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Everything posted by GreyTzu

  1. I am so very sorry for your loss.
  2. My Baby Boy is gone, alone with a piece of my heart. I remember when you walked into our home and hearts, a big, gangly, thin, long-legged, scared, red, spooky greyhound, entirely too big for the crate we bought and with no trust in us. And with little more then a cursory glance are our yard and a promise that if you didn’t work out, the group would refund our money, you were home. For three days you jumped up and paced the house, tile floors, every time we talked, walked, moved and even glanced your way. Most of the time you paced with that goofy green dragon stuffy clenched in your mouth. We quickly decided that we would just ignore you. And after a week you started to fit into the groove of our house. After two weeks you started taking treats from our hand and after a month you knew you were home, so you tore up the green stuffy security toy you came with. The deal was sealed. Can I have just one more look into your eyes, one more belch in my face, just one more kiss? There just isn’t enough time. You grew into a magnificent, beautiful, loving big chicken dog. You loved everyone in the house and tolerated visitors. It was the wind you raced in the backyard with your bouncing gait, but you always won the race. And the only race that ever mattered to us was the race into our hearts and you were the clear winner, wire to wire. Can I have just one gallop around the yard, just one more snarfle in the ear, just one more plate licked clean? There just isn’t enough time. As life in our home changed, you grew with it. Rocky came home and you loved him too. We got married and you slept with Donna on the floor and with Karen in our bed. Of course you didn’t like Beth, but we all understand that. Dixie and Donner came next and you welcomed them home and showed them the way, to our hearts. It was pretty funny watching big old spooky you hide behind little old spooky Dixie. Can I have just one more toothy grin, just one more bow to the queen, just one more eargasiam? There just isn’t enough time. It didn’t matter what we did or how we did it, you always loved us and forgave us our shortcomings. Easy, tolerant forgiving, patient and loving were always your way. You exuded class, grace, elegance and pride in your every move and action. Well, there were those rolls off of the couch, but that’s just between us. Gallant always and forever belongs to you. Can I have just one more sigh, just one more mugging for treats, just one more sassy bark? There just isn’t enough time. We faced the illness together and we conquered the first round. Surgery was a breeze and you snubbed the Doctor until she let you come home. She thought you were the most handsome greyhound and she knew you were so loved. Dr. Keller helped us all handle the chemo and you acted like it was nothing. You were so strong and stoic. Your strength and grace was inspiration for all of us. The will to live and love touched everyone involved in your recovery. Can I have just one more I love you, just one more cuddle on the bed, just one more big old paw on the lap? There just isn’t enough time. Watching you race and play in Jacksonville was the most thrilling sight to behold. You had to bark and be the boss, even if all the other greyhounds ignored you. Water was meant to be stood in and we all know that now. Racing, playing and splashing was the hat trick up your sleeve. And it truly the happiest I have ever seen you and those moments are locked in my heart for eternity. Can I have just one more glint of your eye, just one more walk around the lake, just one more mailbox to pee on? There just isn’t enough time. The one year mark was a quiet time of reflection for us. The ultra sound showed you were clean and healthy. But there was something lurking, waiting to take another. You started to fade and you told me so. Hiding it from Dad was the guy thing to do. Telling me you didn’t feel well is what you did. There was so much love and determination to make you well again, but you hurt and you knew. And I knew. You faced you last minutes with strength and class and yet you knew it was time. You fell asleep in mine and Daddy’s arms and you left us. You are forever in our heart, minds and spirits. Can I have just one more kiss, just one more moment to say I love you, just one more breath? There just isn’t enough time.
  3. We are looking at issues similar with our older shih tzu. The internist Vet put him on phosphorus binder and did not recommend diet changes. Here is a good link with kindey information.
  4. I'm so sorry for the loss of your beloved Sky. Chasing rainbows across the Sky.
  5. I just use the down the hatch method.
  6. It's noticed and felt more than is realized.
  7. GreyTzu

    Goodbye Tweek

    I am sorry for your loss.
  8. GreyTzu


    I am so very sorry for your loss.
  9. I remember her and I am glad she was so loved during the twilight of her life. Thank you Gil.
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