks later. You can certainly be more aggressive... see a specialist and have a better caliber of x-ray taken, or have a radiologist read the x-ray or pursue a needle biopsy or regular biopsy (very painful). OS is an aggressive cancer and will usually show itself by the swelling response of the surrounding tissue and pain with weight bearing.
  6. iluvgreys


    My deepest condolences to you for your loss. Godspeed, precious Jake...
  7. Oh dear... Sending "it's just something minor" thoughts and loads of wishes and prayers to your precious boy. Many hugs to you, too.
  8. Poor Flashy. It's a shame... a fine lad like you bein' starved after such a trying day. Here's some gentle 's to help ease your grumbling tummy.
  9. Sending prayers for an easy dental. What a sweet boy he is...
  10. OMG! Your poor baby! Sending loads of prayers and light to Bueller for healing. BTW, did you get the guy's name and number? At the very least, I'd report the incident to animal control.
  11. iluvgreys


    I remember her sad story. Rest in peace, little one. You'll be safe forever at the Bridge.
  12. I'm very sorry for your sudden loss. My deepest condolences to you and your family. Godspeed, little girl...
  13. I'm so very sorry his time came so fast. Yes, I've been there with 3 greyhounds, where the leg swelled up tremendously overnight as the lymph system failed. There's nothing more that can be done to fix that... and you did make the right choice. May you find peace, knowing that your best boy is pain-free at the Bridge, running like the wind with his new pals.
  14. My vet's office uses an ear thermometer, and then will recheck with the rectal one if the reading seems off. A bit of lube on the rectal t. makes it easier... mineral oil, vasoline, KY, olive oil, etc.
  15. Oh no. My prayers are with you and your baby girl.
  16. Sending loads of prayers and light to your precious girlie.
  17. What a trooper he is. We're pullin' for you, Stanley.
  18. I'm sorry it's time for him to go. What a lucky pup to grace your heart and home for 10 years! Prayers that his passing is gentle, and that you are at peace. I'm sorry it's time for him to go. What a lucky pup to grace your heart and home for 10 years! Prayers that his passing is gentle, and that you are at peace.
  19. Oh no... was so hoping she'd pull through that medical crisis. I'm so very sorry for your loss. She was a cherished family member and will live on forever in your heart. Godspeed, sweet Raven...
  20. My deepest condolences to you for the loss of your best boy. Godspeed, sweet Patches...
  21. iluvgreys

    Lr Leda Irene

    What a very special hound she was. My deepest condolences to you. Godspeed, Queen Leda...
  22. What a lovely way to honor your heart hound.
  23. Glad to hear Sophie is doing better. She may have had a tick borne disease back in her racing days or afterwards, which can lie dormant then resurface. What antibiotic is she on now?
  24. Welcome to Greytalk! Great that you're researching greys before adopting. Your golden mix sounds like a greyhound in a furry suit. Be sure to include her in the selection process. You'll be able to tell who's comfortable with who.
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