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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. What a handsome hound! I am so sorry for your loss.
  2. So young. My heart goes out to those who had to make the hard decision, and are now missing him terribly.
  3. Wondeful update - it's so heartening to see them feel better and start to really bloom.
  4. I agree with others - you'll know when it's time. You worry you won't, but you will. Hoping it won't be for some time to come.
  5. Godspeed little angel. Heather, I am so sorry.
  6. Godspeed sweet Ears. Kamsmom, I am so sorry.
  7. I think we paid something like $5 for Arlie's results interpretation at MSU - negligible cost vs. the value of the opinion. I'd get my vet to request it immediately. We did this in a 2-step process too as I didn't initially know the request needed to be explicit, and we got an answer in a day or two. Editing to add the thread from Arlie's thyroid testing - we had tests run at both Dr. Dodds lab and at MSU, with different results. As we had no clinical signs and MSU didn't think she was hypothyroid, we chose not to treat, and she's fine. Here is the link: Arlie thyroid test results
  8. Gracie Keep on challenging your family with new accomplishments - somehow, I think they are up to the challenge pretty girl! Sidebar: I wonder if she'll be more stable once she's off the phenobarbitol. (Edited for spelling.)
  9. Some things never leave you. Ranchie's story is like that. I saw this thread when you first posted, and I am sorry it has taken til now to be able to respond and say how moved I was by your joint dedication to his care, and what a sweet soul Ranchie was.
  10. Robin, I'm so sorry you are facing this again, hopefully the clean margins point to a good prognosis. Will be watching for an update once you've consulted OSU and in the meantime, will be holding all of you in my thoughts and prayers.
  11. Well the first hurdle is over - surgery went well and Elsie is doing fine. That is GREAT! Now we will wait with you for the biopsy results and hope they are completely boring.
  12. Poppy will be so happy to be home! Hope the lump on Buddy is nothing.
  13. Continued good news - YAY! Even if her rate of recovery slows down for awhile, it sounds like she's come along far enough to be a happy girl again, and for the family to relax and get back to something much closer to normal. Please do post pictures when you have a moment, including any from today when her foster mom visits. I SO wish I were closer and could attend the Gala, just to kiss this sweet girlie on the top of her head.
  14. We are praying the news is positive later today, and that you can bring your sweet Poppy home.
  15. Poor Connor. I hope you hear back from the vet soon, and that in the meantime, his tummy settles down.
  16. Sending prayers for the lovely Poppy. Can they tent a crate and feed oxygen into it, rather than directly into her nose?
  17. Sending good thoughts and will be watching for good-news updates on Tuesday! Sending good thoughts and will be watching for good-news updates on Tuesday!
  18. Robin, I will have you and Elsie in my thoughts til you see the vet. Sounds like this should be easily dealt with, which is good!
  19. What a lovely girl. I am so sorry for your friends loss.
  20. Happy tears here! It sounds to me (no vet) like even if there are ups and downs, there is a clear positive direction here, which is something to hang onto in the low moments! GO GRACIE!
  21. Thank you for the update! It's very promising that Gracie is showing signs of controlled movement! Good you are pursuing her ongoing care with your vet - it sounds like the transition from her original specialist to whoever is covering hasn't gone smoothly! I wonder if Gracie is anxious in part because she's not used to being in a separate room from her people, even though she can see all of you? Would it work to set up an x-pen in the family room, so she's a bit closer? Is she able to be with you without a gate during periods when Travis is napping or at a playdate? It also sounds like as a family, you could use a bit of a break. Are there other greyhound people in your area that could maybe babysit Gracie now and then for a couple of hours so you all can go on an outing, or so you can get some rest? You've probably thought through all these options - they were just the things that I could think of. Wish I was closer and could help more practically that just wishing and praying for things to go better for you, but for what it's worth, there are a lot of people here beaming you support and healing thoughts for Gracie.
  22. Also thinking of your family and Gracie today, hoping things are starting to fall into place a little.
  23. What a beautiful girl! Sending good thoughts for all to go smoothly today!
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