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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. Nooooooooooooooooooooooo Words absolutely fail me, huge hugs to you.
  2. Corraling all the white light I can and sending it your way!
  3. So incredibly sad to read this--my condolences to her entire family (2-and 4-footeds). Special good thoughts to Andy who will need lots of support.
  4. *leads a conga line which is chanting "it's nothing, nothing, nothing"*
  5. Anybody up at 4:10 a.m. doesn't have to apologize for whining! Blu is adorable, btw.
  6. Sending good-rest-and-recover thoughts for Cougar.
  7. Caesar, this is the very beginning in feeling so much better. White light coming to all who are helping you.
  8. I can just *see* the sweet reunion at the Bridge of Meer and Jezebel (who is the image of my Angel Ashes, btw). Hugs to you--it hurts so much to do the right thing!
  9. Sending The Power of French Bread your way!
  10. Keep at it, sweetie . . . . it'll get easier and easier and tastier and tastier.
  11. Sending lots of "oh, that looks kinda nice; I think I'll take a nibble" thoughts.
  12. Patsy

    Angel In The Skies

    Send your mom some butterflies, Skye sweetie . . . . and then go back to enjoying your roach.
  13. Have a good night, all of you, and I hope tomorrow provides some answers.
  14. White light coming your way for a peaceful experience, fun on the way home, and perhaps an adult beverage for mom.
  15. I work on a college campus--I've seen that hairdo a lot this summer! Sweetie, don't you be giving your poor mama fits!
  16. Never ever too early to chant: *Darbee, fly thru tomorrow's surgery, recover easily and well, and breathe free*
  17. Do you suppose The Bridge has a plethora of way-too-small beds for Buycut's birthday enjoyment? Happy birthday, sweetie . . . . I never see a kitty bed but I think of you.
  18. *shudder* Please pick an available spot (tip of his nose?) and give him a gentle kiss for me.
  19. In a couple of hours Da Bones will be home . . . . sporting all 4 legs! What wonderful news. Good thoughts coming your way and I hope Mom had a good night's sleep.
  20. What a wonderful piece of needlework . . . . erm . . . . "staplework"??? Anyway, she looks great!
  21. What wonderful news! Perhaps he's earned himself an hour with Ned's pillow as a special treat??
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