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Everything posted by GreyTzu

  1. My personal opinion is it is just luck of the draw. Some dogs are bald, some aren't.
  2. When you talk to your new Vet, ask about milk thistle to help the liver heal, if that is truly the problem. Good luck.
  3. Mine arrived! Thanks. Should have added a few more ST cards.
  4. You can, I would, it won't hurt either way. Glad he is feeling better.
  5. Donner has a bit of a bald belly. Everyone else had or has tummy fur. After ruling out anything medical, baldness is not something I would ever treat for, beyond maybe a homeopathic remedy. Their baldness just adds to their charm and personality.
  6. My big dogs get 1 Pepcid A/C or Tagamet about 15 minutes before their meds. Try to get something in the tummy with the meds. even if it just a few treats or a slice of bread.
  7. Cassie has gone to the bridge. Heather will post in Remembrance when she is able. Let's keep her and her family in our prayers. :grouphug
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