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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. Excellent update, thank you Jane. Blow her a kiss for me when you see her again.
  2. Great news Suzy. I have you guys in my prayers.
  3. HopeForHounds


    Martin, you took a piece of my heart with you to the bridge. Go find Miz Foxy, she'll take care of you. Holly, huge hugs to you Godspeed sweet boy, you will never be forgotten.
  4. I can see them all. They are great!
  5. Glad to hear everything went well Jane. Please, let me know if you need to talk. You are such a great support to all the families that go to OSU, I want you to know that we're here for you too.
  6. Gorgeous pictures Karen. Your girls are adorable.
  7. What a great thread idea Shannon. It's really great to see you all give each other support. Karen, I will try to give you a call this evening, but know you and Chase have been in my thoughts a lot. If there is anything I can do to help anyone, just let me know. I have unlimitted long distance, so if you need to talk, vent or ask questions I can call. Just PM me your number.
  8. I'm glad you could be there Suzy. I hate that this is happening, but I am so relieved that you are there in the best possible hands. Hugs to all of you.
  9. HopeForHounds


    Dana I am so very sorry. I can imagaine the pain you are in right now. Others are right, please stick around and take what we have to offer. Talk about John, share pictures and memories. They all help us heal. :gouphug Godspeed John
  10. I'm so sorry Jane. Let me know what Dr C says. Of course, it goes without saying you have my support. Please let me know if you need anything, I'm a good listener.
  11. thankful to have my hounds

  12. There is no right or wrong way. Do what is right for you and for him. Sending hugs and prayers for you both.
  13. Hang in there, and know we are with you.
  14. HopeForHounds


    Heather, I am so very sorry. What a wonderful tribute to a wonderful girl. Godspeed Brookie may you find wonderful company at the bridge.
  15. What Chemo protocal did Cali have? Cali had doxorubicin only. She also had a big delay due to an infection in her back leg at the site of her blood transfusion. She lived almost to the day of her 1 year anniversary of the amputation, only to pass away from a suspected stroke.
  16. He looks fabulous Kyle! the bruising isn't too bad, and everything looks great. Here's to a good night and some uneventful healing. Did you give him my hug?
  17. Sounds like things are pretty much on track. I'll be in touch as soon as I have things on my end worked out. Hugs to Charlie and of course the rest of the pack too.
  18. Sounds like he's doing really well Kyle. Even ate their icky yummy canned food. Have you showed Lynn any pictures now that she will be seeing him today? It might help. The hardest thing will be to be as calm and normal as possible. Good thoughts and prayers for all of you.
  19. Glad to hear she did well and is home recovering. yeah, that IV site can be problematic. Please keep a close eye on it. A friend of mine who's girl had an amp last year got a nasty infection at her IV site. I'd clean it well with soap and water and if it looks at all red then put anitbiotic cream on it. I had to cover Foxy's IV site with a light layer of vet wrap just to keep her off it, I never thought to warn my friend about it.
  20. I understand your concern Kyle, if the visit would be more upsetting I wouldn't want to do it either. I'd take your lead from what the folks at Alta Vista tell you. If he is calm and doing well then maybe not visiting is best. If he isn't calm or won't eat for them I'd go in to see if he will for you. Remember though he is on meds and confused so having you there for a short time might help. It really is a hard call. I'm helpful huh?
  21. Glad he'shome Shannon. Come on now Flash eat something. Try his favourite treats, not as nutritious but something in that belly will help settle it down and then he may eat the real food.
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