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Everything posted by Jackandgrey

  1. She's two so she is very very young yet. If she sleeps away from you and you don't crate you need to a) puppy proof as best you can use babygates to keep her a defined area that so that she is limited in her scope of damage or c) muzzle her on weekends when the destructive behavior occurs. Or you could have her sleep in your room where the little delinquent is under closer observation. More than likely she will outgrow this. Jilly went through this stage when she was two as well. Jill also needed way more exercise at that age too. Longer walks than Jack did just to get rid of that adolescent energy.
  2. I'm so sorry. I wish for many pain free and treat filled days for your Apollo.
  3. This is late to the party but - I use boots for walking only in extreme cold and then I must say I am less and less inclined to walk . But in normal nasty cold, I find they're feet get cold enough to lift and limp when we first start out. If I just give them a quick warm up with my mitt and then a quick pace for the next bit to get the blood flowing, then they are usually fine. My Jack never needed boots in any weather but I find these two are less hardy souls
  4. I was composing a reply but it really said exactly the same thing. I'm so very sorry.
  5. Beth I am so very sorry. God I wish no one ever had to start this thread ever again. So many of know exactly how you are feeling and we will be here with you every step of the way. Jack was on the NSAID, in his case meloxicam and Tramadol. Tramadol is a good drug and the dosage can be adjusted quite readily as the dog needs it. It is really important to get ahead of the pain and stay there if you can.
  6. I know you want to protect your heart from more hurt. That is completely understandable. Your head knows there is absolutely no guarantee in this life to health and longevity. But that doesn't matter right now. So I will just reaffirm what others have said, poor teeth are not a major health problem unless they are not dealt with. If you plan to take care of and address dental issues as they arise in this hounds future, then you will be performing the preventative health care that should help ensure a long and healthy life for your dog - as much as anyone can do. It is bad teeth left untreated that cause health problems. So you see you can DO something about this.
  7. Jackandgrey

    Augie Dogie

    If only we never had to write that last line. I'm so sorry Heather. What a great boy he was. And how smart to know exactly who he wanted for his momma. Augie enjoy your coffee while you wait.
  8. I always thought he was such a beautiful dog Alisha. I know your heart must hurt so badly right now. I'm so sorry your boy had to leave you. Be at peace Iceman.
  9. Mine sleep in my room. Jack always was on his own bed as is Josh. Jilly occasionally in bed with me. All guest dogs sleep in my bedroom as well.
  10. I'm sorry. I know it more than physically hurts when that happens. but Judy's suggestions are good ones. he needs a reliable command to get off the couch. teaching him with a treat is great. I did with Jilly and she absolutely knows it now for couches, my bed etc. With or without a treat. If there is still hesitation to get off, absolutely a leash and a happy voiced - let's go. Make all this happy even though I know you are not exactly feeling that way right now. And yess use your muzzle for when you are gone for now. It works.
  11. What good news that is and a huge relief for you!
  12. I would try as much as you can to increase his exercise. Try to get those endorphins flowing as much as possible. Get him out and about. Take him for more and longer walks, runs if you can. I'm so sorry.
  13. That's really too bad he gave you the very worst possible diagnosis as an option and then jsut leaving you to worry. Perhaps a viral infection is a good possibility. It certainly is a cause for fever and increased white count but the differential is important to know there. It could be bacterial. Please don't give any unprescribed AB's though. And try not to worry too much. But I know that's impossible!
  14. Re the being in a crate all their lives. They are used to a crate in a kennel with a lot of other dogs around them and people coming and going all day. This in no way equates to being in a crate all by themselves. Some dogs will love their crate or tolerate it. Others such as yours absolutly will not. As has been said I would stop using the crate ASAP. You could try an Xpen but really the baby gate is a much better option. And without a doubt, he needs alone training for his separation anxiety. If he is chewing things out of his crate use a muzzle while you are teaching him to be alone.
  15. Deb I really don't know what to say. Our Angel is an Angel. I know this is especially hard for you right now but that little girlie just had to know how much love had come her way and left us all surrounded by so much of it. So while we will miss getting to know you sweetie, there is a welcoming committee waiting to take you under their wings and show you the ropes. Run free Angie.
  16. I'm so very sorry. Run free from pain now Dapper Dan.
  17. I'm so sorry Bailey had to leave you. But so glad you at least had a few more special hours with her. Rest well now baby girl and shine your light down on your family, they are going to be hurting pretty badly.
  18. I'm so glad you have this very special time with her. Of course you stayed home with her.
  19. I hope Lenny is doing okay Claudia. It's hard not to worry about limping I know.
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