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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. Way to go Cougar. I'm cheering you on and am looking forward to your birthday.
  2. Dr Couto just returned from England last night, he sent me an email yesterday afternoon from DC while he was enroute. I expect he isn't even in to the clinic until Monday morning, and if they aren't seeing an obvious it isn't urgent. That needs an expert for sure, but I don't see any obvious signs. THAT is a good thing even though it is tough to wait. The bone doesn't seem to match the amount it sticks out, very odd. Love Xan's chants too.
  3. You have my prayers and good thoughts. Quilty is one tough girly.
  4. Leslie, please tell Lee how sorry I am. Miss Heart was a truly beautiful soul.
  5. Had that happen twice here. Both times, after I unwrapped the nail was in the bandage. Both times, the nail grew back. I did epsom salt soaks twice a day for a week and then left uncomvered. Just keep an eye out for redness and swelling which indicate infection.
  6. Annie, Chris already posted this but in case you missed it Dr Couto's info is in the link at the bottom of my siggy. I'm praying this is something else. Hang in there.
  7. Always love to hear this kind of news. Keep fighting Demon.
  8. I don't know about dogs, but my Mom was on pred for 28 years after her kidney transplant. Her hair and skin got progressively thinner. Her doctors said it was because of the pred.
  9. Lynne, I'm hoping this is just a blip and Timber perks up.
  10. Mary, congratulations! I bet Arlie is thrilled. Yeah, about that lawn ..........forgetaboutit!
  11. Kyle, there is a really good grey savvy vet out your way. She has done dentals for our group, and is extremely good price wise. I'll look her up for you.
  12. Jake does well on Tramadol, but when given the Rimadyl as well, he acted very odd. Kind of like he didn't know who we were and looked mad. Once it wore off, he was his ownself again. He does fine on Metacam and Tamadol though.
  13. Welcome to you and Teddy. If you mouse over the thumbnail on photobucket, it will give you options for various postings. Use the bottom one, the IMG code. When you click on t it will highlight. On my home computer it just copies it automatically, but on my laptop I have to hit ctrl C. Then open a reply here and ctrl V to post.
  14. Can't believe I'm cheering for gas. Glad they are on the road to recovery.
  15. I somehow missed this. Hoping they both continue to get better. Hugs to all of you.
  16. Well look at her. She is so pretty Leslie. Cpngratulations everyone!
  17. I so needed to read this Tracy. Smooches to my girl.
  18. We stopped all vacs on the advice of my vet when Foxy was 12.
  19. This message is for MoMo I played with your BIG brother Tiger today, and little sister Hope tonight. Lucy I got you some pics of Mars too. I'll be editing them and posting later in the week.
  20. Peanut just had something exactly like that removed from her toe. Like you I thought it was a scab, but when I soaked it it was still there. Our vet removed it and the histopathology result was hemangioma. Totally benign, but they have their own blood vessels so they can bleed profusely.
  21. It's a heck of a journey isn't it Lucy? I've enjoyed wathing her grow up and start her career. I remember Bill telling me at the kennel that these dogs are fast! Problem is they are so fast they hurt themselves. Since there is nothing you can do about fast and drive to be first some of them have been retired before really hurting themselves. I'm sad for Cathie and Bill, but thrilled knowing MoMo got to go home early to you. Plus I'll still get to see her pretty self at Sandy Paws. Congratulations MoMo KNOT Meany Pants! You landed yourself in a wonderful home. Tip from Peanut, stay off the table!
  22. More than likely. Our blood donor program will only allow heartworm meds.
  23. All of my current dogs are/were donors. Jake is no longer as we still don't know why he is having swollen legs. The hounds don't mind, and you sure feel good when their blood saves a life. Peanut's first donation was used to help a Mama dog and her puppies who had distemper.
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