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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. Great news Kyle. Really glad to hear Dr Bruce is open to the OSU protocol. I'm not understanding the more expensive part as the OSU protocol is only one drug and they supply it. Perhaps it will make sense when they give you all the details. Looking forward to hearing how Charlie is doing later today.
  2. Sorry things were held up, but great that they waited for the drug they needed. I'm guessing that was the Amicar? Give me a call as soon as you feel up to it. We'll discuss strategy re: chemo and get things rolling at my end. I'm home all evening and most of the weekend. If you don't reach me at home, try my cell, I'll have it with me. Continuing prayers and sending hugs to you and Lynn.
  3. Oh Kyle, that just sucks! I'm heading to work, but phone me any time at all. I'll have my cell on me. I expect Charlie will be getting around quite well if not a bit slowly, by the time he comes home. We can talk on the weekend about the next step. Charlie is in my prayers today, I'll be thinking of you and Lynn.
  4. That's great news Shannon. We're rooting for Flash, you hang in there okay.
  5. Kyle, I am so sorry. I'm sending you an email with some info you will need.
  6. Thanks for the update Jane. I have a contact at OSU that should be able to help with the 501c3 status. I'll go look.
  7. You have my prayers and support. let me know if there is anything I can do. :gouphug
  8. Jake is on doxycyclin for suspected TBD. The reason I say suspected is that he had negative a PCR for lyme, rocky mountain, ehrlichia and babesia. Since then he has had negative snap tests over the 2 years he was showing odd symptoms. He began had numerous incidents of swollen legs, redness, pain and sometimes fever. The first time, we thought infection so he did a course of clavamox. Then it came back with no fever, odd. The next time it was a different leg and fever. Dr Couto suggested a joint tap, so we waited and when it happened again (different leg) we did the procedure. The lab asked our vet why we had done the tap because the fluid was unremarkable. Yet there he was with a very hot, swollen and painful wrist. He's had numerous blood tests, and they are all completely normal for a greyhound. The incidents came more frequently and in Dec he had two flare ups with the second one involving both back legs. My vet sat on the floor and told me she didn't have a clue. We discussed the possibility that it was TBD and she said even with the neg PCR it could be. She told me she didn't see any value in spending any more money on tests that we could spend that money on treating. We did have a disagreement on the amount of doxy and the length of treatment. We did 300 mg twice a day for a month. He was like a new dog, doing things I hadn't even noticed he wasn't doing. He's 11 and was acting 7. When I was at Sandy Paws, Diane warned me it could come back - and it did. He got over tired then slipped on the stairs. 3 hours later he had 105 temp, red back legs and couldn't walk. I knew! So I worked on getting his fever down and emailed our vet (these things always happen at midnight on a Sunday ) She said unless I couldn't get the temp down or keep him comfortable, he would be fine until she could see him on Monday. Temp was down to 103 by noon Sunday and he was tottering around. By the time she saw him his temp was only slightly elevated and he was walking fine. He did have pitting edema in both hocks. She immediately asked me how much doxy and for how long. Jake is on week 3 of his 8 weeks of treatment and has gone back to being a 7 year old in an 11 year old body. So many of these dogs present TBD in unique ways. Tests either don't make sense, or there is nothing to see. Had I known what I know now, I would have just treated him earlier and aggressively. Praying you get an answer or better yet a treatment that works for him.
  9. Nothing wrong with being nervous. My DH sounds like yours Merlin, and you will be in my prayers. He will be fine.
  10. Damn, I was really hoping she would improve. Please have your vet contact the ones at NC State. I'm worried that the cautious approach the vets are taking just isn't enough. As for the red, warm and sore leg - that is Jake's symptoms for TBD. Continuin prayers. Let me know if you want to talk. I'm home all day tomorrow.
  11. I hate this! Praying the news is better when you know what's actually going on. Let me know if you need anything Greg.
  12. I am so fortunate to have met pretty Luna. Jennifer, I know our girls are having a grand time hanging out together. She looks so much like Miz Foxy in that last picture. Sending much love and hugs to you and Jade. Godspeed Luna the beautiful
  13. Great news. Any triumph is a big one in my estimation. Keep going Sutra!
  14. Darn, I was hoping she would do well on the doxy. Although, it is much more likely the pred causing the icky tummy. I'd try giving her some tummy calming foods like pasta, sweet potato or regular potato, scrambled egg that kind of thing. That way she is less likely to throw up bile. Plus you are putting her meds into a fuller tummy so it's easier on her.
  15. Praying this turns out to be minor. Hugs to Bijou and you too Greg.
  16. Great nesws, I've been thining about you guys. Where did she get her dental done?
  17. Thank you for sharing this story. That is a treatment that I was saving "just in case" for Foxy should she have needed it. Foxy had her surgery when she was 10, and we kept a close eye on her leg for a regrowth. We were very lucky that it never did come back. Miz Foxy left us due to what amounted to old age. Can you PM me a mailing address I have Survivor rings I would like Avalanche and Rizzo to have.
  18. happy you found someone you are comfortable with. Chuckling a bit at the odd comment about schools. I guess my vet is a James Herriott, she did her vet training in the southern states. Worked with lots of greyhounds and said she really missed them when she started to practice locally. That's okay, I fixed that by telling all my greyhound friends where to take their greys.
  19. My first girl Miz Foxy was aloof for almost a year after we adopted her. As we got to know her, and her us, we developed our own special relationship. As time went by she allowed cuddles and would love to lay up against me on the couch. There was no doubt at all that she loved me, she just showed it differently with smiles, wags, dancing, and air snapping. I sure do miss my princess.
  20. I think I mentioned before that Jake has TBD, most likely ehrlichia. He has been having flare ups for 2 years or so before we figured it out. You got your answer much faster. The trick as we now know is to treat aggressively. I will keep her in my prayers.
  21. Ugh I hate cases like this. It may not be anything new, an allergy can just crop up. I have a few mild allergies, but if I end up overloaded high pollen count, and have milk BAM! My eyes swell up, I get an itchy face - not pretty! My milk allergy is fairly recent. The fact that she hasn't been where there are ticks for a number of years doesn't really mean anything. Jake has been in Ottawa since he was 3, he is 11 now and we have been battling TBD for a while now. We had negative tests, but our vet is pretty sure he has an obscure one. The problem with tick tests is you have to know exactly which one you are testing for and there are hundreds. We saved the test money and have him on doxycyclin for 8 weeks. I'd be careful of a bath as it may stress her and make things worse. Just had a thought, while nothing new was added to her environment, was she in any way stressed. It doesn't have to have been a lot. Jake's last flare up of TBD was after a Meet & Greet, which he loved. He just got over tired and then had a spill. If I were you I would have your vets contact OSU to see what they think. Is your vet on the OSU vet list serve? If so, they can ask other vets on the list if they have seen anything like this. To contact OSU: This email is for the Greyhound Health and Wellness Program and will be answered by the vet who is on duty greyosu@osu.edu This is Dr. Couto's email. He is usually very quick at responding but you should be aware that he travels a lot and sometimes can't get to his email. couto.1@osu.edu The phone numbers for the GHWP are: (614) 247-6757 and (614) 247-8490 They sometimes get very busy. If the situation is critical send an email but follow-up with a phone call and/or a phone call from your vet.
  22. Oh Jen, no suggestions but I am sending prayers and hugs.
  23. We went through this with Jet a couple of summers ago. His issue was basketballs. I tried just being matter of fact, but hated seeing him so worked up. We gave him melatonin to take the edge off about 45 min before walk time. A few weeks later we were able to go for a walk without the melatonin. Last spring we had to repeat as the kids a few doors down got a net.
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