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Everything posted by Trudy

  1. Details are in the calendar forum, but the 2011 Greytalk Calendar is complete and ready for ordering through MyCanvas.com
  2. I explained this months ago. When I first saw the Forth Worth dogs post, it was over 5 or 6 pages and was mostly about people that had stepped up to foster, send supplies, arrange medical care, etc for these dogs. Since it was a post of taking care of the dogs and not hanging the person in the gallows, I decided to leave it. It was allowed to continue in the same fashion. I removed posts and warned people when they got to the point of what makes us not allow these posts to begin with. If you look back to those threads, you'll see a couple of public general warnings in there after I removed things threatening to close it if I saw more. Had we seen it early on, it would have been closed and removed like we do with all other abuse posts. So it was only allowed just because we all missed it until it was about getting help for 28 dogs. There aren't 37 dogs here that need that kind of help with this now.
  3. I'm not really sure how else to say it... DO NOT START TOPICS ABOUT ANIMAL ABUSE Do not respond to posts about animal abuse. This could be abuse to the stray cat population to abuse of greyhounds in adopter homes. I don't care where the abuse happens, it DOES NOT NEED TO BE ON GREYTALK. EVERYBODY clicked that little box that said they read the Terms of Service (TOS). If you didn't actually read that stuff, time to do it now. I've posted several reminder threads about animal abuse posts this summer and this one we even put in the Announcements Forum. Really, I'm out of ways to tell people not to do it. Week long unpaid vacations don't seem to be a deterrent enough, especially since many claim to not know about the policy or this post. I can't make it flash. I can't make you all read it. Doesn't matter if you read the TOS or not, you all clicked the box that said you agreed to it when you created an account...
  4. Yes, the report button stays. The way things are reported is different now, so it doesn't create us a new post each time, it all goes into one, so if 20 people report the same post, we see the post once with the comments of the 20 people that reported it. You've never been able to see that somebody has had their account temporarily suspended and probably never will. Only way to know is if they share it with the board once they return. In the past you were able to see when we booted somebody for good. And no, each response doesn't need to be reported - we are able to see the entire thread too
  5. If posting on GT slows down this week... suspensions from this stuff is why
  6. Anybody else? 2 more vacations. Thank you to those of you reporting them and not responding.
  7. Next ones to respond to the posts being made today that prompted this little reminder will also be getting vacations from here on out... Use the report button and don't respond, very easy. If the post is against TOS, don't respond! 1 person already sent on a week vacation.
  8. In the last 18-24 hours... I've removed 4. Jeff has removed 1. Not sure how many Wendy has removed. There's a reason you aren't seeing it, it is against the TOS. The animal abuse bit has been in the TOS for 8+ years. If you've forgotten the TOS or haven't read it in a while, the link is at the bottom of every page. Warnings have been increased. Suspensions will be next if we are seeing more.
  9. They are fine. Jet, Ryan and T have all snacked on them and then I had to start hiding them in the closet. Mine were the fire starting bricks though, but are pretty much the same thing
  10. Seems you have figured it out - images need to be online somewhere to be posted on GT (unless you use the attach feature in Cute and Funny)
  11. Pro Plan Selects is not a grain free kibble.
  12. You won't find many (any?) that will suggest either Ol'Roy or Kibbles & Bits. But, feed what you can afford and what works for your dog. Not everybody can afford to feed a higher end food. Not every dog does well on a higher end food. The best food for your dog is what you can afford and what they do well on. It may not be what is best for the next person. As to how much. I have a 12 year old 47 pound greyhound who eats, well, this week she's eating 2.5+ cups a day and other weeks she only eats 2 cups a day. That's a higher quality food and a higher calorie food for active dogs. Tavarish, the 80 pound go go go go doberman eats 2.5 cups of the same food a day. I'd expect a greyhound to be eating more than a cup a day.
  13. See the Secret Santa forum for details.
  14. I'm going to ask for pictures until 22 October. Then I'll start going through and selecting images so I can get this thing ready in early November for ordering. SO PLEASE POST PICTURES. Go take pictures to post. I was using several images per month last year and would like to have enough good photos to pick from. I really want to see at least 2 pages full of images to make my decisions difficult. I've seen some very nice photos posted on GT during the year - add those to the threads where they fit!
  15. I have never had an issue not bringing water from home when on the road. If it is a day on the road, their water to go with them for stop is from where we stayed the night before, or whatever is left in my ice water from our stops.
  16. Ok, all months are now posted. I'd like to have the images for the months selected toward the end of October so I can start cleaning them up and getting them into the calendar. If people are still interested, we can figure out a donation thing for putting an image of your choice on specific dates (first come basis, and a limited number of days to be pictured in the month). We'll work on that in a bit if there is interest. Please, if you haven't already, submit an image for each month that you can. The more choices I have, the better the end result will be. Please, only ONE image per month. If you submit more, I'm not going to bother looking at that post. If you changed your mind, report your post and ask us to delete it so you can post again with ONE image (or a new image to replace the old one). I'll try to only use ONE image per person, so if I use one of mine in July or something, I will really try not to use another of my images in the calendar (unless I stick it in a date). So it is to your advantage to post an image for as many months as you can. Last year's calendar came out very nice and hopefully we can repeat that this year. So, go through your pics and post them. Or take some and post those. ONE image per month - make it fit the theme. Now - go to the calendar forum and start posting!
  17. We don't allow members to register with a free email, so you will get an error saying it is in use (it used to say it wasn't allowed). If you want your email changed to a freemail, submit a ticket
  18. All threads will be marked as read if you use the mark forum read within a forum and all threads in all forums will be marked as read if you use the mark forum as read on the main page. That's normal. I've not noticed anything different than that since the update.
  19. You can still use the double click... just double click on "back to top"
  20. Standing between your dog and a threatening dog doesn't always work. Jet was repeatedly attacked by a lab down the street in Salem. It was off leash. She was not. Any time it saw her, it would go after her, including jumping off 10'+ cliffs to get to her and leaping over other dogs and people in the way. As a result, she developed a fear aggression with lab shaped/sized dogs that she didn't already know. Took many years to work through it and oddly enough, it was all the friggen dogs running up to her in Kodiak on our walks that she finally relaxed about it. But she was always still happy to go out for a walk, even if she saw other dogs. So I don't have advice to getting her on walks if she refuses. Might be worth finding a place that doesn't have other dogs, even if it means a drive to go for a walk, and go that route for a bit to get her relaxed and then start working with adding more dogs along the walk to meet - controlled situations at first if you can arrange it.
  21. Our condolences to you and Kevin.
  22. I called a couple of local shelters and they couldn't use Ryan's meds and suggested I just give them back to the vet. So they were in my car when I happened to pass the county shelter and I stopped. Brought in a bag of food I had in the car and the meds and asked if they would be able to use them, if not, they'd go to my vet on my way home. She checked and they were able to use them. Otherwise my vet could have give them to somebody that was having $$ but their dog needed meds.
  23. If you need both hands, use a short leash. If you need both hands, use a short leash.
  24. Jet loves coconut oil. And Jet doesn't love much
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