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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. Ouch! Your poor lil' pupper... sending lots of prayers and light. Let us know the x-ray result.
  2. Geez... what a horrible incident for him and you to have to deal with, on top of all his other medical challenges. Could have been a fatal error. Keeping your boy in my prayers and surrounded by light for his highest good. Please give him lots of gentle 's from his fans in SoCal.
  3. Adding my prayers for your sweet ol' gal. When Phoenix (who's 15+) went through a spell of severe wobblies in Nov., the vet had me start her on a low dose of Pred., and we played around with the dosage and such for about 1 month, and then was able to wean her off the steriods.
  4. Sending prayers and light to your dear boy... and some 's too.
  5. iluvgreys


    Diane, I'm so very sorry. OS is such a monster. Godspeed, precious Mahagony...
  6. Have you tried an appetite stimulant with him? Your vet can prescribe one...forget what it's called. It might help. Will he drink Ensure or Boost? My picky eater loves vanilla flavored, and at least it's a small meal with fluids.
  7. Prayers that the right combination of meds can be found for your girlie.
  8. Prayers sent. Easy, gentle recovery Miss M.
  9. Oh geez... Not Flashy. Might want to put him on Milk Thistle for liver support in the meanwhile. Sending lots of prayers to your precious boy.
  10. I'm sorry. Sending lots more prayers and light...
  11. I'm so very sorry to hear that Pazzo has a tumor on his leg. Poor pupper... if it's bone cancer, it's likely that he needs a stronger combination of meds, such as Tramadol + an NSAID. I've lost 3 hounds to this monster. The aggressive form of OS progresses quickly, to the point that I lost them within 6 weeks of the first limp. Amputation will give him instant pain relief, but will take 3-4 weeks for healing of the site. Definitely get involved with the Circle of Grey yahoo group HERE and send the x-rays to Dr. Couto for his opinion. Keeping your sweet boy in my prayers... PS. And yes, their behavior was "normal" until close to the end when the pain began affecting appetite and mobility too much. Dogs live in the "now" and don't realize what's ahead. Be strong for your boy.
  12. You can wet down her tummy, chest and feet with a cold wet towel, and also put a chunk of ice in her water dish.
  13. Your boy is such a trooper. I'm sure he wants to be home with you as much as you want it! Keeping those prayers and loving energy flowing to Alex...
  14. Thank goodness your pup is okay. Not a fun learning experience... but valuable.
  15. Without a diagnosis, you don't know what you're treating by giving her an NSAID. She could have some other type of discomfort that could be worsened by that medication. How's her appetite? And vision? Any problems with getting around, eye tracking? Hoping it's nothing serious.
  16. Call your e-vet. It may cause more damage to have him vomit, versus feeding tons of bread & having it pass through. How big was the piece he swallowed? Or he may need surgery asap.
  17. Oh dear... although it's not common, greyhounds can bloat, which is a twisting/torsion of the stomach. Can you palpate his tummy and along the inside of the ribs without causing him pain? With bloat, you'd see swelling and firmness of the belly, panting, pain response, restlessness, etc. E-vet is critical to save a hound that's bloating.
  18. Maybe the Big D is on it's way? He may be hungry (gurgling) but not find food appetizing. Have you tried adding in a topper? Like liver, chunks of chicken, some tuna, etc.? Give your sweet boy some gentle 's from us.
  19. My heart just aches for you and your precious Henry. Sending lots more prayers and light to you all, to help you through this bump in the road.
  20. So magnificent... flying free at the Bridge.
  21. Actually, epsom salts is a gentler solution to use on a wound than hydrogen peroxide. That stuff (hp) can burn the skin if used undiluted. I personally would follow the advice of Cheryl and TheDoggFather, both of whom have plenty of experience with all the boo boo's that racers can come up with.
  22. Probably depends upon how clean you can reasonably keep the wound. See http://www.earthclinic.com/CURES/cuts.html for info about epsom salt soak, and think about adding a little tumeric too. Might want to put a baby sock on his foot when he goes outside.
  23. It doesn't look like something that could be stitched up. However, you wouldn't want it to get infected, and he might need to be on antibiotics. Might want to have your vet take a look at it.
  24. Sending prayers and light for your brave boy.
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