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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. Checking in, hoping Harmony continues to show progress, bless her heart.
  2. Hoping and praying the good news continues - sweet Harmony.
  3. Rickiesmom


    I am so sorry for your loss of your very sweet boy.
  4. She looks great - keep on truckin' girl!
  5. Good she's getting blood. We will continue to pray, as hard as we can.
  6. Thanks for the update - hope the recovery process goes smoothly. Please post more pictures of your beautiful girl when you have a chance.
  7. Is there a plan B, like retesting, assuming they still have some tissue? This is beyond frustrating!!! On second thought - maybe they already retested and that's why it took so long for the results to come back. Either way, AAAAGGHH is right!
  8. Continued prayers for Harmony. Hope Dr Vilar and the OSU team can add insights that will make the difference.
  9. Praying the change in meds will buy time to figure out what is going on and get it under control. Beautiful Harmony.
  10. Now isn't that a word we can't get enough of? BENIGN!! YAY!!!!!
  11. Sending prayers all goes well today for Sadie. Let the cancer-free healing begin!
  12. Adding my prayers for Elsa to have a smooth recovery. Please keep us posted.
  13. Godspeed special girl. Her mom's love will shine on the path to the bridge.
  14. Rickie had a second surgery for this same cancer during the summer, we understand completely. Sending prayers and good thoughts to Sadie and to you.
  15. Sending prayers for Harmony. So good she is somewhere with 24/7 care.
  16. My thoughts are and will be with you and Morgan today.
  17. I am so sorry for your loss. Smiley will always live deep in your heart.
  18. Much better that it looked worse that it was, than the alternative. Hugs to you and to Wayne.
  19. Sending good thoughts for your boy. Always a worry, but he will feel so much better afterwards.
  20. Sending prayers it's an easy fix - poor baby and poor you!
  21. He's home! For some reason I thought he was going in tomorrow so this is great news! How long do they think it will take for the pathology report to come back?
  22. Hope Monty feels better this morning. Karen, when are you expecting the pathology results back - have completely lost track of time.
  23. Great news! Now Monty, listen closely: do not, do KNOT, do anything to interfere with the new sutures healing. No licking, chewing, inappropriate stretching, sudden urges to run, jump, fly, whatever. It's tough, but it will be over before you know it, and will be soooooooooooooooo worth it. Big kisses you sweet guy
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