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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. I'm so sorry to hear your news. Definitely join the Circle of Greys group and get guidance as to treatment, meds, timeframes, etc. there. If you're not going to amputate, then good pain control with meds is critical for quality of life. You might want to send the x-rays to Dr. Couto at OSU for a second opinion to confirm the diagnosis. This is a very heartbreaking road to travel, however many of us have made the journey with our beloved hounds and can offer you support and a shoulder to cry on.
  2. {{{{{{{{{{{{{DeVon}}}}}}}}}}}}} I'm sure Bart's smilin' down from the Bridge today.
  3. You're doing the right thing... getting Raven tested for TBD's (tick borne diseases). The hounds I've seen with low platelets have usually had a TBD and it's very treatable. This site Greyt Health has a good article about bloodwork, and Dr. Couto at Ohio State U. is also doing research into abnormal bloodwork. You might want to contact him, depending on how the Babesia test comes out. Sending lots of prayers. Just saw that foxysmom posted the email like for OSU.
  4. Sending prayers and wishes for your sweet boy. Hope it's nothing serious.
  5. Hoping your sweet boy will respond well to this medication and keep his meals down. Tramadol has worked quite well with several of my greys who had pain issues. Surrounding Stanley with loving light for his highest good.
  6. Welcome to GT from So Cal. You've got a very handsome pup! What a wonderful way to honor your wedding anniversary.
  7. OMG. Definitely use a muzzle with poop guard or Bite Not/E-collar. Sending loads of light and prayers to your girlie.
  8. Sending wishes and prayers to your baby boy.
  9. Sending more prayers, kisses and cookies for your sweet Stanley.
  10. Sending good thoughts and prayers... Please let us know how he does.
  11. Sorry to hear that Riley's wrist/foot is swollen. The Previcox might be masking discomfort so you don't see him favor this leg. Maybe x-rays next? Sending lots of prayers and light to your handsome boy.
  12. His spine might need a chiro adjustment. Sounds like things are out of whack (technical medical term). Sending prayers to your pupper. BTW, can you put down a few carpet runners so he can avoid falls in the future?
  13. That looks painful. Poor pupper... sending more prayers and light his way.
  14. My boy, Finn (7) had an episode of head tremors that lasted about 3 minutes last week for the first time. Scared the holy crap out of me. Did a GT search and internet search on the symptoms and it certainly didn't seem like seizure behavior, as he was alert and responsive to me, including following me around the house. I'm betting that it was a low blood sugar response... not enough cookies during the day between meals. Anyhow, started a journal with as much detail as I could remember, in case this happens again.
  15. I'm very sorry... so young. Sending prayers for a loving evening with you, and a peaceful gentle passage tomorrow.
  16. iluvgreys


    Sorry for the loss of your special friend.
  17. Glad your boy is back home and feeling better!
  18. Geez... Your poor pupper. Sending loads of prayers and light his way.
  19. Oh no... My heart aches for you. Godspeed, precious Isa and Tom...
  20. Sending prayers and healing thoughts...
  21. What kind of heart damage do the x-rays show? Enlargement? Is this vet familiar with gh hearts? Agree with Burpdog... do the cardio consult and get some guidance as to whether your boy needs to be on any supportive medication. Would continue to take him camping and cherish every day you have together.
  22. Glad to hear your baby girl is doing a little better. Give her some extra kisses from us.
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