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Everything posted by gazehund

  1. Many prayers from here for sweet Bella. Good to hear from folks that if it is VS, it generally passes quickly and all is well is short order. Please keep us posted as best you can. Feel better Bella. Love you little girl.
  2. So sorry for your loss Hilda. Rest well Gabby.
  3. I am sorry Robin. Rest well gorgeous Phene.
  4. A life well lived and so very well loved by you Ann. I am so sorry. Run with the stars Darlin.
  5. Sorry to hear about your spooky blue girl Heather. Wishing for many more good days for all of you.
  6. At least you have a Costco. Good deal, hope it works out for Miss Gee.
  7. I am so sorry your handsome boy had to leave Pat. Rest well DonJuan.
  8. I am so sorry Dee. I'll miss that spunky momma gal of yours. She had a wonderful life with you and she gave me a gift I love with all my heart. Rest well sweet Lass. You are so loved.
  9. gazehund

    Ww Kool Kirston

    I am so sorry Hope. Rest well Kirston.
  10. I have only sent one from home. My first hound Future. Given the opportunity and circumstances, I would choose to do it that way every time. My vet (who has been my vet for 20 years) came out to the house on a rainy spring evening. Pooter was right in the room with us, Pearl watched from the next room. Both girls were just very quietly watching. It was as peaceful as it can get I suppose. To answer the question, no the vet did not take my boy with him. We have a large property. All of our animals are buried here at home. My DH had already prepared the site beforehand. If I had my way, I would send each and every animal off this way.
  11. Healing thoughts for your little girl and hugs to you and your wife.
  12. Oh no!! I am so very sorry Vinny had to leave. Rest well sweet boy.
  13. gazehund


    Jack and Petra I am so sorry Johnny had to leave. Rest well Johnny. No more seizures now.
  14. Anne, I am so sorry for your loss.
  15. I am so sorry for your loss. Rest well Doc.
  16. gazehund


    Trudy and Jeff I am so sorry. You are probably right in that something was not right with her. Rest well Blue. We miss you.
  17. Always wanted to use that one. Pretty sure der_Windhund in not coming back to this thread or possibly ever. Carry on.
  18. Our Tractor Supply has the exact powder Jeff posted. I didn't feel the powder would be as accurate dosage wise as the liquid. Liquid is plenty easy to use.
  19. I gave DD and Pooter their first dose Sunday. Squirted it on their food and down it went.
  20. I don't see where the OP said anything about the dog being on / off leash. Just asked a question. To answer the question. My dogs have excellent re-call. We work on it every single day. They also know "WAIT" both verbally and with a hand signal. I didn't vote though. While my dogs are very good at re-call, I would not say they are 100% or perfect. So far so good, but they are dogs. I also see OP you are working with a puppy. Both my hounds are retired racers. They came to me with excellent re-call started by their trainers in their racing kennel. I am not sure comparing my older ex-racers to your puppy is in any way an accurate comparison. More like apples to oranges if I had to guess. Good luck with your pup.
  21. Me too! That was True, who I am very happy to report is now 13 and doing great! That's her, thank you! I am happy to hear she is still with us and doing well. Time goes by so fast.
  22. Lovely show Lucy. One of my most fond memories of Dewey is that of meeting you and Riley and Caroline's black female whose name escapes me at the moment. Hugs to you.
  23. So young. I am so terribly sorry.
  24. I am so sorry for your loss.
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