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Everything posted by ZoomDoggy

  1. Rolex does look a little POed about his bed. Congrats on your beautiful new girlie!
  2. Well today's Dazzle's first big test: her first whole work day alone in the house. She did very well for the several "alone tests" we did over the weekend, so I feel optimistic that the house will be unharmed when I return home. She and Tip are both muzzled and allowed free access to the main floor, while the cats are shut away upstairs. We're still working on getting Dazzle to be less interested in Zorba (and prolly will be working on that for some time).
  3. Bad morning. It's been four weeks today since I had to let my little Marla go. When I got dressed today, I pulled a sweater out of the cedar chest and didn't realize until I got to work that it was the sweater I wore when I took Marla to the vet the day she died. I hadn't washed it since then, and there are still a few little black-velvet hairs embedded in the knit. I miss my little wipey-face who loved having her eyeballs rubbed. My soft soft sweet little girlie with the dainty little paws...
  4. Day two, and Dazzling is doing very well. She does have more interest in one of our cats than I'm comfortable with, so that will take some work. And she is VERY interested in the neighborhood squirrel population on our walks. She was alone for three hours yesterday, muzzled and with the cats shut away on a different floor. I came home and crept around to a window where I could see the dog beds. Both Tip and Dazzle were nestled in, sleeping peacefully. All in all she's a good girl. Just may take a little more work than I am accustomed to.
  5. Oh... oh poor baby! I wish I had good advice for you... How is her overall health? Is the anesthesia risk worth the additional surgery? If she has good health otherwise, then perhaps yes...? I'm so sorry you and beautiful little Sprite are going through this.
  6. Took this one just now... "Are you my new Mommy?"
  7. Believe me, hubby wouldn't reject Jet, despite his moratorium on dog adoptions for the rest of '07.
  8. You have impressive willpower. No way I'd be able to wait.
  9. What's rather funny is that I've had four greyhounds, but Dazzling is my first who is a fresh retiree. All my others have been bounces, so some of this "newness" is a little new to me. Last night Dazzle bumped her muzzle a few times into the glass front of a curio cabinet, wondering why her head stopped at the glass. Can't wait to see what she thinks when she notices the aquarium...
  10. Forgot to add, this is a pic from our first meeting with Dazzling almost two weeks ago. Hubby was immediately in love.
  11. She has a jingle-free ID collar on order in basic black. Goes with everything.
  12. Last night we brought home a beautiful little red fawn girlie as a new companion for our Tipper. She will be four years old on December 27th. After an uneventful introduction (Tipper sniffed her for about 30 seconds, then wandered off to pee on my garden ), we came indoors, and this first pic illustrates why I was unable to post these pics last night. Dazzle's curiosity was very piqued by our cats, Sid and Zorba. We spent the first couple hours leashed and muzzled, graduating to just muzzled by bedtime. She's not cat-aggressive, but cat-curious. This has already improved greatly in the last 12 hours, helped by the fact my cats are not intimidated at all. Dazzle did very well her first night, only paced a little bit, only startled at one of the cats once. Stairs are still very novel to her (she was fostered 2 1/2 weeks in a home with few stairs), but she has already willingly gone down them twice. Up is scarier. Sorry about the glow-eyes, but here you can see our pixie-girl could use a few sandwiches. We'll get weight on her in no time I tink, based on her eagerness at mealtimes. Now if only she'll drink some water... She appears to thoroughly understand the purpose of the dog beds, no tutoring required. I've taken the day off work so I can help her settle in, but she seems surprisingly content already. She's relaxing in her bed right behind my office chair, and has already briefly toyed with a stuffie. I think she'll fit in juuuuust fine.
  13. Neck: 16.5" Chest: 29.5" Back (from neck to tail): 28.5" Between ears: 4.5" Did I miss any? My boy is very gentle on his stuffies, likes to collect them more than actually play with them. So as a result, he has many many stuffie toys in good shape, but is always happy to add to his collection. Tipper likes to think he doesn't truly even need to poop in wintertime. He'll hold it until spring, thankyou. He's not a big snow-romper unless we have guest doggies who inspire him to play. He prefers to cuddle up by the fire... but might not mind some cozy PJs for when the fire goes out... Tipper is confident in his manliness, and can pull off manly necklaces with panache. We like anything that draws M&G attention, as he is an old pro ambassador at our local Petco. Tipper hands out tail wags and kisses with wild abandon... And he likes snacks of any variety, but doesn't tolerate raw food/bones or rawhide well at all. Awww... I'm a fairly low-maintenance girl. Not big on spa-type luxuries or scented things. I like jewelry, but have more than I really wear already. I am an adventurous person though, and love to try/see/eat/have novel things, especially things I might not be able to find locally. And I have no allergies. I also like little useful things, like cards, notepads... But when it comes down to it, this is really for my Tipper, who deserves a little spoiling after this very sad year. I hope I've helped clarify things for poor busy Santa... Thank you elfie!
  14. Awww... I'll start with the easiest part: Photos! This was almost five years ago, Tipper's first week with us. This was this past summer, with a few more years' worth of salt in his pepper: Cuddling his bear: A dip on a hot summer day... On the beach at Madeline Island: Tipper misses his sweet housemates, whom we lost recently, but is looking forward to his new housemate arriving today!
  15. Melatonin may be helpful in relaxing Charlie enough to get some decent rest. As for the injury, wait and see what the xrays reveal. A disc problem should be very evident if that's what it is. Inflammation itself does nothing to heal an injury, so inflammation-reducer meds will not delay any healing. They would only serve to ease discomfort, which is obviously a good thing. If it turns out that nothing is revealed on the xrays, it could be as you suspect- a soft tissue or nerve injury. If that's the case, maybe consider acupuncture as another method of pain relief... Good luck.
  16. I thought abscessed tooth also... Hope it's nothing too serious...
  17. Yowtch! That looks like a flap of skin that ought to be stitched. Definitely do not let her lick it anymore, She'll only make it worse.
  18. Oh she's gorgeous! Welcome to Greytalk!
  19. Oh Trudy, I'm sorry you still have no answers. I will say that Chancy's abdomen looked very much like Ryan's when her spleen was very enlarged. We never found the root cause of her illness either. Poor guy, I hope you all can find some relief soon.
  20. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I cannot say thank you enough to all the wonderful people who have been moved by my beautiful little Marla to say such kind things. We still miss our little velvet-girl every day. We still miss Chancy and Sissy every day. That never goes away, as many of you know. But it does become more bearable over time. We are looking to adopt another little girlie very soon. I know some folks may see that as odd or "too soon," but it feels right to us. It feels right for Tipper to have a companion. It feels right to have another happy little face to greet us in the mornings or at the door when we come home. And I believe Marla would approve of our choice. She was never a possessive girlie. And I feel we all could use a little happiness right about now.
  21. Oh no, poor poor Ryan! Please keep us posted.
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