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Everything posted by GreyTzu

  1. I do almost the same thing with Dancer, but we use tagamet instead. We use Springtime Inc also, along with some other supplements. I also have Arnica on hand and if Dancer plays rough or gets bumped too hard, she gets a dose of it. As far as I know, Dancer has never had Rimadyl. Dancer is 12 also. I agree with seking chiropractic and acupuncture treatments. You can search here to see if there is a Acu/Chiro Vet near you.
  2. I cried most of the way home when I picked up Dixie's ashes.
  3. ...and it's all Kari's fault. I'm sorry! I love Christmas. It's my favorite time of the year (well besides Dewey)
  4. Each picture was around 11k, you had three pictures which totals about 33k. That is where you are over the guidelines.
  5. Dancer is 12.5 and doing well. She was doing laps in the yard this evening with the other dogs. Dylan is 10 and as handsome and sassy as ever. Donner is 9 and is your typical goofy black tuxie. We lost Dixie suddenly in July. She was 8. We believe she had a tumor deep in her brain that ruptured. She was diagnosed one year prior with vestibular disease.
  6. Aaahhhh, the joy of the events system! J&T worked so hard to get it up and running and Kari breaks it. :rofl We'll sign up later.
  7. From yesterday in Lakeland.
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