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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. Glad to hear that Joplin is making progress! Keeping the prayers flowing...
  2. iluvgreys


    Poor lil' peanut. Godspeed, precious Sasha... Show our Bridge angels how fast gh puppies are.
  3. Oh no. What a beloved companion he was... and so very loved. Godspeed, sweet Darius...
  4. OMG. Tick Paralysis is something I've never heard about. Hopefully the meds will help your old fella bounce back and feel better soon!
  5. I personally think that $72 to rebandage the tail is VERY pricy. As a point of comparison, Sunny who has the broken leg had a bandage change yesterday and quick recheck by the ortho vet. The bandage cost was $55.66 and the vet exam (specialist) was $31. That's in SoCal at a specialty clinic where EVERYTHING is more expensive than a primary vet. BTW, his bandage is huge and takes a lot of cotton, gauze and at least 3 rolls of vet wrap, plus 45 minutes of time. I've been able to get happy tail to heal just fine with home techniques, but would definitely keep some padding on the tail so it doesn't strike something and start bleeding again.
  6. Sending lots of prayers for your grump. C'mon Joplin, we're all pullin' for you.
  7. Adding my prayers and sending loads of light to your dear Nimby.
  8. iluvgreys


    Oh Hilda, I'm so sorry for your loss. I so enjoyed your stories and pics of your beautiful girlie. She's in the best of company now at the Bridge. Godspeed, sweet Snowy...
  9. Oh geez... I'm sorry this happened! Lots of folks (including me) have dealt with "happy tail" healing. Do a GT search for happy tail and you'll get lots of tips for how to do the bandage changes and such at home. Shouldn't need to go to the vet for that once the stitches/staples are out. Prayers for steady and quick healing.
  10. The best news! Give your sweet boy 's from us.
  11. Yes, she's definitely interested. She called me while I was in Kanab, and once I got home, we talked for over an hour on the phone. She sounds like an excellent match for him! Sunny goes in tomorrow for another bandage change, then we'll do his first set of x-rays next week, and then will have a much better idea about how the healing process is going. For now, Noodle is MY boy...
  12. So glad your boy is home and able to eat. Might need to thicken his water for now if he's having trouble swallowing thin liquids. You can probably find a thickening agent in a drug store (as the pharmacist) and stir some in. It works for cold as well as hot liquids but isn't corn starch that needs cooking. Maybe plain gelatin added to the water would work or does that need to be heated?
  13. What a beautiful sign from your precious boy.
  14. Believe me, I would dearly love to chip. He's stolen my heart already. However, 3 is my limit (and the city limit) plus we'll be downsizing our living space in the near future. I know if Noodle could live in my pocket, he would! Besides, another lovely adopter has expressed an interest in him, and just loves that he's so snuggly. As soon as he can do stairs, and that leg is healed...
  15. Very happy to share that Sunny is making good progress with the healing of his rear leg (fracture w/ re-do plate). He did well at a 5-day foster home while we were in Kanab, and is happy to be home here with me and my gang. Had another bandage change on Tues., and am due for the next one on Thursday. Have mostly kept him in an ex-pen as he wants to be more active now than he is medically allowed... but have found a better solution to the E-collar (lampshare type) which he HATES, as well as the Bite-Not Collar which only thwarted him halfway in tearing off the bandage. Momma, puleeeeeeeeze take this off. Ahhhh... MUCH better. He'll chill out on the couch for HOURS like that. I cut off the legs of some old sweat pants and made a covering for his leg, and he's left it alone! However, discovered that this little sneak can do stairs. He snuck around the babygate and came up to find me. Stairs are a big No-No until the doc gives the okay. So carried him back down. Glad he's a little fella.
  16. OMG! How horrifying. So glad to hear that you found your pupper, and he's relatively uninjured. Very fortunate. His angels were busy. Don't have first hand experience with foot injuries, but you could probably soak them in warm water with Epsom salts, and then put on an antibiotic ointment and bandage gently with gauze, then a bit of vet wrap to keep everything in place. Might want to put on baby socks when he need to go outside to potty. Prayers for quick healing.
  17. Wonder if he's got IBD? What food are you feeding him?
  18. Have you tried low sodium chicken broth, or make your own sodium-free by just boiling chicken? She also might drink vanilla flavored Ensure or Boost. You can also inject water/broth with a food syringe between the teeth to get her fluids. I don't like to inject down the throat as it's too easy for fluids to be aspirated into the lungs.
  19. iluvgreys

    Snarf The Cat

    I'm very sorry for your loss. Sounds like Snarf was a wonderful companion.
  20. Sending prayers for Pearl to breeze through her dental.
  21. My heartfelt condolences to you and your husband for the loss of your precious girl. She's free of pain now, in the best of company at the Bridge, and will live on in your heart forever.
  22. Sounds like you're doing everything possible for your precious Bailey. Hopefully she'll get stronger soon. I bought a wearable sling for Phoenix, my senior with wobbly legs from Carol Beck in Florida, and it works great for helping a hound walk. Might save your back. Maybe someone here knows how to contact her. I lost that info.
  23. I'm so very sorry to hear your news. OS is SUCH a monster. :angry Whatever you decide for your precious boy will be right for him. Don't second guess yourself. Sending prayers and light for much more quality time with Jack.
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