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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. Never underestimate the power of concerted chanting! *now focusing good thoughts on no-brekkie Monday morning*
  2. One of the great things about white light is there is always enough to go around to those who need it . . . . no need to ration it!
  3. Lots of white healing light coming your way.
  4. I don't think Mr. Toby should worry about that picture--he's so hairy I had trouble finding the incision, leg alone legs or Mr. Winky! NO LICKING!
  5. Toby! Toby! It's Auntee Patsee here . . . . you just dream away while your body recovers. Same plan when you get home.
  6. What wonderful news! Good work, Jasmine . . . . and hoping to see pix of you soon.
  7. Maybe she needs one of those cute little racing numbers with the pockets to put $$$ in to go with her table dancing?
  8. Sending lottsa and lottsa good thoughts and white light to Toby from his Auntee Patsee.
  9. Patsy


    In tears for you. Imagine the stuff the two of them can get into at the Bridge. Hugs to you.
  10. Exactly what vahoundlover said! whewwwwwwwwww!
  11. Renewing the good thoughts. Hey, Toby! Auntee Patsee here. You be a good boy and sail right through whatever happens tomorrow.
  12. Let's hear it for rehabilitated crazy women! And congratulations to Echo, too.
  13. Hoping to hear about a restful night for all concerned and continued healing today.
  14. Man, allergies are bad this morning! Any chance for some pix?
  15. Shanti, sweetie, it doesn't make any sense to snub the Keeper of the Biskies and the Dispenser of the Supper!
  16. *looking worriedly at the clock* How is today going?
  17. Maybe this would be a good time to see the Loca-on-the-table picture(s)? You know, help focus the chant--not to mention giggle our heads off at the same time.
  18. Oh dear! Redoubling the good thoughts here.
  19. I just lit my candle for you, sweetie . . . . here's hoping you receive the I'm-hungry thoughts I'm sending.
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