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Everything posted by Greytlady94

  1. I'm so sorry. No matter how long we have them, a few months or many years, it is never enough time.
  2. Just adding some raw hamburger to her kibble should help.
  3. Bev she has such a sweet face, what a precious girly.
  4. Have you increased the amount of food she is getting? Also some kibbles are higher in calories then others.
  5. A baby gate at the stairs would help protect her also. If she is downstairs you can have it there, if she is upstairs move it up. We did our stairs that way when our greyhound Charlie was diagnosed with OS.
  6. My dogs do get the bordatella vaccine every 6 months. On all other vaccines we are on the 3 year protocol. I do board a couple times a year.
  7. I wouldn't use them either, not worth taking the chance.
  8. Lucy was white with black on her head at the age of three and more and more a dalmation as she has gotten older.
  9. I am so sorry. Maybe baked chicken, lean roast beef, boiled ground round, meat loaf, vanilla yogurt and Rice Krispies, ice cream.....
  10. My Renie had this surgery about 5 years ago and it was worth every penney. The amount of $$ spent on specialists, tests and treatments for the continual infections the two years pre-surgery was far more then the surgery. Renie's was done at A & M vet school small animal clinic and was $1400. Once she healed (about 3 weeks) she never had a problem with the area again. I'm not sure how many vets are really familiar with this problem since Renie and I went to several, including specialists, who did not recognize the condition.
  11. I would cook up a bit of chicken and rice and offer her a small amount of that every couple hours.
  12. That's exactly right. Neither the surgeon nor the cancer doctor said that she would be cured. The surgeon painted a more bleak picture for us because the lymph node has been infected. He also said the other feels that it's infected too. I DO feel like not having any treatment is giving up but after talking with the surgeon it feels less like that. I know this cancer will take her because it's infected the lymph node so badly, and both doctors agree about that issue. She is not experiencing pain and nothing internal is infected. The lymph nodes are what's causing everyone the most worry. They would have to remove the tumors on her side and have one looong stitch and remove one lymph node and now possibly the other. I'm not sure she would want to spend half of her life healing from these surgeries and the other recovering from chemo. You will make the right decision for her.
  13. Wonderful news for Alan!! Instead of Hill's KD could you be maybe do a home cooked kidney diet? Just a thought.
  14. I don't want your post to get lost so I'll bump it up. I'm sorry I don't know anything about the problem you are describing. There is a veterinarian who posts on Greytalk, I would e-mail him. Dr. Feeman http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showuser=2742
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