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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. Joe, I don't think I've ever seen a bedspread worn with such panache! Have a good Bridge day, sweetie.
  2. *increased respiration, hot flashes, feelings of rejection* . . . . I'm soooooooooooo glad GT's back
  3. Fly free and well on your new wings, Hershey. Hugs all around.
  4. Lots and lots of white light is coming his way and yours, too! Back to chanting now . . . .
  5. Obviously "it was meant to be"! Thanks for the answer . . . . why be "Raven" when you could be "Ziplock"??
  6. Happy Bridge birthday, sweetheart. I think your Mommy could use a big Bridge hug.
  7. I think Xan summarized it incredibly well! All white light coming your way.
  8. But such a cute dork! I just *have* to ask . . . . the story behind your cat's name being Ziplock?
  9. Patsy


    The birding community in the Grand Forks, ND area is in mourning today. Ozzie, the single chick from our first-ever-in-town peregrine falcon nest, died. He had *just* started to fly within the past day. A witness and veteran birder described what happened. In summary: "I came down to the Happy Face water tower this morning about 9:30, so I could check on seeing Ozzie fly. He was not up on the tower but across the street on an electric pole. He was squawking and one of the adults flew down to give him a lesson. The next thing I knew I saw him fly toward the water tower but he was too low and hit the electric lines and fell to the ground. This is so hard because he died. I called a number of people and with help from (our paper's editor and master birder) , talked to the Raptor Center in Saint Paul. (Ozzie had just been banded two weeks ago). As I was trying to figure out who to call, one of the many people in the neighborhood, who had been watching his progress, came over; he had seen Ozzie fly around the tower yesterday afternoon about 5 p.m. and said he just made it back to the second tier of the tower. (Our editor) came back a second time and brought me this poem and to make sure I was doing ok, Time cannot break The bird's wing from the bird, Bird and wing together Go down, one feather. No thing that ever flew Not the bird, not you, Can die as others do. by Edna Saint Vincent Millay" RIP little one; accidents do happen and Nature can be so cruel . . . . but we all were so excited about your arrival. Your banding made front page news! http://www.grandforks.com/articles/?page=v...;property_id=40 Just wanted to remember him "in print" so to speak.
  10. Some wonderful "golden oldies" pix there . . . . loved the montage. I'd forgotten the one with Darcy's paw around his neck!
  11. Amazing it's been 3 years already--seems like just last year! Hugs to you all on this sad anniversary.
  12. Patsy

    Madam Fluffy Puss

    Goodbye Madame Fluffy, very special kitty that you were. Hugs to your family.
  13. We fill/refill the waterbeds from the kitchen sink's faucet with a special attachment on it that's the go-between between the garden hose and warm water.
  14. Good thoughts coming your way for both of you!
  15. Happy Birthday, you big handsome hunk!
  16. We could use some pictures of the "recoverees" when possible. Until then, scritches all around--gentle, of course.
  17. Ouch! Welcome home, still-beautiful Princess Candi! Heal well sweetie.
  18. *changing the chant to one for sanity for the vet & staff until it's 8 p.m.*
  19. $600 for cleaning??? I'd have thought just the Clorox itself would have been $200!!! Hang in there.
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