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Everything posted by Trudy

  1. I'm so sorry for your loss, Dee.
  2. Trudy


    From the album: Trudy

  3. Trudy


    From the album: Trudy

  4. Eh, whatever Jet doesn't eat for breakfast gets put up for dinner. She can eat it then. If not, T does. Never had an issue leaving their soggy food out, but I do drain any extra water out, so it doesn't overly poof.
  5. File size and image size are two different things. You don't visually see the file size. So while it didn't seem that big as compared to others, doesn't mean the file size wasn't too big.
  6. Fiproguard is the generic of Frontline? Anybody have experience with it?
  7. Trudy


    From the album: Trudy

  8. Secret Santa is now open. There is a Secret Santa forum in the Greyhound Events forum. All SS stuff should stay there. Questions can be posted in the pinned thread there. Details on how to sign up and info are there.
  9. Nope. You can use whatever you want to make your signature.
  10. If she's not showing signs of distress, don't worry about it. Ryan ate one of those rubber balls with all the little tentacle things poking out of it. He pooped bits of orange for days and we figured that was the end of it. Seven months later, he started puked breakfast on our afternoon walk and wouldn't eat dinner. Went to the vet the following morning and they didn't really see much and he didn't want breakfast. Two hours later, he came in and was ready to eat. Went out and checked the yard and he'd finally been able to poop out the center of that ball he'd eaten 7 months earlier! A friend's lab ate a football and he puked it up a year later. Just sat in his stomach not causing any problems until one day it moved and out it came.
  11. Trudy


    From the album: Trudy

  12. In my adult life I've had 4 dogs. All big. 2 greyhounds, 1 doberman, 1 great dane. None of them have ever tried to jump a 4' fence. Yes, some dogs will try and succeed in getting over a 4', or a 5' or even a 6' fence. T and Abby can easily clear our fence if they wanted to. Abby will jump from about 14 feet back and clears the steps to the deck with ease - ground to the deck is 3.5 feet. But she has never tried to go over our fence. Not all dogs, even if they can do the jump, will.
  13. OP will post in Remembrance at a later time.
  14. Mr Elephant Leg has pretty much gone back to normal today. I'm thinking by tomorrow, his leg should be back to it's normal size. Last night at bedtime, it was still Elephant leg like.
  15. Try a different protein of the Orijen. You didn't want to be around Ryan if he ate chicken based food.
  16. Try giving her an ice cream after she's been lounging around for a while. Could be something in the ice cream too that doesn't agree with her and brings up the contents of her stomach.
  17. Doesn't seem to be as much as last night, but holy moly, last night he cried. He is like Ryan was - does not show any reaction to pain unless it is really really bad. Can tell it hurts today, but he's not crying anymore.
  18. If you have a carpet cleaner, use that to get what you can up and out of it after you have done the first scrape/clean. Then I use a healthy dose of resolve carpet or woolite pet carpet spray stuff and use that then go over it with the carpet cleaner again. Ryan got very sick on our cream carpet in his last week and you can't even tell. That took lots of cleaning and recleaning and cleaning again though.
  19. I think I saw that at TSC (if not, plenty of other feed/horse places around here). Vet does Drontal and said I can only get that from them and I'd have to stop in for it, but she was sure TSC or feed store would have something cheaper as well since I'll need to dose all 3 even if it is only Abby and maybe T with tapeworms.
  20. Who knows, I'm sure the yard is full of fleas, but the dogs don't have fleas and the yard is also full of rabbits. Drontal isn't so cheap, even the vet tech said that
  21. Not the kind from flea, the kind from rabbits.
  22. What is the drug of choice for tapeworms? Does it have to be from the vet or can I get it at TSC or feed store?
  23. Paul and Sonja, I'm so sorry to hear about Bill.
  24. Ryan used it with all his other stuff when he first got sick. Worked well for him, well, kind of. Worked better adding it than not adding it. How it works isn't well understood, but the common thought is it just blocks the brain from receiving "pain" messages. Seems to work best in dogs when combined with other pain meds.
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