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Everything posted by Trudy

  1. The number they were probably concerned about likely could have been the protein creatinine ratio. 1 or less is good. Ryan was off the charts and medicated, he's above 6 and has been for 3 years. He's declining now though (he is, not his numbers).
  2. Second vet for a second opinion. Could very easily still be worms and that could be the ONLY problem or it could be in conjunction with other issues still. Get the records from the first vet and bring them with you to your apt with a new vet.
  3. Unless I've hallucinated it, I've gotten email notification when I have a PM waiting on GT. Only if you set it up that way. I don't get email notifications for PMs because I don't have it turned on to send me notifications.
  4. Cold water constricts blood vessels, so it will actually hinder them being able to cool down quickly. They will still cool down, just not as quick. And you can walk or play in the heat, but the dogs need to be conditioned to do that and not long sessions.
  5. We won't let you bash a vet, but if you want to suggest not using a vet because you don't like them for whatever reason, that's fine... just no bashing.
  6. He says no problem. And he learned nothing from it. Seriously, the neighbors must hear me yelling "DO NOT eat the damn lizards!"
  7. because you are trying to insert the URL to the page, not the image. Below is the image link. Right click on your picture and click properties or copy image location http://lh5.ggpht.com/_uHG-m4VZtDk/TA_cW-LaKII/AAAAAAAAAHA/3O1UO-N5Jqc/Schaef%20%26%20shoe.jpg
  8. Have you looked at puppy kibble - been a while since I had to feed it to Jet, but it helped put some pounds on her when nothing else had enough calories to cut it. Can also add coconut (?) oil - more solid like at RT.
  9. He didn't puke it back up. No reason to make him, just washed his mouth out with water to get the toxin out of his mouth. We were at the vet for an apt this morning and I mentioned he snacked on a lizard last night. She said at most, he'd probably have some loose poop. Her dog snacks on them as well. All I noticed was a couple nasty farts from him last night. Lizard farts are as bad as Ryan's poop farts
  10. Do you have peroxide? No - Put it on your list and buy some Yes - Is it open? No - should be fine if it isn't too old Yes - if it's been open more than ~12 months, you might want to replace it for a fresh bottle I usually have a bottle on hand in case I need it for the dogs. Movers didn't pack liquids and I had forgotten to buy any as of yet. I remembered this when I had a dog foaming at the mouth tonight and had to quickly figure out if said dog needed to be forced to puke up a lizard, go to the vet or something else (c- something else, rinse mouth out with water to remove lizard toxin). So, check your peroxide. If you don't have any to check, get some
  11. Have you tried gating him in the bedroom - will the gate help him think one big crate (or small bedroom in the human case)? Though that gates Angler out at night.
  12. Why - if they don't come to the board again, they aren't going to get the PM either.
  13. Welcome to GT. I don't have suggestions for keeping him off at night, but if he wakes you up when he gets up there, tell him no and back to his bed like you have been. I keep my pillows spread on my bed when I'm not in it to keep Jet from hopping up there and snoozing. Any time I forget to put the pillows on the bed, she's up there snoozing away. You can also try some of the plastic carpet runners with the pokey nubs on the back - put that nub side up on the bed when you aren't in it.
  14. image needs to be online somewhere, not on your computer.
  15. We have LOTS of huge holes in our yard. One happens to be not too far from the dog yard, so I just scoop and dump it in there. Not the prettiest smelling spot to walk by, but it isn't utterly disgusting. The heat and bugs do their thing. And rain.
  16. your tags need to be either all caps or all lower case, not one of each.
  17. If like in humans, you don't have to do anything unless it bothers you.
  18. Try different enzymes to put on the food. Tavarish actually does perfectly fine with Dr Goodpet Canine Enzymes and that poor boy was knocking on deaths' door when he was diagnosed. (he was on pancrezyme from the vet and that stuff was $$$$ - worked, but $$$$) There is a forum/group for EPI, I didn't join because I really just felt they asked for way too much info to join. Others on here can tell you the address for it since I've forgotten. Foods that work for an EPI dog will vary depending on the dog. It will be trial and error.
  19. Yep, as Jey mentioned, Ryan ate a ball and got sick and managed to puke it up on his own... about 7-9 months AFTER he ate it. A friend's lab did the same thing. He ate a football and puked it up a year later.
  20. We are stopping the antibiotics. His belly just can't take it. So we are going to stop for a few days and see if he feels better. If not, then it is something else new that he's on that is causing him belly problems. For now, no antibiotics and we'll decide in a couple of days if he gets a different one. One of his back feet still swells up and his poop is still nasty, so not seeing any improvement with him taking it. As long as he feels better, may ask her to just give him an Rx for Doxy and do another round of that again.
  21. I offered him the rest of breakfast at lunch. He thought that was pretty cool and scarfed it down.
  22. Ryan LIVES for food. Even when he would scream in pain when he'd move when he first got sick, he'd still jump up to get breakfast and dinner. Now, he's still happily getting up for meals, but he's not finishing them. I have to encourage him to eat (first because he thought I was putting the nasty tasting pills in his food still), now I think his belly is just not feeling great - even with the pepcid. He can't afford to not eat. He still has the rest of this week with antibiotics. Anything else I can give to him to help him feel better and eat?
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