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Everything posted by Trudy

  1. Call your vet this morning and see if they want you to bring her in. They may not want to see her. Write down info and if she has another, then bring her in.
  2. went with the normal tick removal with tweezers and instead of killing it, offered it to the ducks. Ally enjoyed her first tick
  3. never did find a little thing to remove them with. So minus the tick remover tool, what is the best way to remove an embedded tick. Just noticed one in the fold of T's ear. Plucked one off from Jet earlier today that decided to just walk over her.
  4. Tavarish has a corn. Was I supposed to take him to a grey savvy vet to have that diagnosed? There are more important things to me in a vet than if they know greyhounds inside and out.
  5. yes - GT is online, so your images in your gallery are online. You need to get the image info, not the page info. I think Jeff updated that in the supporter forum when we upgraded last time (maybe - maybe he didn't... )
  6. Jet wasn't interested in the dog door when I first had one. She didn't like it touching her back (still doesn't). She'd learn to tuck her head under Ryan's butt and follow him out, but she liked to hang out in the yard longer than he did, so she didn't normally follow him back in the same way. One day, about 2 weeks of me still having to open the flap for her I walked away leaving her on the other side of the door. Went to the front door and picked up Ryan's leash and jingled it and said "Ry and I are going for a walk." 2 seconds later Jet's behind was sitting next to me waiting for her leash. She still doesn't like it, but since then, she'll use it anyway.
  7. Are you feeding the kibble plain and dry or adding water? Do you know if the group did dry or water? I personally wouldn't be adding all sorts of stuff trying to get her to eat. I'd add some water and that's about it. And offer her a few treats during the day so she could get something in her belly. Most likely just new home stress, but if she skips all meals a day for a couple of days, get her to the vet sooner for that first vet visit instead of waiting until she's settled in to bring her to the that first vet visit.
  8. Don't they have some soft food in pouches that you can just tear the top off and be done?
  9. How often is going to depend on the dog. Jet I think had a dental before she was adopted before she turned 2. Not really sure if she did or not. She's now 11 and her teeth are fine with the occasional rawhide or marrow bone. Hasn't needed a dental. Ryan I don't think had a dental when he was adopted, but again, I'm not sure. He would have been 11 next week and while in Kodiak, his teeth got kind of nasty, but I would NOT let the vet there do a dental (they didn't think he needed one anyway) and once we got down here, his teeth got better on their own. So neither of mine had needed dentals after adoption and Jet has been with me 9+ years and Ryan was with me for just over 8 years. I think it was the water in Kodiak as both J&Rs teeth got nasty up there.
  10. Sit by the door at a fast food joint looking for hand outs of whatever
  11. Sure there is. My greys were bred and raised for a purpose, just like those dairy cows. When they were done with their first purpose, their second was to live life as a pet. Distinction - both bred for a purpose, but only the cow was bred to be dinner for somebody/something. How many cows do you know are just bred as pets? Very few. Dogs are around typically as pets, some with a working purpose. If we were a society where dogs were bred for food instead of pets, well, things would probably be a bit different. Some people choose to ignore that fact, but not everybody. I eat beef now and then. I am aware of what happened to that cow before it showed up in my refrigerator/grill/plate/belly. I know the chicken in my freezer didn't lead the happiest life around. Just because I don't choose to NOT eat them doesn't mean I ignore that they are "individuals" As for Xan feeding her dogs a vegan diet. If she can make it work and her dogs do as well as they were before, more power to her. I don't agree with it and it isn't something I'd personally choose, but I know that if it doesn't work for any of her dogs, she'll change to something that will.
  12. 15 mins - T came in twice to lay on the floor quickly before coming back out again and Jet was just out exploring and came in and had a drink of water and is good. If they just got off the plane from Kodiak, I'd not have done it, but they have acclimated to the heat (and love it) and they seem to know their limits, so I'm comfortable with them playing in the yard with the heat. We just make sure we aren't over doing it.
  13. It's 97 here at 7:30 with a heat index of 107. We are heading out to play for a few minutes before it starts getting dark. Both Jet and T know when they've had enough and will head back inside and lay on the cool floor and get some water. Well, Jet won't lay on the cool floor, but she also won't be out chasing a ball either, she'll just walk around or stick near me.
  14. That's what Ry's looked like, but further up on his hip bone from falling down the steps on the deck. They'd heal and he'd fall again or T would lick it open again before I caught him to stop him. I just kept them clean and Ryan wasn't bothered by them.
  15. Is it on a bone? Each time Ryan fell in his last couple of months, he'd get a bruise. Tavarish would lick the bruise which would split the skin and then we had an open wound. Pretty much always right over or very near a protruding bone which made healing a pita. The day before, he'd fallen again and split open a wound and it was disgusting and pussy and even Tavarish stayed away from it for the most part. Just keep it clean as best as you can and it starts to show signs of infection, get some antibiotics for her.
  16. MOST people on GT know the rules. Everybody should, but I'm pretty sure not everybody actually read the TOS when they joined. So having a member, not a moderator, say "no fighting" is going to annoy some people and make them instantly defensive. It's like giving people rules of how they are allowed to respond to your thread and that really doesn't go over well with adults.
  17. So many places I've found online for it show a manufacturer backorder until the end of next month. I've found one place that seems to have it in stock (1800petmeds), but it is also the most expensive I've seen so far (but then again, if you are the only place that has it in stock...) Anybody ordered a 500ml bottle recently? Where? How much?
  18. Ryan was a different dog on pheno. Though the garbage raiding didn't start until we added KBr to the mix. Drinking tons more and therefore having to pee much more often. But it sounds like you are experiencing some SA issues.
  19. Trudy


    Again - I'm so sorry
  20. Nada - well, not for the heck of it anyway Ryan got Derm Caps, but that was medically necessary for him. T gets digestive enzymes, but that's because he can't digest food without them.
  21. Even on Enalapril, Ryan's protein/creat ratio was over 6 for 3 years.
  22. No problems with our door in NY or in AK. Yeah, there will be some heat loss, but get a good door and it shouldn't be too bad. On 'breezy' days (a breezy day in Kodiak is typically 60+ mph winds), the door would open now and then, but not often. Really nasty windy days, I'd just close the door off.
  23. House 4 with dog door. Never worried about security. Never lived somewhere that I locked my door either. When I lived 30 mins from my parents my mom would often tell me I should lock my door because I never knew what weird people I'd find in my house. I responded "so far, the only weird people coming through my doors when I'm not home are you and dad"
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