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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. So glad to hear this. Mia keep getting better. Mom keep calm.
  2. I never thought of that. I'll keep track to see if when she gets the pred if her dreaming is more intense.
  3. That looks like a lot of leg to carry around. Poor girlie.
  4. Welcome! But if you've been "skulking" you know pictures are a must!
  5. You have ours. Foxy says not to worry who needs a hurting old toe anyway. She's missing one on her front left foot.
  6. Just keep doing what you feel is right. You've seen him after a dental before, and know him and what is his normal behaviour. He'll probably be okay, but keep an eye on him.
  7. All we need is some good positive thoughts. Foxy has an appointment for a checkup tomorrow night. I am pretty sure she has gained back some of the weight she lost. She will have afine needle aspirate done of the lump she got over a year ago. It gets bigger, then shrinks again, we're still believing it's a cyst. Her Laryngeal Paralysis has worsened, but is still controlled with the occassional dose of pred. What worries me is my DH thinks she has had a seizure. He has seen her have some fairly violent leg and body movements when she is sleeping. I saw that once, but when I poked her she gave the to go to he** look. There have been no vacant stares or moments when she's disoriented, so I'm hoping she is just having some wild dreams. She also arches to stretch either while laying down or standing and her whole body shakes. That doesn't seem to bother her one bit either. We'll discuss her immunizations then too, since she is 12 1/2 I want to cut them back. She'll get her blood work up done later this month by the ladies who come to do the blood donor clinic. June 5, 2007 Good news! Although her weight is down a bit since the last time, her hip bones aren't sticking up anymore. Our vet thinks she probably lost since the last weigh in and is now gaining. We'll get her weighed again in a couple of weeks time. Everything else looks pretty good and her muscle tone is great for an old lady. The vet doesn't think she is seizing, probably just having busier dreams. Again, we'll monitor her. Her lump, which is now two lumps are cyst like and are still clear fluid with no bad cells, No immunizations this time, and we'll know about her blood work when it's done in a couple of weeks. Whew! Now I feel better.
  8. He's looking better than I feared. to all of you. I'm off to email you some ideas.
  9. Poor her and you. Prayers things go well and she has an uneventful healing.
  10. Cassie honey, how on earth? -- Heather sending prayers and big hugs your way.
  11. Alisha MIa has been in my thoughts a lot. I'm glad she is starting to respond to the meds. Keep it up Mia you will be back to your old self in no time.
  12. Cody keep getting better. Patti you and all of your family are in my prayers. Stay strong lady, you know where to find me.
  13. Great news! The Greyhound Wellness Program is amazing isn't it?
  14. She looks wonderful. Start healing Sophie we are all behind you.
  15. Oh Crap! Trish you guys have our prayers. Bear is absolutely adorable and much too young and little to have to deal with this. Fight Bear you have so much fun ahead of you.
  16. LOoe the emails Diane. I had a message from Glynnis and have his story for the website plus a whole bunch of pictures. Winsloy's Mom has donated a gorgeous painting the 2nd Miss Nellie Auction.
  17. It's so hard to believe. Dr Couto and I were talking about Dennis not even 3 weeks ago at dinner. I've made a donation to Hope for Hounds in Dennis' name. If anyone else wants to you can use the donate now button on the web site, just click on Hope for Hounds in my siggy. I'll be sending Cora a special kard made for us by Kari. I will wait until next week, in case anyone else wants to join me. Cora has been a huge supporter of HfH. She had the logo digitalized so that she can do embroidery on shirts, hats etc. She made some fabulous t-shirts and gave them to Suzie to sell at Sandy Paws. I was able to spend some time with her and Dennis. He was the most wonderful gentle and HAPPY boy. I'm so glad I got the chance to meet both of them. Godpeed Dennis. Cora he will be with us always.
  18. Welcome! Hopefully we will get to see pictures of the beautiful Lola.
  19. Glad you sent it. Remember I'm around if you need me. Janet
  20. Terri I'm so sorry! Send the info off to Dr Couto tomorrow, or now even. They will answer as soon as someone has looked at all the info you sent, that willprobably be sometime Monday. The faster you send, the quicker you will have the info you need. greyosu@osu.edu Bullett, you and Ben are in my prayers.
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