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Everything posted by Trudy

  1. Did you try again later? Just tried it and works fine for me still
  2. We asked before the move for everybody to save their images in their gallery just in case. We are suggesting it again - we may be wiping it out and starting fresh. So, save your images. How do you get there... well, sit down and relax, it's going to take a while Click on your name at the top and select My Profile from the drop down click Gallery (above where it would show your signature if you have one) click on any ol' picture you have in your gallery (it will open) In the image details box - click your name there are your albums (if you have any) and all your gallery pics are you still sitting... yeah, as far as I've been able to find, there's no way to do anything other than right click and save each image individually! HAVE FUN!!!!!
  3. Delete your temp files at work (boss shouldn't care about that) and that should fix the issue at work... unless you use AOL there for some reason.
  4. Last night we did an update. That's when it broke. If you are using AOL to get to IE6, it is AOL that is the issue. If you are on a home machine and using IE6, upgrade, IE6 will not be supported by MS very soon (maybe already). New versions are out, or change to a different browser (Firefox, Chrome)
  5. You can use either. They run independently of each other. I use Firefox exclusively, but I have IE8 for well - when people using IE have issues I can try to replicate the problem
  6. Let me try the standard tech service response after you've done the above.... restart your computer
  7. Theobromine has always been toxic to dogs. It has always been in the cocoa bean.
  8. In FireFox: Tools Options Advanced Tab Network Tab Clear Now OK IE: http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/delcache.htm Chrome: go to the blue wrench menu >> clear browsing data
  9. Seems a hard refresh isn't helping. Clear your temp files and try again. If you are using IE6 as a browser, get a new browser or at least update to a newer version if you are able. We can't help you if you are using IE6. We can try to figure out what the problem is if you are using a different version or different browser. We can't reproduce the issue at the moment, but it seems many of you are seeing the same floating box and lack of menu at the bottom to jump somewhere else. So delete your temp files and try again please
  10. screen shot after you do a hard refresh please
  11. report is fine - I've just been busy cleaning poop from everywhere to worry about GT.
  12. 4 hours behind the east coast. Those wee hours of the am aren't the wee hours of the am for us.
  13. low priority at the moment. Once we get other things taken care of we will worry about how to update old threads. It may just be create new ones with the info that is already there.
  14. You can't edit stuff from the old board without it screwing stuff up.
  15. Normal pruning, we just hadn't pruned in a while, so we pruned and then moved.
  16. What pages? Everything moved other than a few posts made from the time Jeff put up notice at the top in Red that said everything new from this point on won't transfer. That was less than an hour's time on Friday night.
  17. This was all Jeff tonight. I listened to him blurt obscenities at his laptop most of the evening while creating cards for my parents
  18. The warn status has been addressed several times. Only visible to you and the moderating team. If there is a number there, then you have been warned, if not, don't worry about it.
  19. Hell was frozen until Saturday and then it melted again. I'm sure it will be freezing over again soon
  20. As he said somewhere in this thread or one of the other ones going on The spam stuff is new and they are still working out bugs. If you do get the 503 error, you need to email us with your IP address (how to find that is posted in one of the we updated threads in this forum or the tech forum or maybe even the one in OT - maybe I'll move all those to one spot today...) The DNS hasn't updated from your work then. If you go to the "Try This" or something like that thread in the announcements forum, there is a link, try that one and see if you get to the new board from work. Turn down the brightness of your screen when you are on GT. I don't really see this as being any brighter.
  21. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?/topic/244593-server-move-and-update-info/page__view__findpost__p__4332647
  22. From the support board... So basically, don't keep your inbox tidy and delete something before it's run it's course. Anybody that sent me PMs yesterday, I deleted it once I responded... oops
  23. You need the URL of the image, not the border/surround box
  24. Irene - I know why yours did that... Anything brought over from the old board when quoted (or I guess edited) will do that. Start a new thread if you need to edit it and we'll delete the old one
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