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Everything posted by Trudy

  1. Ryan gets muzzled and I tell him as he goes out the door to not stuff his muzzle into any poop he may find. If I turn my back or walk away from the door, he makes a mad dash to poop to shove his muzzle into and then I have to clean it off. When he can eat poop, he poops poop, lots of puddles of poop and poop farts ALL THE TIME. He's never puked as a result, but has puked once when he had eaten poop - NASTY. As long as he can't eat the poop, he can't poop the extra poop or fart the poop. I hate washing off the muzzle when he shoves it into a pile of poop, but I'd rather do that than have him poop farting all the time. But it means I'm letting him out all the friggen time since the dog door is inaccessible when we are using the muzzle (I don't want poop all over that and stuff in the house too)
  2. It will not. vWD is a bleeding disorder as in not clotting, not a clotting too easily issue.
  3. It sounds a lot like what was described to me for Tavarish before he was brought to the shelter in Kodiak. The local authorities were keeping him with them until he was officially surrendered to the shelter and could be brought here. After extensive testing and treatment, it was finally determined that he has Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI). Here's some info on that: http://www.marvistavet.com/html/body_exocrine_pancreatic_insufficie.html If they haven't tested specifically for EPI, I'd have them check that as well as many of the symptoms overlap with what you'd see for PLE. For protein absorption issues, studies go both ways for food high with protein or lower in protein. For Ryan, a higher protein food was not helping his issues and changing him to a lower (but not super low) protein and lower phosphate food seemed to work better. 2 years later, he's still peeing protein quicker than he can make it, but he's still around. Good luck getting a definitive diagnosis and a treatment that helps.
  4. click your name in the top right corner where you log in and select Messenger
  5. He's just not determined enough then I have to clean Ryan's usually at least once a day. His muzzle is just taped and his new muzzle with guard is on the way, so maybe he'll get the picture with that one, but with the current one, even after several weeks of wearing it every time he went out... he was still trying. Determination!
  6. It will keep her breath from smelling like poop, but you will likely be washing the muzzle each time she comes in after she shoves it into a pile of poop to try to eat it. Ryan is back to using a muzzle and a new one and poop guard is on order (current muzzle is duct taped and not as easy to clean as a poop guard would be)
  7. Some of you have noticed this already. Others will notice it when they go to change out their Christmas signatures.... If you haven't changed your signature since the board upgrade, when you do, there is a very good chance it will be all whacky. (converted HTML) Easiest way to fix it: Delete your entire signature. Save your changes (so now you have no signature). Go back in and recreate your signature. Save. If you have done the above and are still having problems, and you are a community supporter, submit a ticket and we can help you out. We will need the original text if you need a hand. We'll convert it from HTML to readable BBCode, and you can alter it from there.
  8. use the image button (the one with the little tree - between the chain link and the envelope). Paste your url in there... http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w130/peppersdad/oldxmaspics0050.jpg it should look like this when you are done: [img=http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w130/peppersdad/oldxmaspics0050.jpg]
  9. Puppy proof and take him on a longer walk in the morning or play with him in the house before leaving. 15-20 mins may not be long enough for him and he's now letting you know. When I lived in Salem, MA, I used to walk J&R for an hour before work, come home, feed them, shower, get ready for work and then walk them another 10-15 mins before I would leave for work. When I got home, they got another hour long walk, then dinner and before bed, another 10-15 mins.
  10. How long are his long jogs? and is he used to running that far/long?
  11. pills that don't make things taste nasty go in the food bowl. Nasty ones (tramadol) get stuffed inside a piece of hot dog with non pilled bits given before and after so they aren't sure which one has the pill. Jet likes her stuff surrounded by donuts too
  12. Don't let her on the furniture anymore. In the meantime, make sure the dog beds have something surrounding the bed part that is going to protect the guts so you only need to wash the cover. Get some good enzyme cleaner and soak everything she's peed on, including your bed and suck it back out after letting it set a little bit with a wet vac or carpet cleaner.
  13. Trudy


    From the album: Trudy

  14. Resize your photos before you upload, you have 5mb of storage space in the gallery. There really isn't any reason to upload photos that are that big in file size.
  15. Trudy


    From the album: Trudy

  16. Don't worry about it until we have taken care of the gallery as it will only be deleted again. Then you will need to upload it and link to it.
  17. There are 3 threads we just bumped up that have told you to save your images. We will be deleting the gallery tonight and starting fresh. NO IMAGES WILL BE MOVED. If you want any images you have in the GT gallery, please save them now! They will be gone later tonight. To save, click on each image (you want full size, not the thumbnail that shows in the gallery), drag it to your desktop (or where ever you wish to save them for the time being).
  18. Last reminder. We are blowing up the gallery and starting fresh tonight. Save your images if you want them. Signatures that are linked to gallery images will be broken as the image will be deleted.
  19. Final reminder to grab your images. We are deleting it all tonight. Too many problems with transferring the existing over and having it work properly with the new gallery. So save your images from your gallery if you want them. Open your image (click on it so you have the full size one, not just the thumbnail) and drag it to your desktop (or where ever you are going to save them for now).
  20. You don't until it is fixed entirely.
  21. Fast him for 24 hours, make sure he gets plenty of liquid and then start the bland diet. Give his gut a chance to get rid of what it's trying to expel before asking it to deal with more food. If he's doing it a lot or not getting enough fluid and starts to get dehydrated, get him to the vet. If he's good to go again then start with bland food and if he's doing ok, start to add his kibble back in. If you are concerned the PetZlife is causing it, don't use it again until it clears up for a few days and try again.
  22. I hardly ever brush the dogs' teeth. Rawhides and raw bones do the trick instead.
  23. I've had Jet going on 9 years. She's never had a dental with me. She's close to needing one, but it will NOT be done here and I'm not sure I want to put her under at 11+ years old just for a dental. Marrow bones do wonders for her, we just can't find them here anymore and she's not so thrilled about chewing on other raw bones and turkey necks don't agree with her. Jet was not even 2 when she was retired and I'm not sure if she had a dental or not before being adopted out. Ryan has been here 7 years and not had a dental. Same with him and marrow bones. I don't recall seeing any paperwork for a dental on Ryan and the group gave me everything they had from/for him.
  24. You don't have to ditch AOL entirely, just open IE7 or IE8 directly, not use the AOL browser.
  25. home or at work using IE6? If you are using IE6, we can't really help you with any errors or weird things you see.
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